European Film Awards: The gloriously eccentric Euro-OscarsThe big winner, Cold War, will barely scrape an Academy Award nominationMon Dec 17 2018 - 10:10
‘Cold War’ the big winner at European Film AwardsNora Twomey’s ‘The Breadwinner’ misses out on animated feature gong in SevilleSat Dec 15 2018 - 22:55
Six of the best films to see at the cinema this weekendNew this week: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse, Free Solo, Keepers of the Flame, Dead SoulsFri Dec 14 2018 - 06:00
The movie quiz: What film leads the Golden Globe nominations?Also: Which character has appeared in all of the Star Wars moviesFri Dec 14 2018 - 05:55
Aquaman star Patrick Wilson: ‘To talk about your own looks is a weird thing’The actor on moving from musicals to movies, #MeToo and the perils of being a good looking guyFri Dec 14 2018 - 05:30
‘As Shane MacGowan almost said: Would everyone please calm down?’A recent statement from MacGowan addressed the annual controversy concerning that gay slur in that Christmas song with great reasonablenessFri Dec 14 2018 - 05:00
Keepers of the Flame: An education in revolutionary IrelandWith tricky commemorations ahead, Nuala O’Connor’s documentary is nicely measuredFri Dec 14 2018 - 05:00
The House that Jack Built: Lars von Trier delights in sadism for sadism’s sakeReview: The director embraces all his worst instincts in this horrible filmFri Dec 14 2018 - 05:00
Latest movies reviewed: All films in cinemas this week ratedThe Irish Times what-to-see guide to the movies now in cinemas across IrelandFri Dec 14 2018 - 04:00
Aquaman: Finally a superhero with the looks and attitude of a forgiving bouncerReview: Aquaman begins with a carefree abandon, but then it goes a bit wateryWed Dec 12 2018 - 15:35
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – A brilliant web of thrilling inventionReview: Soul, sincerity and invention join to pack a punch in this candy-charged cartoonTue Dec 11 2018 - 06:00
The 50 best films of 2018Year in Culture Review: From Lady Bird to A Star is Born, here are our films of the yearMon Dec 10 2018 - 06:00
Andy Serkis revives Gollum to ridicule Theresa May’s Brexit dealNice Gollum argues for a People’s Vote. Cruel Gollum rants about “blue passportses”Mon Dec 10 2018 - 01:30
Six of the best films to see at the cinema this weekendNew this week: The Old Man & the Gun, Sorry to Bother You, RomaFri Dec 07 2018 - 06:00
Lars Von Trier: ‘I am disappointed only 100 people vomited’The arch provocateur on his divisive film The House that Jack Built, misogyny and BjörkFri Dec 07 2018 - 05:45
The movie quiz: How many English-born actors played James Bond?Also: Marvel movie without a sequel, songs at the Oscars and Jane Austen adaptationsFri Dec 07 2018 - 05:30
Roma: Alfonso Cuarón’s heart-wrenching, nostalgic masterpieceReview: Social observations, humour and some of recent cinema’s most emotional scenesFri Dec 07 2018 - 05:15
Donald Clarke: The tills are alive with the sound of musicalsSuccess of ‘Mamma Mia’ and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ has studios trawling the vinyl vaultsFri Dec 07 2018 - 05:00
Latest movies reviewed: All films in cinemas this week ratedThe Irish Times what-to-see guide to the movies now in cinemas across IrelandFri Dec 07 2018 - 04:00
Golden Globes: Five nominations for ‘The Favourite’, one for Caitriona BalfeIrish-produced film ranks second only to ‘Vice’. Monaghan actor gets a fourth nodThu Dec 06 2018 - 14:13
The Belly of the Whale: A Donegal film with an accent problemReview: The actors do their jobs. The camerawork is suitably grimy. It’s not enoughThu Dec 06 2018 - 06:00
The Old Man and the Gun: Robert Redford’s almost perfect swansongReview: David Lowery’s film works its magic by treating its elder characters with respectWed Dec 05 2018 - 14:25
ESB unveils treasure throve of previously unseen films from the pastFootage released to celebrate the 90th anniversary of ESBFri Nov 30 2018 - 14:12
Six of the best films to see at the cinema this weekendNew this week: Creed II, Disobedience, Three Identical Strangers, The Wild Pear TreeFri Nov 30 2018 - 06:00
The movie quiz: Best picture Oscar winners with more than one sequel?Also: Nicolas Roeg's locations, a tricky Harry Potter question and bands inspired by moviesFri Nov 30 2018 - 05:55
The Wild Pear Tree: A Turkish delight from the great CeylanReview: The director’s latest lengthy musing generates fascinating conversationsFri Nov 30 2018 - 05:00
Margaret Thatcher on the new £50 note? Time for some Irish banknote nostalgiaThe former British PM may be a woman of note, but putting her face on one is asking for troubleFri Nov 30 2018 - 05:00
Almost every film in cinemas this week, reviewed and ratedThe Irish Times what-to-see guide to the movies now in cinemas across IrelandFri Nov 30 2018 - 00:00
Five Irish films to premiere at Sundance Film FestivalIrish film-makers bring comedy, horror and documentary to Utah festivalThu Nov 29 2018 - 10:00
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Top-notch gags, no plotReview: A persistent kowtowing to corporate interests flattens this family filmThu Nov 29 2018 - 06:00
Creed II: Little else this season has been so entertainingReview: The Rocky films have moved on, and the acting has never been better in the seriesWed Nov 28 2018 - 11:57
There’s an eight-hour movie coming to the Irish Film Institute‘Dead Souls’ will be screened over two days. Can something that long be called a ‘movie’?Wed Nov 28 2018 - 06:00
Sarah Silverman: You can't swear in front of a child but there are school shootingsThe actor and comedian tells unpleasant truths in profane language – and gets huge respectWed Nov 28 2018 - 05:00
It ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how many ‘Rocky’ movies you can take‘Creed II’ is No 8 in the Stallone franchise. We salute its refusal to throw in the towelMon Nov 26 2018 - 09:57
Bertolucci’s legacy marred by ugly stories about ‘Last Tango’Oscar winner Bernardo Bertolucci was one of Italy's great post-war directorsMon Nov 26 2018 - 09:39
Nicolas Roeg: the director who took the familiar and made it strangeFew directors have made so many films that touch on the status of masterpieceSat Nov 24 2018 - 17:34
The Camino Voyage: Glen Hansard and crew row, row, row their boatReview: This documentary follows an unlikely journey across treacherous seasFri Nov 23 2018 - 14:41
Six of the best films to see at the cinema this weekendNew this week: Assassination Nation, Shoplifters, The Girl in the Spider’s Web and The Camino VoyageFri Nov 23 2018 - 06:00
The movie quiz: Which is not a real job on a film set?Also: a horror classic director, Keanu Reeves’s birthplace and a question about timeFri Nov 23 2018 - 05:55
Christmas ads: Instilling the festive spirit (greed, avariciousness, gluttony)Donald Clarke: There’s a reason advertising executives have second homes in TuscanyFri Nov 23 2018 - 05:45
Shoplifters: A Japanese masterpiece that creeps up on youReview: A family of petty thieves take a cold and hungry girl into their careFri Nov 23 2018 - 05:00
Assassination Nation: A frantic orgy of satirical violenceReview: Plenty of films try to deconstruct the online life but few have dug as deeply as thisThu Nov 22 2018 - 15:30
Robin Hood: Idiotic film can’t even get its absurdities rightReview: The clothes are bizarre, the accents are all over the place, and the hero’s a bit oddTue Nov 20 2018 - 14:57
Blame ‘Game of Thrones’ for the useless new Robin Hood movieThere are up to nine projects on the boil about the outlaw nobody cares about any moreTue Nov 20 2018 - 06:00
Who is the best cinema Santa Claus of them all?There has been a stunning variety of screen Santas. But one outshines them allMon Nov 19 2018 - 10:46
William Goldman, screenwriter who insisted ‘Nobody knows anything’ dies at 87Oscar-winning writer of ‘All the Presidents’ Men’ coined the phrase ‘Follow the money’Fri Nov 16 2018 - 16:30
Six of the best films to see this weekendNew this week: 9 to 5 rereleased and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs from the Coen brothers airs on NetflixFri Nov 16 2018 - 06:00
The movie quiz: Who has not directed Meryl Streep to an Oscar?Also: Keeping company with Marlon and Marilyn, directing Meryl and BrendanFri Nov 16 2018 - 05:55
Glen Hansard: ‘I have regrets about Apollo House’The Frames frontman is in danger of becoming an elder statesmanFri Nov 16 2018 - 05:00
All hail Stan Lee, master of the Marvel UniverseBeing a disciple of Marvel comics in their golden years was like belonging to a cultFri Nov 16 2018 - 05:00