Residents get leave to challenge permission for St Anne’s Park flats developmentDisputed Bord Pleanála permission is expected to be overturnedFri May 29 2020 - 15:41
Row over ownership of Fota Island resort comes before High CourtAction taken by Chinese businessman who bought the Cork resort in 2013Thu May 28 2020 - 18:59
Manager denies any wrongdoing over confidential company dataWoman suspended over alleged forwarding of confidential information to personal email addressThu May 28 2020 - 16:33
Woman forced to stay in psychiatric unit due to nursing home uncertaintyJudge seeks clarity on admissions during pandemic after 15 facilities unable to accept womanThu May 28 2020 - 15:48
Judge rules property fund to pay costs of dispute over warehouse accessCase concerned access to property on Long Mile RoadWed May 27 2020 - 17:02
Goodman company gets €19m judgment against Blackrock Clinic founderJudge dismisses range of claims from Dr Joseph SheehanWed May 27 2020 - 15:47
Electrical contractors fear closure under new pay lawChallenge being brought against Labour Court recommendationTue May 26 2020 - 18:00
Investor alleges fraud over collapse in property fund valueImvestor sues Bank of Scotland and Friends First Life AssuranceTue May 26 2020 - 17:29
Mother may seek orders ending life of daughter in vegetative stateWoman, who is in her late 20s, suffered cardiac arrests almost 10 years agoTue May 26 2020 - 15:00
McKillen companies get court order on size of basementsDublin City Council policy ‘in excess of its powers and erred in law’Tue May 26 2020 - 13:45
Fruit and vegetable firm obtains interim court orders against technical managerCompany alleges she forwarded confidential company information to her personal emailMon May 25 2020 - 19:16
Ryanair goes to court over conduct of social welfare appealAirline claims it was refused leave by appeals commissioner to cross examine witnessesMon May 25 2020 - 17:29
Unidentified man has been in Irish psychiatric hospital for 30 yearsEfforts to establish John Doe’s true identity or find next of kin have failed, court hearsMon May 25 2020 - 12:54
Woman threatened she would procure Covid-19 infection, High Court toldMedium secure care unit needed but such units unwilling to take her, court toldFri May 22 2020 - 17:21
Family of murder victim fail to get inquiry into ‘inexcusable’ Garda investigationSéamus Ludlow (47) was shot after leaving a bar in Dundalk in 1976Fri May 22 2020 - 16:03
Elderly priest made subject of court orders over Covid-19 safety concernsThe priest, arising from his dementia, was not adhering to social distancing rules, the court heardThu May 21 2020 - 18:50
Initial payout of €2.1m for cerebral palsy boy who sued HSELegal action relates to birth St Munchin’s Regional Maternity Hospital in LimerickWed May 20 2020 - 22:07
No Covid-19 ban on meetings exceeding two hours, says health officialDeputy CMO says he is unaware of advice used by Oireachtas and now judiciary to limit sittingsWed May 20 2020 - 20:01
Court sittings to be limited to two hours daily on back of TDs’ moveNew social distancing advice is ‘bordering on bizarre’, says solicitors’ groupWed May 20 2020 - 17:24
Couple fail to overturn €1.36m judgment under loan guaranteeEvidence advanced by Martin and Pauline Shortt was insufficient, says Court of AppealWed May 20 2020 - 12:23
Court rules girl can be adopted without birth father being consultedFather removed as guardian after he sprained her arm and mother’s husband has applied to adoptTue May 19 2020 - 15:17
High Court directs suspension of doctorDoctor told Medical Council there was no problem with his work despite alleged failuresMon May 18 2020 - 20:15
High Court president expresses sympathy as 85 wards of court die since JanuaryMr Justice Peter Kelly notes twice the number of wards have died compared to same period last yearMon May 18 2020 - 15:51
Developer brothers settle High Court row over property empireGreg Kavanagh sued over allegedly removing his brother Hugh as director of 19 companiesMon May 18 2020 - 13:50
Judge refuses to permit Bord Pleanála bringing appeal over court decisionsBoard wanted an appeal concerning extent of court’s jurisdiction to consider and analyse board’s decisionsFri May 15 2020 - 20:00
Court order permits hospital not to resuscitate brain-injured womanHospital’s treatment plan involved what was ‘likely to be end of life care’, court toldFri May 15 2020 - 19:50 parent has examiner appointed on petition of creditorBPC cities click farm fiasco as well as default on loan payments and concern about financial management of businessFri May 15 2020 - 17:16
Supreme Court to hear claim by ill Romanian man for disability allowanceMan is challenging refusal to pay him disability benefit since he returned to RomaniaFri May 15 2020 - 12:13
Solicitors’ insurer can pursue €4.9m judgment against BloxhamJudgment alledgedly outstanding under 2011 agreement with stockbroking firmThu May 14 2020 - 13:16
Judge rejects man's plea for release from Central Mental HospitalThe man, diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, detained since early this yearWed May 13 2020 - 16:03
Developer Greg Kavanagh sued by brother in High CourtHugh Kavanagh claims he was removed as a director of 19 of the 20 defendant companiesTue May 12 2020 - 18:59
Mentally ill man loses case over refusal of conditional release after 14 yearsSupreme Court judge says the CMH is not a prison but rather a ‘designated centre’ under ActTue May 12 2020 - 18:28
Car park company appeals €1.7m VAT decisionLevy due on cars being de-clamped in private facilitiesTue May 12 2020 - 18:21
Owner of Christmas tree lands entitled to hearing over part of loan, High Court rulesAIB sought judgment for €210,000 over 2010 guaranteeTue May 12 2020 - 18:15
Kosovan man wins appeal over refusal of citizenship on basis of characterMan had been deemed not of ‘good character’ arising from road traffic offencesTue May 12 2020 - 16:42
Biker urges court to overturn conviction for murder of rival club memberAppeal raises important issues about scope of provocative defenceMon May 11 2020 - 17:13
Successor to President of the High Court must ‘drive reform’Speculation about who might step into retiring Mr Justice Peter Kelly’s shoes is rifeMon May 11 2020 - 01:40
Liquidator personally liable for bank’s costs in failed appealProceedings should have been brought in liquidator’s nameFri May 08 2020 - 16:12
Woman fails to get order restricting her child’s father bringing more applicationsOrder sought against background of 70 applications being brought by the couple between themFri May 08 2020 - 13:34
Customer can sue Eir over alleged breach of data obligations, High Court rulesJudge strikes out further claim by Michael Burke alleging he was defamed by Eir in an emailThu May 07 2020 - 17:38
Fund undertakes to allow furniture business to access Dublin warehouseBusiness had alleged unlawful eviction after it was unable to pay rentThu May 07 2020 - 16:40
Firm seeks identity of Twitter account holder sending ‘abusive’ tweets – courtTwitter said dispute was between Fastway Couriers and the account operatorThu May 07 2020 - 16:39
Woman who fell in Dunnes can keep €102,000 damagesCustomer (83) fell and fractured hip after stepping on a spillage in one of the aislesWed May 06 2020 - 16:19
Judge restrains father from contacting disabled son in foster careCourt heard the boy had access to his father in the past which had not proven successfulWed May 06 2020 - 14:29
Judge makes orders to protect business of man brain-injured after heart attackMan’s business, which employs a number of people, appeared to be run as a one-man operation, court toldTue May 05 2020 - 20:13
Stay put on order quashing permission for Cork wind farm schemeJudicial review sought over concerns about impact of proposed 11-turbine developmentTue May 05 2020 - 19:17
Court puts stay on order quashing permission for windfarm developmentStay applies until An Bord Pleanála has decided the developer’s application for a substitute planning consentTue May 05 2020 - 16:58
Bórd Pleanála seeks to bring appeal over court’s jurisdiction to analyse decisionsJudge had overturned board’s permission for construction of biogas plant in Co MeathFri May 01 2020 - 18:19
High Court orders hospital detention of man with dementiaMan faces risk of falls and there are concerns over how some of his adult children interact with him, court toldFri May 01 2020 - 13:09
Suspended solicitor seeks to halt inquiry into claims of professional misconductJudge grants Declan O’Callaghan’s counsel leave to bring judicial review proceedingsThu Apr 30 2020 - 21:55