Marie Farrell is ‘lynchpin’ of Ian Bailey’s case, court hearsCounsel argue jury should disbelieve claim garda stripped naked and asked for sexFri Mar 27 2015 - 13:43
Blaise O’Donnell tells bank’s legal team: ‘You watch yourself’Dr Mary Pat O’Donnell says ‘harassment and devastation’ was visited upon them by Bank of Ireland and solicitorsThu Mar 26 2015 - 18:22
€105,000 award to man assaulted leaving Dublin pubPolish national suffered fractured jaw and left with permanent damage to mouthThu Mar 26 2015 - 18:05
Former Repak chief executive received £1m unauthorised bonuses, court hearsAndrew Hetherington allegedly arranged payments through ‘falsification of a paper trail’Wed Mar 25 2015 - 18:57
Closing arguments in Ian Bailey case to start on FridayEvidence in long-running civil action case concluded earlier this monthWed Mar 25 2015 - 17:12
Trafficking victim claims rights breached in direct provisionHigh Court told conditions experienced by woman and Irish born child give rise to ‘anguish’Tue Mar 24 2015 - 14:06
Ian Bailey case delayed until Thursday due to legal issuesJury should be sent out by next week in case that heard from some 90 witnessesTue Mar 24 2015 - 13:24
AIB obtains €9.3 million orders against Galway businessmenCourt rules in favour of bank for borrowings by Tom and John NestorTue Mar 24 2015 - 07:37
Receivers dispute claim investor firm owed €9 millionDavy Target Investments’ claims concern distribution of rent moniesMon Mar 23 2015 - 18:18
High court halts legal action over food industry standards schemeJudge says claim is ‘impossibly broad’Fri Mar 20 2015 - 14:15
Dublin couple lose appeal against €4 million Bank of Scotland debtMcLaughlins claimed bank not entitled to recover unpaid property development loansThu Mar 19 2015 - 19:30
Grandmother cannot live in Ireland with family, court rulesDeportation order means she cannot return from Nigeria to visit her only relativesThu Mar 19 2015 - 16:09
School and Traveller boy to pay own costs after enrolment caseSupreme Court recently said insufficient evidence to say admission policy discriminatoryThu Mar 19 2015 - 15:42
Dublin man refused rent supplement says decision ‘Kafkaesque’It is impossible to rent in inner-city Dublin for less than €450 a month, court is toldMon Mar 16 2015 - 16:47
High Court judge rules 18 people bankruptMan with debts of €400,000, mostly to Revenue, tells court he wants matter ‘over with’Mon Mar 16 2015 - 15:58
Evidence in Bailey civil case concludesMore than 90 witnesses heard in action against Garda Commissioner and StateSat Mar 14 2015 - 01:00
Waste driver loses challenge to rejection of pay complaintPatrick Mulholland alleged drivers directly employed by Greenstar paid more than agency staffFri Mar 13 2015 - 16:47
Evidence concludes in Ian Bailey case at High CourtJury will hear closing speeches on March 24th followed by charge from judgeFri Mar 13 2015 - 14:18
Bank met terms for injunction, says judgeCourt rules Brian and Mary O’Donnell are trespassing on former home in KillineyFri Mar 13 2015 - 10:10
Woman settles action over alleged injury to unborn childHigh Court had heard claims child born with cerebral palsy following Tallaght collisionThu Mar 12 2015 - 21:32
Chief superintendent ‘very perturbed’ by DPP correspondence concerning Bailey caseEvidence in case may conclude on Friday after which it will adjourn for a week to resume from March 23rdThu Mar 12 2015 - 18:18
Judge says he was obliged to free water protestorsMr Justice Nicholas Kearns says he was ‘most unhappy at the idea of a procedural technicality trumping substantive justice’Thu Mar 12 2015 - 13:30
NRA sued over contract being awarded to rival consortiumJoint venture group claims commercially sensitive information released to competitor by National Roads AuthorityWed Mar 11 2015 - 16:17
Ian Bailey case adjourned due to unavailability of jurorLong-running case expected to finally conclude in early AprilWed Mar 11 2015 - 11:56
Ian Bailey did not appear ‘very troubled” on Christmas Day 1996, High Court toldFlorence Newman said she ‘got a fright’ when she saw scratches ‘like squiggles’ on Mr Bailey’s right handTue Mar 10 2015 - 18:41
Garda denies there was process to ‘blacken’ Ian BaileyOfficer asked about conversation in patrol carTue Mar 10 2015 - 13:30
Judge releases four anti-water charges protestersApplause in court after four protesters immediately freedMon Mar 09 2015 - 20:31
Court told Ian Bailey said: ‘I did it, I did it’ and ‘I went too far’Richard Shelley says Bailey cried and put his arms around himFri Mar 06 2015 - 20:19
Ian Bailey regarded as suspect within days of murder, jury toldRetired Garda did not recall suspecting anyone else in Sophie Toscan du Plantier caseThu Mar 05 2015 - 13:57
Garda denies putting the ‘frighteners’ on Bailey informantMarie Farrell’s statements voluntary, former detective insistsWed Mar 04 2015 - 17:34
Judge urges insurer Zurich to reconsider heart patient’s caseJudge says law obliged him to strike out case but he had ‘considerable sympathy’ for applicantWed Mar 04 2015 - 16:29
Bailey case: Garda denies exposing himself to Marie FarrellRetired officer Maurice Walsh says no truth to ‘deeply upsetting’ and ‘revolting’ claimTue Mar 03 2015 - 18:16
Marie Farrell alleged she was harassed by Ian Bailey, court hearsFormer inspector says he met pair on number of occasions over claimsTue Mar 03 2015 - 13:34
Priest seeks to halt trial on indecent assault chargesCleric is accused of abusing 14 boys at a Munster secondary schoolMon Mar 02 2015 - 15:07
Lawyers’ fees must reflect economy, says president of High CourtMr Justice Nicholas Kearns said fees should reflect the impact of the downturnSat Feb 28 2015 - 01:15
President of High Court queries ‘comfortable assumptions’ on legal feesMr Justice Nicholas Kearns made remarks in significant decision on fees claimed in medical negligence caseFri Feb 27 2015 - 23:13
Creditor gets interim charge order on John Sheehan interest in Galway ClinicTalos concern at losing out on €2.78m judgment against Blackrock Clinic shareholderFri Feb 27 2015 - 18:20
Quinn family action on €2.34bn Anglo loans put backCommercial Court rules it would be ‘too dangerous’ to proceed with original trial date as it clashes with criminal prosecution of former Anglo chairman Sean FitzpatrickFri Feb 27 2015 - 13:09
Farmer’s ex-wife to get €900,000 in asset-division rulingWoman to get funds in lump sum after ex-husband disputed valuation figuresThu Feb 26 2015 - 19:43
Brothers lose action to stop receivers selling assetsAllied Irish Banks obtained €17.6m judgment against Paul and Gerard DormerThu Feb 26 2015 - 18:17
Monica Leech and Independent Newspapers reach agreementAgreement noted on legal costs of two libel actionsThu Feb 26 2015 - 17:58
Young girl to receive €3.9m as settlement of action against RotundaCaoimhe Flood received settlement without admission of liabilityThu Feb 26 2015 - 17:38
Family of Seán Quinn appeal against second deferral of actionCriminal proceedings against former Anglo chairman Seán Fitzpatrick due to open a day before Quinn family’s civil actionThu Feb 26 2015 - 16:00
High Court order allows tube feeding against will of woman with anorexiaCondition of woman with BMI of less than 12 ‘deeply worrying’, says judgeWed Feb 25 2015 - 18:15
Detective Garda denies ‘scratching around’ for evidence against Ian BaileyDenied he was at ‘forefront’ of efforts to ensure Mr Bailey was charged with murderWed Feb 25 2015 - 16:47
Ian Bailey case: ex-garda denies ‘fixing things up’ for witnessJim Fitzgerald denies Marie Farrell told description didn’t fit Bailey and should be ‘tidied up’Tue Feb 24 2015 - 18:24
Bank seeks €1.51m orders over loans to healthcare firmBoI moves against ex-CEO of operator of St Francis private hospital in MullingarMon Feb 23 2015 - 19:26
AIB secures judgments against couple owing €4.3m from mortgagesProperties used as security against loans in 2006 and 2009 which bank called in, in 2014Mon Feb 23 2015 - 19:25
DPP seeks deferral of Quinn family actionSeán Quinn’s family deny liability for some €2.34 billion loans advanced by the former Anglo Irish Bank to Quinn companiesMon Feb 23 2015 - 19:13
Ian Bailey case: Garda denies ‘pre-dating’ statementsCourt hears from retired detective involved in investigation of Toscan du Plantier murderFri Feb 20 2015 - 18:03