Carrickmines work order struck down as unconstitutionalThe High Court yesterday overturned the Minister for the Environment's approval of works involving the destruction or removal…Fri Jan 30 2004 - 00:00
Council agrees not to interfere with castle siteDun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has undertaken before the Supreme Court to halt any works that may adversely affect a national…Thu Jan 29 2004 - 00:00
Miscarriage of justice cert not to be contestedIt is believed the Director of Public Prosecutions will not contest an application by a former nun, Ms Nora Wall, for a certificate…Thu Jan 29 2004 - 00:00
CAB abused powers in tax claims, court toldThe Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) abused its powers in bringing tax proceedings against Belfast prison escaper Anthony Sloan in…Thu Jan 29 2004 - 00:00
Supreme Court to hear Gilligan plea on points of lawConvicted drug dealer John Gilligan has secured another chance to overturn his conviction after the Court of Criminal Appeal …Wed Jan 28 2004 - 00:00
Court allows Carrickmines works appealIn a significant decision yesterday, the Supreme Court unanimously found that a Co Kerry man had established a "substantial" …Wed Jan 28 2004 - 00:00
Killer allowed to challenge life sentenceA man jailed for life for the murder of a young woman in Cork city has secured leave from the High Court to bring a constitutional…Tue Jan 27 2004 - 00:00
Decision later on Miss Ireland name caseThe High Court has reserved judgment on an application by Miss World Ltd and two Dublin businesswomen for an order to prevent…Sat Jan 24 2004 - 00:00
New immigration law unconstitutionalIn a decision with major implications for police control of the movements of non-nationals, the High Court has declared unconstitutional…Fri Jan 23 2004 - 00:00
Charge for domestic waste is deemed to be lawfulThe imposition by Dublin City Council of a fixed charge for the collection of domestic waste is lawful and not in breach of the…Thu Jan 22 2004 - 00:00
Coman's pub family to take dispute to courtA legal battle is looming in the High Court between an elderly couple and five of their sons in relation to the family pub and…Wed Jan 21 2004 - 00:00
Tribunal to seek orders which could force Lawlor to sell homeA High Court judge's decision has cleared the way for the planning tribunal to take legal proceedings which could lead to the…Wed Jan 14 2004 - 00:00
High Court upholds judgment on Christian Brothers' challengeThe High Court has upheld the constitutionality of provisions of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000 on the right…Tue Jan 13 2004 - 00:00
Rules on election 'assentors' upheld Judge rejects challenge of unconstitutionality brought by three non-party aspirantsThe High Court has found that new electoral regulations requiring non-party candidates contesting general elections to each have…Sat Dec 20 2003 - 00:00
Claimants may pay for exaggerating injuriesA Supreme Court decision yesterday has signalled that persons who exaggerate their claims in personal injuries actions may not…Fri Dec 19 2003 - 00:00
Vintners settle in price-fixing actionLegal proceedings by the Competition Authority against the Licensed Vintners' Association over alleged price fixing of alcoholic…Fri Dec 19 2003 - 00:00
Court action on castle workClaiming that the National Monuments Act is being breached, a businessman has begun High Court proceedings concerning works being…Fri Dec 19 2003 - 00:00
Ruling against judge in images actionA Circuit Court judge, Mr Brian Curtin, charged with possessing child pornography, has been refused leave by the High Court to…Fri Dec 19 2003 - 00:00
Polygamous man seeks entry visa for second wifeA polygamous Lebanese army officer has taken a legal challenge against a decision preventing him from having both his wives and…Thu Dec 18 2003 - 00:00
Court refuses to jail newspaper editor in alleged contempt caseThe High Court yesterday refused an application by the DPP to imprison Mr Vincent Doyle, editor of the Irish Independent, and…Tue Dec 16 2003 - 00:00
Firms to challenge overtime pay rulesNineteen contract cleaning companies have taken High Court proceedings challenging new regulations providing for the payment …Tue Dec 16 2003 - 00:00
Youth in 'mortal danger', court hearsA youth with a history of heroin addiction and no family supports was "in mortal danger" but the South Western Area Health Board…Fri Dec 12 2003 - 00:00
Appeal court orders retrial of man convicted of raping his daughterA Dublin man has won his appeal against his conviction and six-year sentence for the rape, attempted rape and indecent assault…Thu Dec 11 2003 - 00:00
Two appeal refusal for early release under AgreementTwo men jailed in connection with a robbery at Adare, Co Limerick, in 1996 in which Det Garda Jerry McCabe was killed, have appealed…Wed Dec 10 2003 - 00:00
High Court dismisses Sinnott's petitionThe High Court yesterday dismissed a petition by disability campaigner Ms Kathy Sinnott aimed at overturning the May 2002 general…Tue Dec 02 2003 - 00:00
Judge to rule on Martin election case on MondayThe High Court will rule on Monday whether the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, spent beyond his permitted statutory limit of €…Sat Nov 29 2003 - 00:00
Court told Martin did not overspendCounsel for the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, has urged the High Court not to make an "extraordinary intervention" in the electoral…Fri Nov 28 2003 - 00:00
Court told of poll spending changesUp to 90 per cent of candidates in the 2002 general election had to make alterations in their spending returns to conform to …Thu Nov 27 2003 - 00:00
Court told of written election spending limitLegislation governing the spending of candidates in the May 2002 general election required candidates to state in writing what…Wed Nov 26 2003 - 00:00
Martin says he had arrangement on poll spendingThe Minister for Health, Mr Micheál Martin, told the High Court yesterday that the 2002 general election was the first to be …Sat Nov 22 2003 - 00:00
Martin to defend election costs chargeThe Minister for Health, Mr Martin, is expected to give evidence in the High Court today opposing a petition by the defeated …Fri Nov 21 2003 - 00:00
Sinnott challenges poll result in Minister's constituencyThe High Court challenge to the result of the 2002 general election result by disability campaigner Ms Kathy Sinnott started …Wed Nov 19 2003 - 00:00
Director disqualified for 10 yearsOne of two company directors declared by the High Court to have knowingly carried on the business of their bonded warehousing…Tue Nov 18 2003 - 00:00
Appeal against conviction for murder rejectedThe Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday praised the "excellent police work" which led to the conviction of a Limerick man for …Sat Nov 15 2003 - 00:00
Ex-nun cleared of rape in new court hearingAn application by a former nun, Ms Nora Wall, for a certificate declaring a miscarriage of justice arising from her quashed conviction…Fri Nov 14 2003 - 00:00
Gilligan sentence reduced to 20 yearsThe Court of Criminal Appeal has reduced from 28 to 20 years a sentence imposed on John Gilligan for having cannabis resin for…Thu Nov 13 2003 - 00:00
Challenge over intoximeter dismissedThe High Court has dismissed a claim by seven people that their right to a fair trial on drink- driving charges was prejudiced…Sat Nov 08 2003 - 00:00
Traveller family 'entitled' to accommodationA Traveller couple and their three small children who are living in a caravan in a field in Co Clare without water, electricity…Fri Nov 07 2003 - 00:00
Woman claims she was made pregnant by father at 11 yearsA woman who alleges she was raped by her father when she was 11 years old was psychologically unable to report the abuse for …Fri Nov 07 2003 - 00:00
Boards have no home birth obligationsIn a decision appearing to bring to a close the long-running legal controversy over home birth services, the Supreme Court has…Thu Nov 06 2003 - 00:00
Court reserves judgment on Gilligan appealThe Court of Criminal Appeal today reserved judgment on an appeal byDubliner John Gilligan against his 28-year sentence for drug…Tue Nov 04 2003 - 00:00
Retired professor challenges vaccination trials inquiryA Government-ordered inquiry into the conduct in the 1960s of vaccination trials on children in institutions run by religious…Tue Nov 04 2003 - 00:00
Rapist has life term reduced to 10 yearsA life sentence imposed on a Dublin man for the rape of his teenage nephew has been cut to 10 years by the Court of Criminal …Sat Nov 01 2003 - 00:00
Parents face bill of €600,000The parents of a profoundly brain-damaged and wheel-chair bound girl are facing an estimated legal bill of €600,000, following…Sat Nov 01 2003 - 00:00
Judge stresses role of search warrant rulesWhile dismissing a man's appeal against a 10-year sentence for drug offences, the Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday sent a strong…Fri Oct 31 2003 - 00:00
Court orders retrial in rape caseA man jailed for 7½ years for the rape of his wife's niece, then aged 15, had his conviction overturned at the Court of Criminal…Thu Oct 30 2003 - 00:00
Woman wins right to pursue Neary actionIn a decision with implications for several other actions initiated against Co Louth consultant obstetrician, Dr Michael Neary…Wed Oct 29 2003 - 00:00
Man wanted in Britain loses appeal for releaseAn Englishman wanted by the British authorities on charges alleging heroin smuggling and grievous bodily harm in 1995 and 1996…Sat Oct 25 2003 - 01:00
Court reserves judgment in home birth s challengeThe Supreme Court has reserved judgment on a challenge by four women to the refusal by a health board to provide them directly…Wed Oct 22 2003 - 01:00
Stay put on order to pay Howlin's costsThe Morris tribunal has been directed by the High Court to pay the costs of a successful challenge by Labour Party deputy, Mr…Tue Oct 21 2003 - 01:00