MusicLiszt: Von Der Wiege Bis Zum Grabe; Trois Odes Funèbres; Zwei Episoden Aus Lenaus FaustBy Michael Dervan
IrelandArchbishop welcomes school patronage forumBy Patsy McGarry and Religious Affairs Correspondent
IrelandCommission given information on US payment trackingBy Arthur Beesley and European Correspondent
IrelandAngry Japanese PM demands to know what is going onBy JONATHAN SOBLE and MICHIYO NAKAMOTO in Tokyo
IrelandUS, Britain and France prepare for air strikesBy NICHOLAS WATT in London and EWEN MacASKILL in Washington and IAN BLACK in Tripoli
TechnologyBig bang not a feature of SXSWi but gaming comes into its ownBy JIM CARROLL in Austin and Texas
IrelandMore clashes as banned Shia group leaders arrestedBy ROBIN WIGGLESWORTH and SIMEON KERR in Manama
Commercial PropertyHands-on role by Nama is causing delays, solicitor warnsBy Mark Hennessy and London Editor