Suk: Fantasy Op 24; Fairy Tale; Fantastic Scherzo

Michael Ludwig (violin), Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra/JoAnn Falletta Naxos 8.572323 ***

Michael Ludwig (violin), Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra/JoAnn Falletta Naxos 8.572323***

Josef Suk (1874-1935), composer and violinist (a member of the celebrated Bohemian Quartet), was also the son-in-law of Antonín Dvorak. His best-known orchestral work, the dark Asrael, was written in the wake of the loss within a 14-month period of his father-in-law and then his wife. The three works here are lighter and earlier. In fact, Dvorak described the utterly charming Fairy Taleof 1898, a suite extracted from incidental music for Josef Zeyer's play Radúz and Mahulena, as "music from heaven". Neither the Fantasy in G minor for violin and orchestra, or the Fantastic Scherzo, Op 25, are in quite the same league. JoAnn Falletta and her Buffalo players give attractive accounts of all three works.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor