Pop corner

Anyone know a good lawyer for Ailbhe Malone?

Anyone know a good lawyer for Ailbhe Malone?


Who Saysby Selena Gomez.

The new single from Justin Bieber’s gir . . . – hang on, in light of International Women’s Day last week, we will instead say “person in her own right” – Selena Gomez is a real corker. It’s obviously about staying true to oneself, and not letting anything get you down, but it’s also got a really sweet melody and manages to get its point across without sounding trite. Gold star for you, Gomez.


Rihanna has ruled out a Whitney-style acting career. “I hate it when singers do singing movies all the time, because you can never look at them as anybody else,” she said.

“I want to play a character. My whole life is playing Rihanna – being a singer won’t be a stretch for me. I like challenges, and being an actor is playing a role. Being able to step into somebody else’s shoes – that’s the excitement.” Considering her next role is in a live-action version of Battleship (yes, the game), we don’t think she’ll be stretching herself too far.

One of Pop Corner's favourite things is to find out what pop stars wanted to be when they were little, so we were delighted when Britney Spears revealed she wanted to work in law – before the mouse got his hands on her. Speaking to Outmagazine she said: "I was in seventh grade and it was career day, and I remember thinking that I wanted to be an entertainment lawyer. I always knew I would be in this business somehow. I think this path worked out way better."

Westlife have parted ways with Simon Cowell after 13 years together. Mark Westlife (brown hair, not Shane) tweeted: “We loverespect himthank him for his part in WL! Time for a new chapter. We are still very younghave lots of energy left in us so here’s 2 the future! New label, new lease of ‘life’!” New lease of life, eh? Does that mean no more stools?