Why I love … hiking in the Bluestack Mountains

These mini adventures bring with them both a sense of calm and a renewed energy

In the Bluestacks, each moment is magical

For me, hiking represents what life is all about. We all have mountains to climb. We need to work hard to get what we want. We need to put in time and effort. We need to plan. On the journey, however tired we may feel, we keep going step by step until we reach the top. When we reach the top, we’re not finished. We walk back down and plan our next amazing challenge.

I feel blessed to live in a magical location on the shores of Lough Eske and at the foot of the Bluestack Mountains. My Swiss-born husband, Marc, feels right at home in this picturesque place with its chocolate box beauty. We both share a love of hiking and there is nothing better than heading for the hills, armed with a delicious picnic and precious free time on our hands.

The essence of hiking is to leave behind the day-to-day details of hotel life (I am the MD of Harvey's Point) and reconnect with Mother Nature. Up in the mountains, the air is crisp and clean and noise is reduced to the distant sound of birdsong, the steady flow of a stream and the quiet thuds of our feet on the boggy ground. Sometimes there is a gentle breeze, sometimes it is pouring rain, and quite often, the midges join us along the way. It's all part of the experience.

Hiking in the Bluestack Mountains gives me the opportunity to take time out of my day to explore the incredible world around me, using only the power of my body, which in turn helps my mind and soul. These mini adventures bring with them both a sense of calm and a renewed energy. Each moment is magical. This is life. That’s why I love to hike.