What is neoliberalism - and is it over?

Listen | 53:25
An inked printing plate for a sheet of $5 notes on a press at the US treasury's bureau of engraving and printing in Washington, DC
Inside Politics: an inked printing plate for a sheet of $5 notes at the US treasury's bureau of engraving and printing in Washington, DC. Photograph: Eva Hambach/AFP via Getty

Neoliberalism transformed the world in the course of its late-20th-century heyday. But now the dominance of its economic model of the world, which has been mainly associated with reducing state intervention in commerce and society, is being challenged by different approaches, such as the authoritarian capitalism of China. In today’s episode of the Irish Times Inside Politics podcast, Gary Gerstle, emeritus professor of American history at the University of Cambridge, talks to Hugh Linehan about his new book, The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order, which looks at how neoliberalism took hold, how it shaped society in the United States and beyond, and what its decline means.