Nursing needs pathway to better future

Sir, – There has probably never before been a chance to make practical comparisons of differing healthcare systems in the face of an essentially uniform challenge. Covid-19 has generated astonishing amounts of observational data, on various patient groups, regions and countries. An unfortunate but perhaps insightful aspect of this research is that there is, in effect, no actual treatment for the infection. While steroids and oxygen may mitigate its gravest consequences, they are not antiviral drugs. In the absence of treatment, all that can be given is care, be it intensive or otherwise.

Seamus Cowman gives a refreshingly unpatronising account of the heroic contribution and sacrifice made by our country's nurses during this ongoing challenge ("Nurses have fulfilled the ideals of public service. Now we must listen", Opinion & Analysis, February 17th).

It is notable that many countries with significantly better rated systems of healthcare – France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, say – have not performed any better than Ireland has in the current pandemic. This has surprised many people even within the system, as the shortcomings of our hospitals have been so widely publicised for decades. It is to be hoped that the performance and commitment of our nurses will be rewarded through better working conditions and career structures as soon as is feasible. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.