Britney Spears – them and us

Sir, – Who is the "we" that Ed Power ("Framing Britney Spears takes a mirror and points it straight at the culprits: you and me", February 17th) refers to when he writes, "We were the ones who leered at Britney when she crashed the charts with the . . . Baby One More Time video in 1998. It was we who delighted in the stories of her impoverished upbringing as a Bible Belt 'hick'. And who couldn't get enough of her breakdowns, her head-shaving, her disastrous personal life"?

I, for one, have never leered at the lady in question. In fact, I have no interest in her at all. Nor does anybody I associate with.

I do wish people in the media would stop using the term “we”every time they make a pronouncement from on high.

Many of us have no time for celebrity culture and are guilty of nothing, unless ignoring these people is an offence. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 22.