Dublin Bus and ‘real-time’ updates

Sir, – Like Úna Crawford O'Brien (Letters, May, 13th), I also often wonder how 10 minutes can pass on my watch but "real time" stays magically suspended. I have come to a point where I have decided that these mishaps with "real time" are Dublin Bus's way of bringing some variance and occasional excitement to my commute, an additional service, so to speak.

My best advice is to always be armed with a book and look with joy as you pay your fare, as it is the only cost in our lives that has actually reduced. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.


Sir, – Having spent 37 years as an employee of CIÉ, I can’t help noticing how the language of complainants has changed. Úna Crawford O’Brien didn’t once use the words “disgraceful” or “scandalous”. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – I sympathise with Úna Crawford O’Brien. The disappearing buses are a recent widespread development, and certainly not limited to the 14 route or to Dame Street.

I’ve contacted Dublin Bus three times in the last 10 days to report this phenomenon. Their response was to undertake to “pass this on to the relevant department for their consideration”.

Displays no longer provide truly real-time information.

Are we back to the fiction of printed timetables, but in electronic form? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 12.