Nine Irish people still missing after tsunami

There are still nine Irish people missing following the Indian Ocean tsunami, the Department of Foreign Affairs said today.

There are still nine Irish people missing following the Indian Ocean tsunami, the Department of Foreign Affairs said today.

Of those nine, three are said to be "high-risk" cases, while the remaining six are in the "medium risk" category.

Most of those missing are understood to have been in Thailand when the tsunami struck on December 26th.

A Department spokeswoman said there were serious concerns for the safety of Ms Lucy Coyle, Killiney, Dublin; Mr Conor Keightley, Co Tyrone; and Mr Michael Murphy, Co Wexford.


The remains of the first confirmed Irish victim, Ms Eilís Finnegan, are due to be transported from Thailand to Ireland tomorrow.

Two Garda forensics expert flew to Thailand last night to help Department of Foreign Affairs officials and local authorities.

They brought DNA samples from relatives of Irish people who are believed to have perished. A Garda spokesman said the two detectives would stay for as long as necessary.

Around half a dozen Irish people are categorised as medium risk, down from 13 on Tuesday.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Ahern, travels to Brussels tomorrow to attend a meeting of European foreign affairs and development aid ministers. They will devise the EU's aid programme for the devastated region.

The Taoiseach said yesterday that the possibility of sending Mr Ahern, as well as a number of heads of Irish aid groups, to the affected area next week was under consideration. A decision is expected today.

A 24-hour counselling service for Irish people who survived or were bereaved by the disaster is being provided by the Health Services Executive. It may be reached on 1850-24 1850.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times