I came across this insect, about 3cm long, with a distinctive humming sound while airborne. It was not like any butterfly I've ever seen.
Patricia McNulty, Kilasser, Co Mayo
It was a hummingbird hawkmoth. Noreen Lyons of Portumna, Co Galway sent the photograph.
Holly (6) found yet another strange worm, also on the beach near Robswall. I looked online and I think it's a sea mouse. It has a lovely rainbow sheen.
Noeleen Smyth, Swords, Co Dublin

Yes, it is a sea mouse.
This creature, which I think is a spider, was on the wall outside our house.
Mary Anne Fermoy, Kilmovee, Co Mayo

It’s the cucumber green spider, one of the smallest of the orb web spiders.
I found this in my garden hanging on the fence next to the pond. I don't know why it's empty. Is it a cicada or a locust?
Linda Quinlan, Blackrock, Co Dublin

It’s the empty larva case of a dragonfly.
This wildflower was growing at the edge of the bog in Cloghane, Co Kerry.
Paul Johnston, Brandon, Co Kerry

Bogbean is a perennial that grows in bogs and fens.
Our dog pulled a ball of thorns from the hedge recently. We observed it for a while and gradually the thorns unfurled to reveal this lovely hedgehog. We returned him to the hedge and took the dog away.
The Kellys, Clontibret, Co Monaghan

Should these mating damselflies not be the same colour?
Barbara Browne, Knockmore, Co Mayo

The male common bluet has a pattern of sky blue and black; the females have black with either blue, green or brown markings.
This gorgeous little butterfly was resting on the wall of my house.
Geraldine Molloy, Achill, Co Mayo

It’s the common blue butterfly. When open its wings are blue.
[ viney@anu.ie ]