1 Didn’t lose the head (SAVED ONE’S NECK) with what aristocrat did to get away from Madame La Guillotine (SAVED ONE’S NECK),
10 A (A-) father (-PP-) gets to take one’s hat off to (to praise = -LAUD) (APPLAUD) show appreciation (APPLAUD),
11 In retrospect (= reversal indicator), Aidan (Aidan) isn’t finished (n) (‘Aidan’ without ‘n’ = aida = -ADIA) taking credit (cr = -RC-) for a (A-) (ARCADIA) pastoral setting (ARCADIA),
12 Feature film doesn’t include fateful (‘feature film’ doesn’t include ‘fateful’ = reim = EMIR) Arabian ruler (EMIR),
13 What the goalkeeper does (SAVES) for all sides today (‘save’ on all sides of today’s grid = SAVES),
15 Sting (BITE) playing up (= reverse indicator) in volatile Tibet (in ‘volatilE TIBet’ = etib = BITE),
17 Included in holidays (included in ‘holidays’ = LID) in Cork (cork = LID),
19 Young men (boys) lose the head (b) (‘boys’ without ‘b’ = OYS-) with condition (term) briefly (m) (‘term’ without ‘m’ = -TER) (OYSTER) of Pearl’s home (OYSTER),
21 Movie (movie = MOVE I-) playing (= anagram indicator) to close Horrorthon? (at end of ‘HorrorthoN’ = -N) (MOVE IN) Take Possession of the House! (MOVE IN),
22 Bantam (Bantam) knocked (= anagram indicator) (Bantam = B-ATMAN) around ring (-O-) (BOATMAN) by one of those earning a living in a crafty way? (BOATMAN),
23 Tickle someone pink (EXCITE) with final (= position indicator) quote (-CITE) from former partner (EX-) (EXCITE),
25 Caught (-C-) in Seine (Seine) swimming (= anagram indicator) (Seine = NIE-ES) (NIECES) with female members of family (NIECES),
27 Shark skin from basking shark (‘shark skin’ from ‘basking shark’ = bag = BAG) in a piece of luggage (BAG),
29 Is this the type of cover we all have (SKIN) at the end of 8 down? (‘saved one’s SKIN’ = SKIN),
30 Take the edge off (ALLAY) a (A-) large (-L-) place (-LAY) (ALLAY),
31 The region (AREA) encompassing Arabian Sea (encompassing ‘ARabian sEA’ = AREA),
34 Exotic dancer dismisses décor (‘exotic dancer’ dismisses ‘décor’ = extican = INEXACT), as it’s wide of the mark (INEXACT),
35 Oscar (O-) and Arnold (Arnold) Rock (= anagram indicator) (Arnold = -RLANDO) (ORLANDO) from American city (ORLANDO),
36 Wears a mask (SAVES ONE’S FACE), as it avoids embarrassment (SAVES ONE’S FACE).
2 Precious type (gold = AU) is soft (soft = piano = P-) on heir’s (heirs) report (= homophone indicator) (‘heirs’ = ‘airs’ = -AIRS) (AU PAIRS) providing domestic support (AU PAIRS),
3 Physical (a ‘physical’ = EXAM) part of the Sussex amphitheatre (part of the ‘sussEX AMphitheatre’ = EXAM),
4 Adore (adore) novel (= anagram indicator) (adore = ORDEA-) following K (-L is following ‘k’) (ORDEAL) in The Trial (ORDEAL),
5 Walking on air (ELATED) like sisters (related) heading off (r) (‘related’ without ‘r’ = ELATED),
6 Fragment of upsetting (= reverse indicator) artwork censored? (fragment of upsetting ‘artworK CENsored’ = kcen = NECK) It’s a head turner! (NECK),
7 Set of standards (code = CO-DE) covering a German (German ‘a’ = -EIN-) (CODEINE) drug (CODEINE),
8 Ran away from trouble (SAVED ONE’S SKIN) – it’s what the dermatologist might have done (SAVED ONE’S SKIN),
9 Store the Jamón Ibérico in the food bank (SAVE ONE’S BACON) to avoid a disaster (SAVE ONE’S BACON),
14 Midwives’ (mid ‘wiVes’ = V-) curious (= anagram indicator) ritual (ritual = -IRTUAL) (VIRTUAL) is, in reality, very “PC”! (VIRTUAL reality on PC/personal computer),
16 Outstanding types (DEBTS) in sample served up (= reverse indicator) by modest Bedouins (sample served up by ‘modeST BEDouins’ = stbed = DEBTS),
18 Economist drops some (‘economist’ drops ‘some’ = conit = TONIC) stimulant (TONIC),
20 Deer (ROE) picked up (= reverse indicator) in video recordings (in ‘vidEO Recordings’= eor = ROE),
21 Some problem anticipated (some ‘probleM ANticipated’ = man = MAN) by one of the fellows (MAN),
24 It’s a figment of one’s imagination (CHIMERA) hearing (= homophone indicator) hymn (‘hymn’ = ‘him’ = -HIM-) from Cockney (Cockney girl = ’Er = -ER-) in California (C-A) (CHIMERA),
26 Catholic (C-) Pole (North Pole= -N-) in awful (= anagram indicator) choir (choir = -HRO-IC) (CHRONIC) is persistent in a sick way (CHRONIC),
27 Barman (Bachelor of Law = BL-) with a German name (-OTTO) (BLOTTO) is wasted (BLOTTO),
28 Resent leaving general store (‘resent’ leaving ‘general store’ = gealor = GALORE) in large numbers (GALORE),
32 Is backed (= reverse indicator) in horse racing (in ‘horsE RACing’ = erac = CARE) with caution (CARE),
33 Segment of the debacle from (segment of the ‘debaCLE From’ = CLEF) The Sound of Music perhaps (CLEF).