8 Most of (e) the investigation (“case” without “e” = CAS-) in (-IN-) Oxford (-O) (CASINO) is looking to recruit dealers perhaps (CASINO),
9 Explains the photographs (CAPTIONS) as officer (CAPT-) is on (is on = -IONS) (CAPTIONS) tour (= anagram indicator),
10 Amirs not involved in war crimes (‘amirs’ not involved in ‘war crimes’ = wrce = CREW) by sailors (CREW),
11 It’s about (RE-) the here and now (-PRESENT-) for society (society = -S) (REPRESENTS) and what that symbolises (REPRESENTS),
12 Carved up (SLICED) first course (first ‘course’ = -C-) in new (= anagram indicator) delis (delis = SLI-ED) (SLICED),
14 Where you might have seen The Fugitive (IN HIDING) dining (dining = IN -DING) out (= anagram indicator) over popular address (HI-) (IN HIDING),
15 Principal (THE HEAD-) is on strike (HIT) from the start (= positional indicator) and queues (-LINES) (HIT THE HEADLINES) to get the attention of the journalists (HIT THE HEADLINES),
18 Escape passages, of course (GANGWAYS), for those in 10 across getting off (GANGWAYS for ‘crew’),
20 For example, Henry (-KING) the Sixth (VI-), from the start (= position indicator) (VIKING), was one of the early invaders of Ireland (VIKING),
22 Visit baron (visit baron = VIBRATIONS) about (= anagram indicator) the after-effects of earthquake (VIBRATIONS),
24 Providing a terrible sample (‘providing a terrible’ sample = GATE) at the airport (GATE),
25 Scheme (= anagram indicator) received (received = DECEIVER) from one bearing false witness (DECEIVER),
26 Marry off army officer (“marry” off “army officer” = office = OFFICE) to one of those in a position of authority (OFFICE).
1 Speculator misses cues (‘speculator’ misses ‘cues’ = pcator = PATROL) provided by those doing the monitoring (PATROL),
2 Servicewoman sacrifices romances (‘servicewoman’ sacrifices ‘romances’ = eviw = VIEW) with conviction (VIEW),
3 Most of (t) the wine (‘port’ without ‘t’ = POR-) from narrow range of hills (-RIDGE) (PORRIDGE) is best consumed first thing in the morning (PORRIDGE),
4 Second (S-) prize (-CUP) (SCUP) for swimmer (SCUP fish),
5 Address (SPEECH) most of (d) the drugs (‘speed’ without ‘d’ = SPEE-) coming from Switzerland (-CH) (SPEECH),
6 Socialised (MIXED) with one of those types in public house (DRINK) (MIXED DRINK) in Manhattan, for example (Manhattan, for example, is a cocktail = MIXED DRINK),
7 Typical case (INSTANCE) of popular (IN-) policy (-STANCE) (INSTANCE),
13 Classes (CATEGORIES) of accountant (CA-), for example (for example = -EG-), welcomed by Conservatives (-T-ORIES) (CATEGORIES),
14 Characters in Odessa edited (characters in ‘Odessa edited’ = saedi) Review (= reversal indicator) (saedi = IDEAS) of Theories (IDEAS),
16 Thought (IMAGINED) of wild (= anagram indicator) enigma (enigma = -MAGINE-) in The Papers (ID papers = I-D) (IMAGINED),
17 Difference of opinion (DIVISION) in The Branch (DIVISION),
19 Energetic (ACTIVE) part of the play, for example (Act IV = ACTIV-), linked to direction (direction east = -E) (ACTIVE),
21 Banks not by choice (banks ‘not by choice’ = NOTICE) produced flyer (NOTICE),
23 One of those in the Mallow family (OKRA) removing plantain from national park (removing ‘plantain’ from ‘national park’ = oark = OKRA),
24 Handout (GIFT) for gas fitter shedding tears (‘gas fitter’ shedding ‘tears’ = gfit = GIFT).