There is no doubt we are living in rapidly changing times. Our homes and businesses have never had so much smart technology, so many sophisticated electrical devices.
Personalised entertainment systems take pride of place in our living room. Our kitchens have super-smart electrical household appliances with high-performance hobs, heating and hot water controlled remotely via our smartphone, super-efficient extractors with automatic venting cooktops.
These modern-day electrical conveniences certainly don’t come cheap which is even more reason why we should be extra careful and cognisant of what can happen when we have a power surge or worse still a lightning strike.

Most homes can experience power surges on a daily basis without the owner even noticing
Dave Williamson, Operations Director, Demesne Electrical in Little Island in Cork says the average home experiences many surges a day and we don’t even notice.
Power surges can be caused by heavy-duty appliances in our homes, such as air-conditioning systems or refrigerators being turned on after being off.
They draw a large amount of electricity as they boot up, and the extra power can cause a surge. Surges happen after a power line has been down or there is increased use of power by a nearby factory.
With the rise in storms and unpredictable weather conditions in Ireland now is the time to ensure your valuable equipment especially the more susceptible and sensitive electronic items like smart TVs, personal computers, modems, alarm systems are protected from lightning strikes and surges.
What most of us don't know is that it doesn't take a direct lightning strike on your home to cause havoc with your equipment as any ground strike up to 2km away can be transmitted through the ground

Pat Cantwell is an electrical engineer with Jacobs Engineering and a former member of the technical committee for lightning protection with the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI). He says all electronic systems should be protected against lightning and power surges.
It is not the case here, but he said it is mandatory in most European countries to have this protection built into Insurance policies particularly in places like Germany and Belgium where there is a higher risk of lightning strikes. The onus is on each individual home and business-owner here.
How can you protect your home against a power surge?
Demesne Electrical is the exclusive distributor in Ireland for DEHN, a global leader with over 100 years experience in the manufacture of surge protection systems having invented the first surge protection system in Germany in the 1950s.
Demesne Electrical has three outlets around Ireland in Cork, Dublin and Dungannon. They have a comprehensive range of products starting from just €150 to protect your valuable electrical equipment from devastating damage and their trained engineers will talk you through the best way to protect your home and business.
If you live in an area prone to lightning, you may want to consider protection for the whole house and place a surge protector system at your electricity’s point of origin.
2. Hire a pro
Dave advises that you consult an electrical contractor to help with the installation of a surge protection device. Once installed they don’t need maintenance.
If you have any questions or would like more information contact Demesne Electrical Sales on 01 404 7700 and/or see their website: