Guaranteed Irish: 50 years and only warming up
Guaranteed Irish is celebrating its 50th year from March 2024. Not many businesses last this long, and certainly not-for-profits are hen’s teeth for this tenure, so to what can it attribute its longevity?
From the mid-1960s Buy Irish campaigns gained traction in the country’s economic and political life and in 1974 Guaranteed Irish was born under the aegis of the government-funded National Development Association. The iconic Guaranteed Irish symbol unveiled at this time was found to have two immensely valuable characteristics: it sparked recognition among the public very quickly and never went out of fashion. It is still in use today almost exactly as originally conceived.

However, the business philosophy and operation of Guaranteed Irish have evolved greatly in its 50 years of existence. Partly this was a result of external factors, such as the EEC Commission ruling of 1982 that it was not permissible for government to fund a campaign promoting Irish manufacture in a community based on free trade and equal status for all member countries. Guaranteed Irish took a deep breath, dusted itself off and was back in business within two years as a private member-funded company, Guaranteed Irish Ltd. With modest resources and through two serious recessions – one before and one after the years of the Celtic Tiger economic boom – it soldiered on, highlighting the values of Irish origin (provenance) and promoting Irish employment.
With the support of loyal member companies, some of which have been with Guaranteed Irish almost since its inception, and a dedicated, proactive board of businesspeople and trade unionists, it created memorable campaigns on a shoestring, partnering with like-minded bodies such as the Confederation of Irish Industries (now IBEC), the Junior Chambers of Commerce and the Irish Countrywomen’s Association.
The success of Foreign Direct Investment programmes, spearheaded by the IDA, meant that in the mid-1980s Irish exports exceeded imports for the first time since the foundation of the State in 1922, a trend that has continued. Over time, import substitution became less of a priority, sustainability taking its place. The symbol to which member companies now subscribe and contribute in proportion to their employee numbers is a guarantee of their commitment to jobs, community, provenance and sustainability, open both to major multinational companies based in Ireland and to smaller indigenous companies with a domestic market.
Guaranteed Irish now has a staff of 14 and well in excess of 2,000 member companies. It is a sterling example of an organisation that has evolved and adapted in harmony with the evolution of the world of business while maintaining its core principles of promoting jobs, community, provenance and sustainability.
I am proud of the history and continued success of Guaranteed Irish and that we are celebrating our 50th anniversary with this publication. It has a new energy, sense of purpose and pivotal role to play as we work towards a more sustainable society and circular economy, and perhaps this is why its heart is beating strong.
I would like to pay tribute to all the Guaranteed Irish board members, past and present, voluntary directors who have given so generously of their time, financial support, business expertise and networking skills. I particularly thank my current co-directors and the current appraisals committee, who continue to steer the Guaranteed Irish ship.
The current executive team has brought a professionalism and commitment to the organisation in its everyday operations.
Finally, the member businesses we are proud and honoured to represent, it is our privilege to work with you to deliver an “all together better” future for those that come behind us.
These combined ambitions ensure the integrity of the brand is protected so that it will endure for a further 50 years.
Guaranteed Irish is a national organisation that supports all businesses based in Ireland (indigenous and international firms) which support jobs, communities and provenance. The not-for-profit membership network has been championing businesses based in Ireland since 1974. The iconic Guaranteed Irish symbol is synonymous with trust and provenance. The licensed mark is awarded to businesses that support jobs, our local communities and are committed to Irish provenance. Guaranteed Irish supports a network of 2,300-plus member businesses, employing more than 120,000 people across Ireland, generating an annual combined Irish turnover of more than €14.75 billion.