The Aviva and stadium etiquette

Sir, – Alex Staveley (Letters, April 3rd) noted how difficult it was to watch the recent great Leinster victory over Ulster at the Aviva due to the amount of times required to stand up to let people who were drinking get their next round. He makes a valid point. Real supporters plan better so they don't miss game time and carry a hip flask on those really cold days.

The greater crime committed by attendees is when they leave before the final whistle and expect everyone around them to move. This is frustrating, rude to the away club or nation and disrespectful to the President, if he is in attendance. This could be simply stopped by the IRFU requiring anyone leaving early to produce their ticket in the knowledge this will be recorded and they won’t get one in future. I am sure this is not beyond the ingenuity of the IRFU. – Yours, etc,


Inchicore, Dublin 8.