Teachers and pay equality

Sir, – The plight of teachers relating to pay and equal pay is in large part the fault of the INTO and the TUI for accepting these cuts initially, unlike the ASTI. They subsequently undermined the industrial action taken by ASTI in relation to these cuts by failing to take action themselves. So their current position is somewhat hypocritical and far too late. – Yours, etc


Loch Gowna, Co Cavan.

Sir, – When the farmers face an income crisis (fodder shortage) the Government intervenes immediately. When teachers face an income crisis (reduced salaries for new recruits), they’re told, “Live horse and you’ll get grass”. Clearly teachers must join the IFA. – Yours, etc,



Clonskeagh, D ublin 14.

Sir, –Using emergency legislation, the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act, the Government of the day unilaterally forced the two-tier pay measure through Dáil Éireann. All teacher unions at the time strenuously opposed this grossly unfair and unjust measure but there was literally nothing could be done as it had been legally forced through the Oireachtas as an emergency law. The emergency is long since over. The time to dismantle all emergency laws and to restore pay equality to teachers is long since overdue. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 13.

Sir, – The ASTI and the question of different pay for doing the same work is nothing new. When I joined the teaching profession in the late 1960s there were two pay scales, one for single men and women and one for married men. The differential was quite significant. When I complained, the only response from the ASTI was, “You are lucky to have a job”. This anomaly continued until the mid-1970s when, after joining the EU, Brussels deemed this state of affairs illegal and the government abolished the two-tier system. I suspect the present arrangement is unlikely to continue for long, as it will also be found to be discriminatory. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 13.