Supports for hospitality

Sir, – We were told there would be no “cliff edge” [for hospitality businesses] but it seems that’s exactly where we’re headed.

Let’s be clear, no restaurateur, hotelier or publican wants to survive on Government handouts. Most of us are entrepreneurs who banked our homes, and sacrificed family life and social life to build our businesses.

We have spent the past two years pivoting and worrying and making ends meet and finally things started looking up. We were back to doing what we do, feeding the public and hosting parties.

Then everyone was told to stay at home, not attend parties and work from home, in effect, our customers were told not to buy from us but we could remain open, a sort of a lockdown, but worse.


This is not the time for the Government to reduce support for the hospitality industry. There will be a time, and we look forward to that, but not now, please! – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.