Running down the Defence Forces

Sir, – Michael McDowell ("We run down the Defence Forces at our peril", Opinion & Analysis, February 2nd) is correct when he asserts that the Defence Forces have been run down in recent years. He is also right to raise concerns at the proposal by Eamon Ryan to use the site of Cathal Brugha Barracks for social and affordable housing. This would be unacceptable unless the Department of Defence were adequately compensated for handing over the site, particularly given the current international security climate.

However, the proposal does raise the question as to whether urban garrison barracks, such as Cathal Brugha Barracks, built for the British army at a time when walking and horses where the principle modes of transport, are in the modern era suitable locations for basing a modern mechanised army. Hopefully the report of the Commission on the Defence Forces, which is due for publication shortly, will take this into consideration.

That report is also likely to recommend a significant increase in defence spending, if the Defence Forces are to carry out their role effectively. This may also be required if the State is to maintain some semblance of an independent foreign policy. Many in this country wedded to the concept of “Irish neutrality” may baulk at this.

However, such concerns may be mollified to some degree if, as part of any proposed increase in defence spending, land on sites no longer really suitable for military installations became available to help resolve current housing shortages. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.