Protests in Nicaragua

Sir, – Robin Hanan and Molly O’Duffy joined with your recent Editorial in attacking Nicaragua’s Sandinista government (Letters, August 13th). I have recently returned from Nicaragua and do not recognise the picture being painted by those supporting Nicaragua’s opposition.

Everywhere I went there was an atmosphere of peace and calm, with families out enjoying themselves in parks, markets and restaurants. The overwhelming feeling was one of wanting to return to the situation prior to April 2018 and to continue along the road of social progress started by the current government in 2007. Giving succour to flawed opposition claims will do nothing to help.

Molly O’Duffy refers to the bulletins by Amnesty International, invariably based on claims by protesters and not reflecting the views of Nicaraguan communities. They have been debunked in a detailed report, “Dismissing the Truth”, which we helped produce. Local human rights bodies have now openly admitted that they manipulated the casualty figures they published last year.

Our organisation has worked with Nicaragua for over 40 years, we are in regular contact with Nicaragua’s trade union movement and with organisations including co-operatives, small and medium businesses and farms, and self-employed workers such as street sellers. Everyone we meet and speak to roundly condemns the actions carried out by so-called peaceful protesters last year, actions which caused untold suffering and hardship to workers and families across the country. – Yours, etc,



Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group,

London, England.