Orbán, Fidesz and Fine Gael

A chara, – Patrick Smyth ("Europe must decide what to do about Hungary's Victor Orbán", Analysis, February 28th) rightly highlights the connections of Fine Gael with the right-wing Fidesz party of Viktor Orbán in Hungary through the European People's Party (EPP).

He didn’t mention that the director of elections for the EPP is Cork TD Dara Murphy, who is coordinating the European campaigns of Fine Gael and Fidesz. Both Mr Murphy and the Taoiseach need to clarify where they stand on the values of the EPP and their continued relationship with Fidesz.

I don’t believe most Irish people, including many in Fine Gael, think that flirting with the extreme right is in Ireland or Europe’s best interests. – Is mise,



(Fianna Fáil),


Co Wexford.