Supreme Court ruling in Angela Kerins case

Sir, – I welcome the Supreme Court ruling in the Angela Kerins case. Those of us who watched at the time could not but have been appalled at the showboating by certain members of PAC and making comments to waiting media outside. And how right the people were to reject extra powers for such committees in the 2011 referendum, even though I (wrongly) voted Yes at the time!

Let us hope PAC can recover the respect and effectiveness it once had now that it no longer has a blank cheque. – Yours, etc,




Co Mayo.

Sir, – Your editorial on the Public Accounts Committee is trenchant in its criticism of the way in which that committee conducted its business when questioning Angela Kerins (“Out of bounds”, February 28th).

However, when The Irish Times was covering the said proceedings in 2014, I don't recall any mention of Ms Kerins being insulted or of the Public Accounts Committee going outside the bounds of its remit. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.