Minimum pricing for alcohol

Sir, – Perhaps John FitzGerald could enlighten your readers on the price sensitivity of the various forms of alcohol on the market now that he has completed his analysis of the US market for Christmas trees (Business, December 28th).

The purpose of introducing minimum pricing for alcohol is to reduce consumption. It is necessary to set some target figures in order to judge whether the proposed changes are effective.

The experts could estimate the reduction expected in beer, wine and spirits consumption due to the increase in prices.

Perhaps there will be no reduction for those with adequate disposable income or who have an addiction.


It is possible that the solution to excessive alcohol consumption in Ireland is more complex than increasing the price in the off-licences. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.

Sir, – The Government is introducing minimum unit pricing of alcohol on January 4th, the purpose of which is to reduce the intake of alcohol by making it more expensive. There has been little or no mention of this in the media. The public needs to be alerted to this Government initiative in order that they do not mistake the retailer as the driver of this price increase.

Retail staff in the convenience sector already suffer more than enough daily abuse from the public without having further abuse heaped upon them in error. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.