Mass flu vaccination

Sir, – The health news is worrying: “Highest Covid levels in hospitals since March” and “Ireland set for ‘nastier’ flu season this winter” (both October 27th). As reported, a particularly severe strain of flu is now doing the rounds.

Another story on the same page, “Vaccination centres quiet as small numbers seek first shots and boosters”, suggests a solution may be at hand.

We could encourage higher take-up of flu vaccine and reduce disease prevalence by using existing Covid-19 vaccination centres and staff to administer the flu vaccination free of charge to all who want it.

Most of the infrastructure exists already, with minor modification: physical locations, staff who are trained and available to administer the jab, patient appointment systems, vaccine storage and distribution facilities, etc.


Given the battering the HSE, and particularly its heroic staff, endured because of Covid, the last thing we need is a trolley crisis in the coming months that’s even worse than usual. I wonder how much that seasonal trolley crisis costs every year in money, misery and lives lost.

The mass Covid vaccination programme has been a huge success. Why not a free mass flu vaccination programme too?

– Yours, etc,


Greystones, Co Wicklow.