Kavanaugh and Trump

Sir, – "Bitterly partisan diatribes"? "Uncontrolled aggression"? "Inability to keep anger in check"? Oh, forgive me, we were actually talking about Brett Kavanaugh ("US supreme court: falling to new depths", Editorial, October 5th). I thought we were discussing The Irish Times editorial policy since Donald Trump's election. – Yours, etc,


Artane, Dublin 5.

Sir, – Donald Trump’s vile remarks in relation to Dr Christine Blasey Ford should not surprise us. This is what he does as he continues to make America the laughing stock of the world. What should worry us is the response to those remarks by his baying mass of supporters who cheered as he made them. It is becoming clear that society as we knew it in that once respected country is rapidly breaking down to be replaced by a dangerous mob culture. – Yours, etc,




Co Kerry.