Dancing to a Tory tune

Sir, – Theresa May doesn’t look like she enjoys dancing at all, and her stiff, calculating attempt at humour was uncomfortable to watch and embarrassing.

Am I alone in finding her recent, belated attempts to create a more light-hearted image for herself deeply cynical as well as mortifying? It seems that the British prime minister – author of the cruel “hostile environment” immigration policy while at the Home Office – will do almost anything to soften her image with the British public and endure any humiliation to try to stay in office. – Yours, etc,


Arbour Hill,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – When Benny Andersson played band mate Frida Lyngstad the backing track for Dancing Queen (a Europop song) she began to cry. Having watched Theresa May's onstage entrance at the Tory conference, I now know how Frida felt. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – Surely Theresa May was unpatriotic in dancing onstage to a pop song composed by a group from an EU member state!

Surely Sandie Shaw's Puppet on a String would have been more appropriate? – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.