Hospitals and delayed discharges

Sir, – I am writing in relation to a letter (December 6th) requesting that the HSE provide the number of delayed discharges in public hospitals, in order to provide a sense of perspective in relation to the Covid-19 hospitalisation figures.

The HSE provides the figure for delayed discharges routinely at our Covid-19 press briefings since they began two years ago, where the chief operations officer, Anne O’Connor, provides a detailed outline of the current situation in hospitals and in the community.

In addition, the slides that each of our speakers present are also provided to all media present.

Delayed discharges unfortunately impact health services globally and are something the HSE continuously strives to address and mitigate for those we care for. In line with the Sláintecare vision of “the right patient in the right place at the right time”, this winter the HSE is maintaining an enhanced focus on discharging patients in a timely manner and introducing the following initiatives to further enable timely discharge of patients from the acute setting: early supported discharge teams for the elderly; expansion and introduction for “Home First” teams; community intervention team co-ordinator roles; additional discharge coordinator roles; and the introduction of a number of other “flow”-specific roles targeted at delivering the Sláintecare vision. – Yours, etc,



Head of HSE Press

and Media,


Dublin 8.