History, geography and ‘wellness’

Sir, – As noted by many of your readers in recent days, the new Junior Cycle has diminished the place of history and geography in our education system. Many other subjects have had the hours allocated to them reduced. An allocation of 200 hours over the three-year cycle is the norm now for most subjects. A new area of learning known as “wellbeing” is to receive 400 hours in the same time-frame.

As someone who was lucky enough to study both history and geography at second and third level, I can honestly say that some of the biggest contributors to my “wellbeing” have been my ability to understand my place in the world, appreciate my country’s troubled past, recognise the challenges facing humanity and respect cultural differences.

These and many other skills were greatly enhanced by my study of both history and geography.

What a shame if the next generation are not afforded the opportunity to develop skills such as these, which are surely essential in our chaotic modern world. – Yours, etc,



