Free speech in Ireland

Sir, – The suppression of free speech in Ireland, has, as many of your letter writers have asserted, gone too far. It is no longer possible to openly articulate and express viewpoints that are regarded as politically incorrect or outside the narrow confines of “acceptable” opinion.

Take the case of Peter Casey, the man who recently ran for the presidency. He made unfashionable remarks about Travellers and their ethnic status. For this his views have been actively suppressed or demeaned by a liberal media enthralled by its devotion to the god of political correctness.

Look at the way he has been confined to appearances on the Late Late Show, Today with Sean O'Rourke, the Marian Finucane Show, Pat Kenny Tonight, the Ray D'Arcy Show, Prime Time, the Niall Boylan Show, and Ireland AM. He has also been restricted to a variety of other national and local radio stations, like Galway Bay FM, Tipp FM and Highland Radio, and to mere interviews with many national media outlets, most recently Hot Press.

With this kind of active marginalisation of alternative views, who in their right mind would choose to express them? – Yours, etc,



