Forests and climate change

Sir, – Robert Porter's article (West's call to halt destruction of Amazon's rainforest is plain hypocrisy", September 14th) is of course timely, though it has to be said that net deforestation in most of the West is thankfully a thing of the past.

May I be permitted to make one small correction? Due to pandemic-induced travel restrictions, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) conference due to be held in Dublin this November has again had to be postponed to May 2022, and will not therefore be coinciding with COP26, but Covid-19 permitting we will hold the event as planned, including a day of stakeholder dialogue on May 12th next on the theme “How the forest products sector can help mitigate climate change and contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals”. – Yours, etc,


National Secretary,


PEFC Ireland,
