Ecosystems and shorelines

Sir, – The column by Michael Viney "Small bodies swaying with the vigour of their chewing" was a fascinating insight into the lives of the smaller, less conspicuous, scavenger creatures who live in the "splash-zone" of shorelines around our small island (Weekend, August 26th).

They are the “decomposers” of our strands and beaches, breaking down the seaweed scattered along our coastline into rich and important nutrients for our environment, as earthworms do in the soil of our gardens. It is such irony that local authorities in coastal resorts around Europe are taking action against these paramount insects, clearing their natural habitats with large machinery, “clearing” the beach in the process.

These regions are missing out on the distinctive biodiversity and varied ecological benefits of the tonachán trá that bring a natural area to life. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.