Back to college

Sir, – After many frantic, anxious weeks my son finally secured accommodation in Dublin and was really looking forward to getting back to college for his third year after missing some of first and all of second year due to Covid.

He’s just received his timetable and is in college for one hour per week with the rest of his lectures pre-recorded.

I think this is shocking. Trinity College has had more than ample time to figure out when and for how long students would get actual, live, in-class lectures and yet it is only now, after fees and accommodation deposits are paid and my son has moved up, do they choose to inform him just how little he needs to be in Dublin.

If lecturers are pre-recording classes what are they doing when the class should be being taught? Would any institution treat anyone other than students this way? I seriously doubt so. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – As a student in the last century I was able to access a course which was within a reasonable distance of my home.

Reading of the difficulties faced by students who can’t find accommodation in third-level colleges far from home, it seems to me that the need for college places based on points, but also on reasonable geographical accessibility of courses applied for, should be taken into account when offering such places.

– Yours, etc,


Anach Cuain,

Co na Gaillimhe.