Communists kicked out of Czech parliament for first time since 1948

Voters hand defeat to PM Andrej Babis’s ANO party and back opposition group Together

Chairman of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Vojtech Filip: “I am very disappointed because it is a really big failure.” Photograph: AFP/Getty
Chairman of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Vojtech Filip: “I am very disappointed because it is a really big failure.” Photograph: AFP/Getty

Czech voters evicted the communists from parliament for the first time since the end of the second World War, voting out a party whose forebears had ruled the central European nation from 1948 until the Velvet Revolution of 1989 that ushered in democracy.

The communists jailed tens of thousands in forced labour camps in the 1950s and brutally repressed dissidents such as playwright-turned-president Vaclav Havel, but remained in parliament following the revolution in the then Czechoslovakia.

In this week's election, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia took 3.62 per cent of the votes with nearly all precincts reporting, less than the 5 per cent needed to enter parliament. This potentially marks a final chapter for a party that has gradually shrunk as its ageing membership has dwindled.

"It pleases me, it pleases me a lot," Jiri Gruntorad (69), a former dissident who signed the dissident Charter 77 statement and was jailed for subversion from 1981 to 1985 by the communist authorities, told Reuters. "But it's coming too late.


China and Cuba

“It was one of the last communist parties in the world apart from the Chinese and Cuban ones that held on to its name. The others have at least renamed themselves and started behaving a little differently.”

Voters also handed a defeat to prime minister Andrej Babis's ANO party, giving their backing to centre-right opposition group Together in a surprise result.

After 1989, the communists sought to appeal to senior citizens and workingclass Czechs, but they never resonated with younger voters and failed to shake off the party’s history as totalitarian rulers who had stifled freedom.

“I am very disappointed because it is a really big failure,” said Communist Party leader Vojtech Filip, who also resigned.

Mr Havel opposed banning the party – which had resisted the country's European Union and Nato membership and kept warm ties with Russia and China – despite calls from the public to do so.

Lingered in isolation

The communists lingered mostly in isolation after 1989, though they co-operated with other parties seeking votes to pass legislation in parliament. They were also close to current President Milos Zeman.

The party regained influence in 2018 when Mr Babis – a former Communist Party member – leaned on them to support his minority government with the Social Democrats.

It was the closest the party came to power since 1989, but appears also to represent their final act as a political force in the former Soviet-bloc nation.

"I am overjoyed that this era is now over – not only for those of us still living, but also for those who have passed away and who were persecuted by the regime," said Hana Palcova (74), who left the country under threat from the secret police. – Reuters