ICTU accuses AEEU of `poaching' electricians

The British-based Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union has been threatened with suspension from the Irish trade union…

The British-based Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union has been threatened with suspension from the Irish trade union movement for "poaching" electricians from the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union.

However the AEEU general secretary, Mr Ken Jackson, has requested more time to comply with a directive by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions that it transfer eight electricians at Cadbury's Dublin plant to the rival TEEU.

The AEEU is the largest trade union in Britain but has only 11,000 members in the Republic. It was admitted to the ICTU on condition that it would not recruit electricians, who are organised by the 29,000-strong TEEU. The AEEU membership in Ireland is largely made up of fitters.

A disputes committee of the ICTU recommended that the AEEU be suspended from congress after a two-year investigation. The recommendation was adopted by the ICTU executive. Although the AEEU described the decision initially as "disgraceful", it is understood that Mr Jackson has contacted senior ICTU officials to request more time to comply with the transfer of the electricians to the AEEU and that this is likely to be granted. There is no ICTU executive meeting in August so it would be September before a final decision on the AEEU's membership of congress.


This is only the latest in a series of "poaching" rows which have erupted in recent times between ICTU affiliates. The most serious current dispute involves a request by over 1,300 Aer Lingus cabin crew to leave SIPTU and join IMPACT.

There has always been tension between the AEEU and TEEU because they recruit in similar areas. This was heightened two years ago by the defection of a considerable number of AEEU members, including its then Irish secretary Mr Eamon Devoy, to the TEEU because of changes in the AEEU constitution. Mr Devoy and his supporters believed the changes reduced the autonomy of the Irish based membership of the AEEU.