WT Cosgrave’s headstone vandalised in Dublin

A number of headstones have been damaged in Goldenbridge cemetery in Inchicore

WT Cosgrave’s grave in Goldenbridge cemetery in Dublin. File photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

A number of headstones have been vandalised in the Goldenbridge cemetery in Dublin.

Among the headstones damaged is that of former leader of the Irish Free State, WT Cosgrave.

The cemetery has been the target of vandalism on a number of occasions in the past few years.

In 2014, WT Cosgrave’s headstone was vandalised when the top of the monument, capped with a Celtic cross, was knocked off.


Goldenbridge is a 19th-century "garden cemetery" on two acres in Inchicore, south Dublin.


Fine Gael TD for Dublin South Central Catherine Byrne condemned the vandalism.

“The people of Inchicore have fought to rejuvenate the area for a long time.

"This is set to be a really important year, with the opening up of Richmond Barracks for the 1916 commemorations, as well as the plans by Glasnevin Trust to open Goldenbridge cemetery to public visitors.

“This criminal damage is really disappointing, but it will not put a stop to the plans of local groups who have worked too hard to see their projects put on hold or set back in any way,” she said.