Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has said he would not call on the IRA members who killed Brian Stack to help the Garda investigation into his murder.
He was speaking as Minister for Justice Alan Shatter said the IRA's admission that it killed Mr Stack had come 30 years too late and that anyone with information should help the Garda.
Mr Adams, TD for Louth, said he knew no more about the circumstances of the killing than what was contained in the IRA statement to the Stack family.

Mr Adams was present when a former senior IRA leader met the family last week at a secret location. Asked whether he would ask IRA members concerned to co-operate with the Garda, he said: “I would not call on them to do so.”
Asked if he himself would assist the investigation, Mr Adams said he would be happy to meet the Garda.
However, he would not identify the IRA leader who had delivered the statement because all parties entered the process on the basis that confidentiality would be preserved.
This was akin to a journalist protecting a confidential source, he said. Mr Adams said he only learned that IRA members carried out the shooting in the 48 hours before the meeting with the Stack family.
He did not know who was responsible for the attack and said he did not ask. He operated on the basis that if you did not ask, you could not tell.
Asked what was the nature of the IRA’s disciplinary action against the figure who directed the attack on Mr Stack, Mr Adams said he did not know. “I didn’t ask, I don’t know the answer and I wouldn’t speculate.”
Attack on the State
Mr Shatter said Mr Stack's murder was an attack on the foundations of the State. "While, of course, I hope that today's statement represents progress for the Stack family in their quest for the full truth behind the brutal killing of Brian Stack, the stark reality is that the Provisional IRA not only carried out this brutal killing but have hidden their involvement in it for decades," he said.
"It should be clear to everyone that what is needed now is for anyone who has information about this case to face up to their responsibilities and co-operate fully with An Garda Síochána in their investigation, rather than hide behind platitudes about difficulties in addressing the past."