Armstrong set to race in Tour of Ireland

CYCLING : Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has given a strong indication that he intends to compete in this …

CYCLING: Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has given a strong indication that he intends to compete in this year's Tour of Ireland race which takes place in May.

During a recent press conference in Tenerife, the American said: "We are seriously looking at the Tour of Ireland.

"Ironically enough I did that race in 1992, which makes me very old. The timing works out very well," said Armstrong, suggesting the race would assist his preparations for the Tour de France.

"Ireland has been very progressive with regard to this issue of public health. I'd love to be back there, 17 years later," added Armstrong, who survived an aggressive form of testicular cancer in 1996


The Tour of Ireland, which takes place across Ireland begins on May 7th and starts from Lisburn, near Belfast, before moving on to Derry.

Regarding his future in cycling he said: "It'd be nice to be able to dip your toes in the water and feel the temperature but there's no time. It could be more than one year, it could just be one year.

"I find it difficult to believe it'll be more than two years because at that point age will be a factor, if it's not already a factor."