In pictures: The Tallaght boxing club punching above its weight

St Mary’s Boxing Club, which considers itself a family, has produced an Olympic medallist in Kellie Harrington despite being run by volunteers

Young members at St Mary's Boxing Club, Tallaght, Dublin. Photograph: Tom Honan

St Mary’s Boxing Club in Tallaght, Dublin, is run by volunteers. The 75 or so members pay between €8-€10 weekly, which is used to run the club.

The club considers itself to be a family, a community of people that wants to harness their energy in a healthy way, get fit, compete in tournaments, or not. It is open to anyone aged eight years or over. The club has produced an Olympic medallist in Kellie Harrington, and fellow Olympian Gráinne Walsh also trains there. There is a strong female presence in the club, or a “girl gang” as adult member Isabella Hughes describes it.

Members’ achievements are dotted all over the club; newspaper clippings from various tournaments, signs congratulating different wins and medals, from national and international tournaments.

According to the volunteers, attending the club and getting into boxing kept them on the straight and narrow when they were growing up, so now they return the favour in keeping others on the right path. If the young boxers feel a bit better coming out of training, then they have done their jobs, volunteers Noel Burke and Mel Leonard say.

Training in full swing at St Mary's Boxing Club. Photograph: Tom Honan
Wisdom Oseyemi, aged 16. Photograph: Tom Honan
Zak Leonard, aged 17. Photograph: Tom Honan
Ellie Holmes, aged 17. Photograph: Tom Honan
Yegor Anisinov, aged 15. Photograph: Tom Honan
07/06/2024 - FEATURES- View of St Mary's Boxing Club,Tallaght, Dublin. Photo: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.
Chloe Holten, aged 21. Photograph: Tom Honan
Sinéad Casey, aged 14. Photograph: Tom Honan
Dillon Moloney, aged 18. Photograph: Tom Honan
Lorcan Mooney, aged 16. Photograph: Tom Honan
Members of St Mary's Boxing Club, Tallaght. Photograph: Tom Honan
Belts at St Mary's Boxing Club. Photograph: Tom Honan
Fionn Putt, aged 16. Photograph: Tom Honan
Lee Harrison, aged 17. Photograph: Tom Honan
Isabella Hughes. Photograph: Tom Honan
Aaron Mawdesley, aged 13. Photograph: Tom Honan
Inside St Mary's Boxing Club, Tallaght. Photograph: Tom Honan
Inside St Mary's Boxing Club, Tallaght. Photograph: Tom Honan
Siara Masoed, aged 15. Photograph: Tom Honan
David Reilly, aged 12. Photograph: Tom Honan
Stephen Reilly, aged 8. Photograph: Tom Honan
Cassius McDonald, aged 11. Photograph: Tom Honan
Cassius McDonald, aged 11. Photograph: Tom Honan
Lewis Byrne and Jordan Byrne, both aged 9. Photograph: Tom Honan
Coach Mick McDonald and Lewis Byrne, aged 9. Photograph: Tom Honan
Dylan Bates, aged 14. Photograph: Tom Honan
Micheal Wall, aged 10. Photograph: Tom Honan
Tegan McHugh O’ Reilly, aged 7. Photograph: Tom Honan
Training in full swing at St Mary's Boxing Club. Photograph: Tom Honan