What’s making you happy? Wild wanderings, chats with the girls and a sunshine breakfast

Here’s what’s making Irish Times readers happy this week

Wild wanderings on Valentia Island made one Irish Times reader happy.

Each week we ask Irish Times readers about the things that are making them happy. Get involved by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or on twitter #IrishTimesHappy

Wandering the wilds of Valentia Island. Cousins and coco the dog too – Ellen

What makes me happy is meeting my girlfriends for coffee every Saturday morning, as we have been doing for well over 35 years. We can and have discussed every topic imaginable, no stone left unturned – Maxine

Simple things. Like breakfast in the sunshine in Dublin – Catherine


Memories of a glorious seven days in Mayo with almost no rain. 12 teenagers and 14 adults – no arguing and plenty of sunshine – Donna

My ex has the kids for a full week and I'm off gallivanting. Planning meeting pals for lunches and comedy gigs – Fiona