The 1911 census shows that the first occupant of 9 Iona Drive in Glasnevin was Robert Strain who listed his occupation as "builder". His son, the renowned builder Alexander meanwhile lived in number 8 – although he was known to move around to several address in Iona as he completed his speculative-built houses before he eventually retired to nearby Cremore.

It’s not surprising Alec (as he was known) moved his father (and his sisters) into number 9 – it’s one of Strain’s larger houses, being detached and double-fronted and with matching deep bays to the front on both levels. Every room seems to boast what became known as a typical Strain detail – stained glass, granite sills and lintels, encaustic tiles, fine feature fireplace and appealing proportions.

Number 9 is now an executor’s sale and while it has clearly been lived in as a comfortable family home, in terms of layout it presents itself much as Strain would have left it. There are six bedrooms over 230sq m – the house is three storey to the rear – and has three reception rooms – as well as a kitchen which was at one point extended by knocking through into some small outhouses. The timber-clad bathroom on the first-floor return is a timewarp with clever storage built along one wall.

Renovation options
While it would be perfectly possible to move in and enjoy the space, it’s most likely that buyers at this end of the market will embark on a major and lengthy renovation programme – not least because the house comes with a BER rating of G – including extending to the rear to make a modern eat-in kitchen and family living space. They are also likely to reduce the number of bedrooms by converting one into an en suite and dressing room for the main bedroom as well as updating the bathroom.
The outdoor space is good: the wide site – there is a garage to the side – makes for a substantial 25m-long rear garden, that backs on to a school and church.

Lisney is asking €1.25million for 9 Iona Drive. Next door, number 11, came on the market late last year for €995,000 and sold for €1.1 million.