Health Scan: Cliona Kenny

Cliona Kelly: teaches a yoga class one evening a week.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? Being in the office at my desk every day can make having a healthy lifestyle challenging, but I try my best to make sure I watch my diet and fit in exercise. Over the past number of years I have increased my exercise levels with some jogging and walking. My employers have encouraged all of us to take on challenges such as the Cork Marathon, Operation Transformation and the Run in the Dark, and it's great to have the support of my colleagues. Also, last year I attended a course to become a Kundalini yoga teacher and I currently teach a yoga class one evening a week. How often do you exercise? I aim for three sessions of aerobic-type exercise each week such as jogging, treadmill, a spinning class, and I practise yoga for a minimum of 11 minutes and up to 60 minutes a day, depending on time constraints. Do you get your five fruit and vegetables a day? Yes, I have moved to a mostly vegetarian diet over the course of 2014, although I still have the odd piece of fish.

Do you worry? The law as a career can be challenging. It can be very difficult not to take on the stresses and emotions of your client, but it is my job to stay focused and objective to serve my client as best I can. I try not to let worries or stress impinge on my work and life.

What do you do to relax? Yoga and meditation, even for just 11 minutes, can make a huge difference to your sleep and your energy levels, and it's my favourite way to relax.

What's your worst habit? Chocolate. I have a very sweet tooth and often while reading a book I have a piece of chocolate in my other hand. Cliona Kenny is a medical negligence solicitor with Ernest J Cantillon Solicitors in Cork city.