Irish Times CAO 2022 helpdesk

Leaving Cert and CAO questions answered by our specialist guidance counsellors

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Q: Can I accept a course that is lower on my CAO list even though I have enough points for a course higher on the list? Basically, can I select the lower listed course?

A: You will get an offer of the highest CAO course preference where you meet the minimum requirements and cut off points for. Once you receive this offer all course choices below this offer become obsolete. So, no is the answer to your question.

756 days ago

Q: I’ve been offered my second place. Do I have to accept this to be offered an option on second round or do I refuse it?

A: Whether you accept your second preference place or not you will still be in the running for an offer on your 1st preference course place in round 2. But all your course preferences below your 2nd preference are gone.

756 days ago

Q: My son has been offered his second choice in Tallaght but doesnt want it now.. he did not get enough points for his first choice in UCD - short by about 30 points. He would like his 3rd choice in UCD now and has enough points for that. What should he do?

A: Unfortunately, once he was offered his second choice his third choice is no longer available to him even though he has the points for it. The only place he can now be offered is his first choice if he became entitle to it with his points. The only way he can get his third preference in UCD unfortunately is to reapply next year putting that course higher up his preferences and hope the points don’t go above what he has.

756 days ago

Q: If I defer an arts offer for next year can I still reply to cao next year for more options

A: If you defer an Arts degree, this means you apply on the CAO form for just that course next year and you are guaranteed your place on that specific course. Internally on the course you will have the same options as you would have this year if you took up a place on the course. (unless the course has been modified in some way in the mean time).

756 days ago

Q: I’m just short of the points for sustainability in ucd my options are at this stage to take a ok. Course or repeat if I repeat I could still apply on this years points next year, however there has been some discussion on line that the extra per cent age we got this year may be taken off next year to level the playing field for next years leaving certificate students do you know if this could happen?

A: It is likely that the post marking adjustment next year will be less than this year as the Department of Education commence the glide back to the normal Leaving Certificate process so I don’t see too many people repeating next year for this reason.

756 days ago

Q: I’ve been offered my second place. Do i have to accept this to be offered an option on second round or do i refuse it

A: Whether you accept your second preference place or not you will still be in the running for an offer on your 1st preference course place in round 2. But all your course preferences below your 2nd preference are gone.

756 days ago

Q: My son has been offered his second choice in Tallaght but dosnt want it now.. he did not get enough points for his first choice in UCD - short by about 30 points. he would like his 3rd choice in UCD now and has enough points for it. What should he do?

A: Unfortunately, once he was offered his second choice his third choice is no longer available to him even though he has the points for it. The only place he can now be offered is his first choice if he became entitle to it with his points. The only way he can get his third preference in UCD unfortunately is to reapply next year putting that course higher up his preferences and hope the points don’t go above what he has.

756 days ago

Q: If I defer an arts offer for next year can I still reply to cao next year for more options

A: If you defer an Arts degree, this means you apply on the CAO form for just that course next year and you are guaranteed your place on that specific course. Internally on the course you will have the same options as you would have this year if you took up a place on the course. (unless the course has been modified in some way in the mean time).

756 days ago

Q: I’m just short of the points for sustainability in ucd my options are at this stage to take a ok. Course or repeat if I repeat I could still apply on this years points next year, however there has been some discussion on line that the extra per cent age we got this year may be taken off next year to level the playing field for next years leaving certificate students do you know if this could happen?

A: It is likely that the post marking adjustment next year will be less than this year as the Department of Education commence the glide back to the normal Leaving Certificate process so I don’t see too many people repeating next year for this reason.

756 days ago

Q: Can an accepted CAO offer be withdrawn if a paper appeal results in a lower grade?

A: The colleges retain the right to remove a place from someone who is deemed not entitled to a place on a course. I have rarely heard of this happening. If in doubt of dropping a grade in a subject I would err on the side of not getting it rechecked.

756 days ago

Q: What degree is required to do a Hibernian course for primary school teachinge?

A: Any undergraduate level 8 degree. The grade and subject are not relevant for the purposes of meeting the entry requirements. You must still meet the Department of Education LC requirements also.

756 days ago

Q: I applied for economics/mathematics TR207. The points appear to be 613 without a * which means everyone who met the requirements was offered a place. I have met the requirements but was not offered a place and instead offered a lower preference course, why is this?

A: Yes, points are showing 613 which means everyone who got 613 points or above and met the course entry requirements are entitled to a place. If you are in this category and were not offered a place, I would contact CAO immediately with all your details and seek clarification.

756 days ago

Q: I didn’t get offered one of my choices on cao even though I got 401 points and the course points were 347 Arts in UL. If I accept the level 8 course offered to me in round 1 of cao offers will I loose out on being offered the level 8 course I really wanted.

A: This very much depends where these courses were on your list of preferences. If Arts in UL was below the course you have been offered then even though you have the points for it, you have been offered a higher preference course and now Arts in UL is not available to you. If Arts in UL is above course you have been offered and you have the points for it then there is an issue. You may not have met the subject entry requirements for the college or the course. It might be worth checking these. If you feel you have met these then I would contact CAO through their website and seek clarification. If you are happy to take up the course you have been offered I would accept this while clarifying the situation above.

756 days ago

Q: I didnt get enough points for radiography in UCD, is there any chance I can get an offer in the 2nd Round? If not is there any other route into the course ie PLC or transfer from another course?

A: Yes there is a chance but by no means guaranteed as it is a high demand course. The points did drop on both UCD and TCD courses last year from Round One points so that is positive news for you. Unfortunately there is no FETAC route to Radiography but there is however a graduate pathway. Details are available here.

756 days ago

Q: I have deferred my 3rd choice course, I am wondering if I get a higher preference in round 2, am I still able to defer it? What would happen to the first defered course. Would it automatically be cancelled? Thanks!

A: Yes, if having deferred your 3rd choice, you get offered your 2nd choice you can seek a deferral for this choice. If you decide to defer this one your 3rd choice will be cancelled.

756 days ago

Q: Do the courses with high points (Chemical Science Trinity) normally fill by round 2 or can you still be offered a place up to final rounds. Do you know what round it filled last year. I have 544 LC points

A: With TCD invariably round 2 would have most places filled. Of courses there are odd exceptions but generally round two most places are allocated. In the final round when the appeal results come out there might be a few places fill at that stage. All we can tell you is that it started in round one on 558 and by the end of the offer season the final cut off points were 542.

756 days ago

Q: Can you ask to have a paper checked if you have not viewed it?

A: Yes, there is no requirement to view a paper first to appeal a paper. it is advisable to do so but not essential.

756 days ago

Q: Hi. I am from Italy. I have a diploma from an “ISTITUTO TECNICO”. My final grades are 95/100. What would CAO points equivalent be of my final grades?

A: There is a document on the CAO website at (see here) which discusses entry requirements from EU candidates. On page 51 the requirements for Italy are listed. I would advise having a look at this document and if you have further questions contact CAO by email to seek further clarification.

756 days ago

Q: Can I deny my first choice course and choose the second choice?

A: I’m afraid not, once you are offered your first choice then all lower choices are effectively gone from your application.

756 days ago

Q: I omited exam number from my cao applicaton, didnt get an offer , i was 20 points above international business at ucc , i have been onto cao , adjusted my application, How likely am i to get my course in second round offers l

A: Cautiously I would say quite likely as you are above the cut off points and entitled to a place on the basis of your points, but it really depends on how many others are in the same situation and how many places UCC have to offer in round 2. Best of luck.

757 days ago

Q: Do the courses with high points (Chemical Science Trinity) normally fill by round 2 or can you still be offered a place up to final rounds. Do you know what round it filled last year. I have 544 LC points

A: With TCD invariably round 2 would have most places filled. Of courses there are odd exceptions but generally round two most places are allocated. In the final round when the appeal results come out there might be a few places fill at that stage. All we can tell you is that it started in round one on 558 and by the end of the offer season the final cut off points were 542.

757 days ago

Q: Can you seek a college place if you have enough points but did not put it on the CAO form by contacting the college directly if they have unfilled places on that course?

A: Any unfilled places on CAO courses are listed in what is called Available/Vacant places. The list of these courses are on the CAO website. Applying for a vacant place is very similar to using the change of mind procedure, with slightly different rules. These are the only courses you can add to your CAO form this year. This is the link to the courses and instructions:

757 days ago

Q: My son feels he was downgraded in x2 subjects and would like to appeal if he does and get upgraded to higher point and decides later on throughout the year that he doesn’t want the course he’s doing and drops out. If he applies through the cao again next year will it be on the new grades he gets, if he’s upgraded ?

A: If your son applies to the CAO next year it will be with the LC scores he has at the end of the appeal process as these will be his definitive LC scores.

757 days ago

Q: So I got my first choice to DKIT and I haven’t been wanting to go there for a while but the CAO change of mind was closed by the time I could change my first choice to UCD. can I transfer when college starts? i have enough points for UCD and it was second on my CAO

A: I don’t think this is going to be as easy as you might think. CAO is responsible for all entry to 1st year in CAO courses, so to go to first year in UCD you would have to reapply to CAO again next year. If the courses are similar and you want to try transfer to 2nd year in UCD this would be at the discretion of the department head of the course you want to transfer into. They would look at similarity of course material in year one, numbers of places available, etc. I don’t think is going to be possible in the short term.

757 days ago

Q: My son suspects that a supplementary booklet may have gone missing for one of his exams. Do you know what the process is where this happens?

A: You should make contact with the SEC Helpline 1800 111 135 or 1800 111 136 who will advise you.

757 days ago

Q: I’m wondering if I decide to start my course that I was offered now, how long would my leaving cert points be valid if I was to do the HPAT in two to three years if I decide to do medicine.

A: Your LC points are yours forever and you can use them whenever you need to. In a few years time if you want to apply for Med as an undergraduate you can use your LC points with the HPAT you achieve (assuming the HPAT is still with us).

757 days ago

Q: If I accept my 2nd offer if commerce in UCD and check my papers, could I still choose my first choice if I had enough points on recount? I got 565, engineering 577, very close to 2H1s in maths and physics

A: Yes, if you accept your 2nd choice of Commerce you still remain in the running for your 1st choice. If you get rechecks done and you increase your points and subequently become entitled to Engineering then you will be offered this in October and it is up to you if you want to stay with Commerce or move to Engineering.

757 days ago

Q: My daughter didn’t get the course but was offered her 2nd choice and has a plc course line up. If she defers her college place for a year to do a plc course does she have to take up this course next year or can she apply for a different course?

A: If she defers her college course - she must apply to the CAO by the 1st Feb 2023 to secure her deferred course offer at this year’s points. If she does not want to undertake this course next year she can apply for a different course.

757 days ago

Q: I was offered my first choice course in WIT. However, I have changed my mind about my CAO preferences and really want my third choice which is also in WIT. I have enough points for it but I know I won’t get another CAO offer. Is there anyway that I can transfer between courses in WIT if there is spaces in the course left? Thanks!

A: My advice is to email admissions at WIT and check if such a transfer is possible.

757 days ago

Q: I was offered my 2nd choice of Industrial Physics in UCC. I am 1 grade off of my first choice of Astrophysics in UCC and I got 89% in Business and hope to appeal. If I am brought up and they offer me a deferred place, is it possible to complete my first year in Industrial Physics and then go into the 2nd year of Astrophysics next year as the first year of both courses are extremely similar?

A: This would be a question to ask the head of department in UCC. If the first year of both courses are very similar then it would make sense. Before the results of the appeals come out in October, I would make it my business to speak with the head of department in UCC and run this by him/her. Then if the situation arises you will have answers to your questions before you make your decisions.

757 days ago

Q: Hi, at this point I’m aware that * next to a course denotes - Not all on this points score were offered places. It is Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) themselves who determine how the applicants are accepted, not the CAO. It may well be that all applicants at the same points score where not subject to a random selection process to arrive at the remaining places offered or not offered. As the CAO has no insight into this selection, who provides transparency and oversight of this process other than the university/college themselves? Secondly, if the university/college refuses to give insight into positions on waiting lists for future rounds of offers what can be done, and does this mean the waiting list for round one offers may be binned and a new random selection created for each new round?

A: This is from the CAO handbook: For some courses random number selection may also be a factor. Before applicants are placed on the Order of Merit lists for courses they are assigned a random number for each course choice. If there are five applicants with an identical points score competing for one remaining place, random number selection applies and the place will be offered to the applicant with the highest random number. It is the CAO that oversees this random number and maintenance of the academic merit lists for the courses. It is not the colleges who determine any of this process.

757 days ago

Q: My son received 544 points in LC22, he was offered Chemical Science in DCU and has accepted but is hoping for Chemical Science in Trinity which was 555 in Round 1. Realistically will the points drop by the 11 he needs (he has DARE too).

A: Chemical sciences dropped from 558 to 542 last year so there is a precedent for this course that points can drop considerably. The fact that he qualified for DARE also could also make a difference here as there are 7 places for DARE candidates. He definitely has a chance but unfortunately we won’t know until round 2 offers emerge.

757 days ago

Q: My son is still TY stage & he aims to either Trinity business school or UCD’s similar major in international business. So based on Y2022′s result, how is the CAO points for both options?

A: Business in TCD (also known as BESS) is 576 points this year and Commerce in UCD is 554* and Commerce International is 544.

757 days ago

Q: My daughter has been offered her 1st choice, but is unsure whether she is ready for college at this time. Could she accept her course now rather than deferring and, if she dropped out in year one, could she reapply for the same course at a later time by making an application through the CAO

A: Yes she can accept her offer rather than deferring. If she drops out she can re-apply to CAO using the 2023 online application process.

757 days ago

Q: I got an offer I am very happy with. However there are 3 results that i am disappointed with. Have scored 69, 69 & 66 in them. I was going to appeal them. If my appeal is successful it won’t affect my course as I got my 1st offer. Should I appeal or just leave it. My parents feel that there is no reason to now as I got what I wanted & are worried in case I get downgraded & put my offer in jepoardy. I would just like to know what to do

A: It’s totally your own choice whether you appeal or not. There is no benefit in terms of your offer. It is unlikely that a 66 will be upgraded unless there was a clerical error.

757 days ago

Q: My son was hoping to get medicine in any of the 5 colleges but did not get an offer. He had taken a year out last year to repeat the HPAT and while he did very well he did not get an offer. He is contemplating starting the course he was offered and resitting the hpat again. Its hard to know whether this is a good idea - ie accept that Undergrad medicine is not an option, or keep trying. What is the downside of trying it again?

A: If your son really wants medicine, which he clearly does, I think if he is very close he should keep trying as he might regret not trying later. Would he consider applying for Medicine in Italy, Poland or Bulgaria. There are many Irish students now doing Medicine in these countries through English. Yes there are greater fees but in the long run with a career in Medicine ahead of him they could be paid back quite quickly. During his first year he could repeat the HPAT also if he wished.

757 days ago

Q: My niece has got her first choice course that she now doesn’t want. ( She had no guidance in the process.) Can she just let this offer lapse and reapply next year through the cao?

A: That’s unfortunate. Yes, if she doesn’t want the place, just do nothing and the place will lapse on the reply date. She can submit a new CAO application next year and it will be completely independent of this year’s application.

757 days ago

Q: My son didn’t get his first choice due to an increase in points, he received an offer for a college he doesn’t want to attend, the is a course in his preferred college but for some reason it was further down his CAO list, can he approach the college directly to see if they will accept him as he has the points for the other course.

A: No your son cannot approach the college directly even though he has the points for the other course. His choices are to accept what he has been offered and maybe in a subsequent round he may be offered a course above this one on his list of college course choices. Any courses below his current offer are now gone.

757 days ago

Q: I have been offered intellectual disability nursing in TCD, but really want midwifery - is there scope to move courses after year 1? Thanks.

A: My advice is to email admissions at TCD and check if such a transfer is possible.

757 days ago

Q: I got 488 points in my leaving cert. I am 8 points short of teaching in Marino and 18 points short of teaching in pats. I am appealing 3 of my exams. If I get enough points for either of these courses but all the places are filled up how is this fair??. Marino take on very little students so these places are sure to be full. What should I do?

A: There is nothing you can do other than submit your subjects for appeal and await the outcome. If you become entitled to a place in a higher preference course after the results of the appeals, then the colleges will try their utmost to create a place for you in October. In the event that they cannot then at the very least they must offer you a deferred place in 2023. For now you need to make decisions based on what you have at the moment as there is no guarantee you will be upgraded.

757 days ago

Q: I have got my 3rd choice (Primary Teaching DCU) if I defer the course until next year and appeal my results, if my points increase will I get Mary I (1st choice) and will I no longer have the option of going to DCU next year, as I now want DCU and don’t want to go to Mary I any longer.

A: If you decide to defer your DCU course now, then you must contact the admissions office at DCU (not the CAO) and follow their instructions. If you get the points for Mary I following the appeal of your results you should get an offer at which point you can decide accept or not. If you decide you do not want Mary I and want to do the DCU place it is necessary to apply for this through the CAO by the 1st Feb 2023.

757 days ago

Q: Is it an option to reject my first choice offer (I want to take a gap year and do a different course then), I don’t want to accept or defer the course but I don’t know how to reject either.

A: You don’t have to do either.

757 days ago

Q: I can’t find the points for the Business with Law joint honors course in Trinity, course code TR580

A: The points for TR580 Business and Law are 613*

757 days ago

Q: My son is interested in a Trinity course,TR188,computer science and business for next year but cannot find any information on points for this year, many thanks

A: The points for this joint honours programme combination is 578.

757 days ago

Q: I want to do primary school teaching i received an offer for early childhood education if i accept this what can other routes do I have?

A: You can apply to undertake a Post Graduate Qualification in Primary Teaching after your degree. A H4 in LC Irish will still be a requirement.

757 days ago

Q: My son got his 4th choice and may now be regretting it. His 5th choice is much better. What does he do? Defer and apply next year, or reject the offer and seek his 5th choice? Is there any option?

A: Now that your son has been offered his 4th preference his 5th preference is no longer available on his preferences, it is gone. The only way he could possibly get his 5th preference is to reapply next year and put his 5th preference higher up on his list of preferences. There is no point in deferring his 4th preference as this means he can only apply for this course next year.

757 days ago

Q: If I accept general nursing in trinity is there any way I can apply next year to transfer to childrens nursing ie with high marks in my first year exams

A: My advice is to email admissions at TCD and check if such a transfer is possible.

757 days ago

Q: TCD’s joint honours points grid seems to be missing the points for a number of possible combinations that are listed in the CAO handbook. Have trinity removed these courses or was there a mistake when they made the grid?

A: You are correct, there are gaps. The reason for the gaps is that on some of the combinations places were not offered. This can happen from year to year as there is a quota on the number of places on each subject. The chart will be updated by TCD admissions to show n/a for the combinations where places were not offered.

757 days ago

Q: Is it possible to repeat the leaving cert a second time and are there any conditions

A: Yes it is possible to repeat the leaving cert a second time. In terms of points it is the points from the best leaving cert that are counted and not a combination of your best 6 subjects from both.

757 days ago

Q: I received 466 pts, my preferred choice TR005 philosophy went up 70 pts to 526. I’m hoping to win appeals to get to 499pts. I have accommodation in Dublin and would have to accept a lower offer of a course which I don’t want to do in the hopes of getting it in a later round. I also have a backup in Ulster University but accepting Ulster University now means I would lose out on Dublin accommodation if I was offered philosophy in a later round. Should I take the lower offer and hope to get upgraded?

A: TR005 started in round one in 2021 at 510 and by the end of the offer season it finished at 456. A 54 points drop from round one to end of season. If you have any interest in the lower preference offer you might be wise to accept this and hope that in the next rounds or indeed after the appeal results are issued you might get your place. If it doesn’t work out and you don’t get an offer then you need to focus on the course you have accepted to see if this is a course that meets your needs and you like. If not you have the option of dropping out and submitting a new CAO application next year. Could you look at deferring your place in UU until next year as a security blanket?

757 days ago

Q: Can you defer a college place for a year to do a plc year course

A: In most cases yes. It is the ultimate decision of the individual colleges, but my sense is that most would be amenable to this.

757 days ago

Q: Can you defer a college place for a year to do a plc year course

A: In most cases yes. It is the ultimate decision of the individual colleges, but my sense is that most would be amenable to this.

757 days ago

Q: My son lost out on his first offer by 1 point. He has appealed 3 subjects. If his points go up, surely he should be offered course & not a place in 2023.

A: There is no guarantee that his points will go up. If they do he may be offered a place - depends on the course.

757 days ago

Q: My daughter got offered teaching in Limerick and also business studies in Athlone, she has decided to defer this year but is undecided yet what she wants to do, how does she defer the college places and can she defer the level 8 offer- teaching and the level 7 offer -business studies?

A: Decide which course you want to defer. Then make contact with the Admissions Office of college in question (not the CAO) and follow their instructions. If you defer your college place a CAO Application must be made for the course by the ist Feb 2023.

757 days ago

Q: I know this is a long way away but would happen if you were to accept a higher preference course in round 3 even though college for 1st years starts on 26th Sep. and you have already registered for a college?

A: If this happens, the college you have registered with would deregister you leaving you free to register with your round 3 offer college. Fees paid would be refunded.

757 days ago

Q: My son was offered primary school teaching in Marino. Mary I was his first preference. He is appealing some exams grades and only needs one exam to be upgraded to achieve Mary I requirements. As the appeal process is later than the college year start. Can he do the first year in Marino and if offered a place in Mary I can he switch next year 2023 and start second year in Mary I? Thank you

A: This would seem to be a logical thing to do, but life is not always that straight forward. Firstly, if he becomes entitiled to a place in Mary I, they may be in a position to offer him a place in October in which case he would have to take up the place. If they offer him a deferred place for the following year he would be looking at starting in September 2023. If this option arises you could have a chat with both colleges to see would your sugestion be a runner. There are a lot of issues behind the scene in terms of funding of places that might not allow this to happen but it would be worth a try.

757 days ago

Q: I am viewing a paper tomorrow. If i spot a clerical error in adding up points which lifts me up a grade, do I have to go through the appeals and wait until October; wait until R2 offers for my correct course, or will the fact that it is a clerical error move me through the system quicker? I am 1 point short of my 1st choice and 0.4% away from a H1 on the paper im checking tomorrow.

A: In the event that you believe there is a discrepancey between the mark awarded and the grade awarded in a script that was marked online you should contact the Candidate Helpline at 1800 111 135 or 1800 111 136 or by email to for their advice.

757 days ago

Q: My son got 589 points in LC and his first choice was Engineering in UCD DN150 - the point this year are 577. He did not get any offers and when we checked with CAO it was because he hadnt included his LC number on application. They reopened it so he could add it today and we have done so. They advised he would get an offer in Round 2. Is he guaranteed to get his first choice because he has more than the points for this or does it depend on if others reject it. Is there anything else we can do at this stage?

A: He will get an offer in Round 2. He is not guaranteed his first choice as the all the places may have been accepted. There is nothing else you can do at this stage.

757 days ago

Q: I just missed my preferred course by a few points and am appealing 2 subject that will hopefully bring me up to the required points. If my appeals are unsuccessful and I do year 1 in the course I was offered can I still apply for my preferred course in CAO 2023 with my 2022 points?

A: Yes you can still apply for your preferred course in 2023 with your 2022 points. If you are successful be mindful that higher fees will apply for year one.

757 days ago

Q: I applied for a new software course in UL called ‘Immersive Software Engineering’. I was not offered a place on the course as the cut off points for the course ended up at 803 points. This included a score out of 300 from a mandatory portfolio submission. I thought with having achieved 556 points in my leaving cert in 2021 I would have had no problem getting onto this course but as 803 is the requirement, I would have needed 247 points for the portfolio. The cut off rate to the portfolio seemed to be between 200 and 220 points. I have acquired the SUSI grand and have been offered my second choice but am unsure if would enjoy it. It looks as though if I do even reapply for the course next year I won’t be able to achieve the portfolio requirement as it so high and above the cap for this year. The points for this course are ridiculous and I have no idea what to do. Should I wait for next year or should I just go with my second offer? If I do wait, will the points even come down that much?

A: You will have to consider your options carefully over the coming days. There is no guarantee that the points will fall next year.

757 days ago

Q: My first choice Computer Science & Linguistics at Trinity went up by 100 points, is this the highest points increase this year across all courses? Do you think it might drop by a significant amount too for the second round offers?

A: We have no way of knowing. It’s unllikely to drop for the second round offers.

757 days ago

Q: My son has applied to defer his course - do you know how long this process takes and if all deferrals are granted. Thank you.

A: It should happen very quickly as admissions offices are expecting deferral applications over these few days and generally make decisions without delay. I wouldn’t say all deferrals are granted but the vast majority would seem to be.

757 days ago

Q: Does a person who was granted a HEAR spot have to decline their offer for another person who was granted HEAR to obtain it in Round 2 offers? There are only 2 HEAR spots for my top course and wondering if one of these has to decline or defer for me to be offered a potential spot?

A: While there are different policies in different colleges around HEAR and HEAR places, what you have described is the most lightly situation as there are only limited places set aside for HEAR candidates.

757 days ago

Q: I just want to know my points if I have a score in Ordinary Level two 6, three 5 and one 7? I’m confused? Will I get my points to do Early childhood care in TUD Tallaght?

A: My interpretation of your LC Results is 2O6, 3O5 and 1O7 in which case you will be have awarded 84 points in the LC. The points for TU 790 Early Childhood in Tallaght is 205 which means you will not be offered a place.

757 days ago

Q: My son got an offer in TUD in the first round and this is his 3rd choice but now that we are moving in the country side. It is better for him to study in Maynooth which is his 4th choice . I know that you can’t go down base on CAO offer but can he personally contact Maynooth ?

A: No he must accept his 3rd Choice Offer. All other courses not open for consideration. There is no point in contacting Maynooth.

757 days ago

Q: What is the points requirement for DARE places for veterinary medicine in UCD this year? Where are DARE points published?

A: Points for Veterinary Medicine are 601*. Random selection was used so not all candidates on 601 got an offer. DARE points are never published by CAO colleges.

757 days ago

Q: Do you know what points were required for Law and Business in Trinity this year, TR580, I can’t find it anywhere. It was 625* last year. Thanks

A: Please check the course code - there is no such code in the CAO Handbook.

757 days ago

Q: I have been offered my 3rd Choice course through the HEAR scheme for UCC, I prefer my 1st and 2nd choice courses, if I don’t accept the offer for UCC, am i still eligible to get a round 2 offer, through HEAR in NUIG for either of my preferred courses?

A: Yes you are.

757 days ago

Q: If a student accepts their offer from the first round (she received her 2nd choice course), does that preclude them from being offeted a course in the second round if their first choice course is not filled. She is 2 points short of the cut off point for her 1st choice course.

A: If a student accepts their 2nd choice in round one then they stay in contention for their first preference in the next rounds and if they become entitled to a place on the 1st preference they they will be offered it regardless if they accepted their 2nd preference or not.

757 days ago

Q: My son mixed up his choices and got his higher choice of a Level 8 degree but he wanted a course lower down on his list. he had meant to change his preferences but forgot to. Can we appeal to get the course he wants?

A: No. Once he is offered a course, everything below that is now not available. He can hope to move up the list of preferences but not down unfortunately.

757 days ago

Q: I am a EU student with international A level qualification applying for medicine in Ireland. I got 790 points from my A level and HPAT but I did not get any offers. I do not know how to check what has gone wrong with my application and how can I appeal.

A: I would advise sending an email to CAO through their website with all your details and seek clarification. It might also be a good idea to contact the admissions office of the colleges you have applied to, with the same details and seek clarification from them also.

757 days ago

Q: I have received my number 1 choice, but now prefer my 2nd choice, 1 was in nursing Scully’s and the 2nd choice is trinity - nursing. What are my options.

A: You will not be offered your Number 2 Choice. You can review any Level 7/6 offer you have received and accept this instead.

757 days ago

Q: My daughter applied through CAO and Dare for a college place. She was eligiblefor a dare place. She received an offer on her chosen course. How do we know whether its a Dare offer or not. Her points were above the required entry.

A: As she received the required points in the LC, the DARE Scheme was not needed.

757 days ago

Q: Our son had the following choices with on his CAO 1st Choice : Veterinary UCD 2nd Choice: Engineering UCD He got 601 points in his LC. 601 meets the requirements for Vet but not all candidates on 601 will receive an offer for veterinary - it is a lotto system. He was disappointed that he got a H2 (88%) in his Irish and has asked for a recheck - the paper will be available in his school to review this coming weekend. Yesterday he was offered his 2nd choice Engineering in UCD which he accepted (note: he accepted only because he needs to accept now asap, in order to qualify for student campus accommodation at UCD). Our questions: If his Irish paper grade is elevated to a H1 he will then have 613 points. Does 613 points automatically guarantee he will be offered a place in Vet? How does the lotto system for Vet work? i.e. how is the choice made for people who sit between the range of 601 - 625 points? When will a recheck of LC Irish be available, so that he will be able to have his final points confirmed? Are places held open by UCD Vet for people like him who are getting papers rechecked?

A: The cut off points for Veterinary Med were 604*. Everyone above this is entitled to a place so yes if he is upgraded to 613 he is now entitled to a place as a late entrant for this year or a deferred offer for next year if they cannot create a place for this year. The results for rechecks will not be availabe until October so any offer which takes into account any upgrades will not be made until October also.

757 days ago

Q: Our son did not include his Leaving Cert number on his CAO application therefore no offer. His 1st choice is LM050 Business in Limerick he has acheived 499 points which is the requirement, he has resubmitted his application & send a mail to UL which they have responded to, after Round 1 they review the waiting list, try to accommodate students where they can in Round 2, am sure he is not the only one in this position! I presume there is nothing more he can do except wait? Would you be hopeful?

A: Yes, you have done everything you can do at this stage, you will just have to wait for round 2 to see what happens. It will all depend on whether UL have places to allocate at that stage. This has happened in the past and I know colleges will make every effort to offer the place in round 2, if they can at all.

757 days ago

Q: My son plans to request a deferral of round 1 offer. Can he still be considered for round 2 offers. Will deferring R1 impact R2?

A: If your son defers his round one offer, he will still remain in contention for any higher preferences in round 2 if he becomes entitled to them.

758 days ago

Q: How do you know if a course is fully subscribed at round 1 time.

A: You don’t know until round 2. College won’t know until all the replies are in.

758 days ago

Q: Appeals apparently can move your grade down. What happens if this happened and my points went down lower than the offer I got today? Is place taken off me?

A: Thecollege can ask you to leave but I have never heard of this happening. But they do have the final say. The percentage of upgrades are much greater than downgrades.

758 days ago

Q: My son wants veterinary. If appeals and is successful he will have 601. How will that work with random selection?

A: When the cut off points are determined it sometimes happens that more than one student has the same number of points as the cut off points. In this case all the students on the these points are given a randomly electronically generated number. If, for example, there are 10 students on the same points and there are four available places, the four students with the highest electronically random numbers are selected for the course. This effectively is an electronically based lottery. When the points are published, the courses that used this random selection have an asterisks (*) beside the points.

758 days ago

Q: If I don’t accept my 2022 offer - can I reapply for 2023 CAO using my 2022 points

A: Yes you can. You will be charged the application fee for 2023. The best of luck.

758 days ago

Q: Hi. My daughter has mistakenly accepted her 1st choice course at NUI Galway. How can she rectify this? And can she go for one of the lower courses she put on the CAO ? Thanks

A: She will not get offered courses that lie below todays offer. Contact Registery office of college and inform them. The place can then be given to someone else.

758 days ago

Q: If I’m appealing should I accept my first round offer

A: Yes accept. If your appeal is successful then CAO will issue you an offer higher up on your CAO, providing that you meet all requirements and cut off points. You will be given a choice. You can remain on original course or swap over to the new one ( providing that there is space on this course). CAO will defer a place for you if the course is full.

758 days ago

Q: I got 625 points in the Leaving Certificate, however, I got my fourth option in the CAO. This outcome left me disappointed, considering the fact that I hoped for dentistry which is higher up in my list. What do you advise that I should do? Should I accept this offer and wait for round two?

A: I think you should accept your fourth preference and hope that in subsequent rounds you might get a higher preference offer. If you don’t get a higher offer you have to evaluate whether you would be happy to continue with your current offer or would like to reapply next year.

758 days ago

Q: I missed didn’t have enough points for my chosen course. However I qualified for a spot through the DARE scheme. I don’t feel quite ready for college and want to take a year out to mature and gain some life experience. Can I defer my spot even though it was through DARE?

A: If you have an offer of a place you can seek a deferral from the college if you don’t want to take up the place this year. It doesn’t matter how you got the offer, you now have it and you are entitled to apply for a deferral. Details of deferral procedure is here:

758 days ago

Q: What % of leaving cert repeats do better

A: No idea James, I don’t have those stats.

758 days ago

Q: If you get offered a course today and have a recheck of leaving cert paper, and you were unfortunate enough to have a leaving cert paper downgraded (13 papers were downgraded last year) resulting in lower points - would todays offer be rescinded? Or does it stand.

A: Not sure where you are getting the figure of 13 grades downgraded, I didn’t think it was as high as that but in theory yes if you are downgraded and hence have lower points and may not be entitled to a place, the institutions would retain the right to rescind a place. Rarely hear of this happening in reality but it could.

758 days ago

Q: I’m disappointed with my result, I was hoping for 600 points and I got 3 H1. If I repeat my Leaving Cert can I repeat 4 subjects and count the points from the 3 H1 I got with the 4 I retake this year?

A: Unfortunately you cannot combine leaving certificates for points purposes. Your points have to be calculated from one sitting of the leaving certificate.

758 days ago

Q: If I reject an offer as I don’t want it will it affect my chance for other offers higher up on my CAO list?

A: No, not at all but be sure about this as there is no guarantee you will be offered anything else higher up in the next rounds and you may be left with nothing.

758 days ago

Q: I got the couse i but was offered at my 9th choice. Why this ? Why jumped 2-8 of my college choices? Can this be changed?

CAO first check each of your 10 course choices to see which courses you are entitled to a place on, on the basis of your points. Then they offer you a place on the highest preference you are entitled to a place on. So in your case the highest course you are entitled to a place on is your 9th.

758 days ago

Q: If I refuse this offer, do I stand a chance to get another offer

A: Accepting or rejecting todays offer will have no influence on future rounds. You will be offered higher preference courses only. All courses below todays offer are now obsolete.

758 days ago

Q: Hi. If course 625, if someone doesn’t take up place, will they move to 613′s? Is this randomised. Are second round offers all on a particular day or released as places become available? Thanks

A: If the course is 625 points in round one and some of the people offered places at 625 do not take up their places then these places will be offered to the next people down on the course points merit list. Assuming this is the group on 613, if there are too many people on 613 than there are places then random selection will be used to decide who gets the places. All second round offers are made on September 19th at 10am.

758 days ago

Q: I got 455 points and midwifery in Galway was my top choice. The points for it this year are down to 462 so I missed it by 7 but I got an offer for nursing in ATU Castlebar. If I accept my offer in Castlebar is it possible to transfer into midwifery next year in NUIG or UL ? I have also been accepted to a PLC that could possibly lead me into midwifery next year. Do I have more of a chance of getting midwifery by accepting the nursing offer and transferring or by doing the plc and applying again next year ?

A: Each college has their own rules and policies regarding external transfers. I recommend that you phone the Admissions Office of colleges in question. Then use that info to help make more of an informed decision. We are here all day tomorrow if you need additional guidance.

758 days ago

Q: I was wondering if the points for MH101 in Maynooth were increased from last year because I met all the requirements and minimum entry points but still did not receive an offer

A: Final points for last year for MH101 were 336. This year the round one cut off points for the course are 338. If you got 338 points or above and met all the course entry requirements then you should be offered a place.

758 days ago

Q: I got 601 points in the Leaving Cert. I had mathematical science down as my first choice. It went up to 577 so I have plenty of points to spare. When I logged onto CAO today it said that it hadn’t received my results or exam number. I checked my emails and I had opened one from March telling me to input my exam number, now whether I forgot to do it or there was a fault in the system, should I not have been notified again before the CAO closed that my exam number was not inputted. To cut a long story short now I’m banking on the second round of offers to even get a place in college next year. Surely something else could be done.

A: It is the students responsibilty to check for any errors on their Satement of Record. The CAO emailed this out to all applicants late April/May. It will mean that you will be included in Round 2. I would be confident that you will get it in Round two. It is not a guarantee because places would have to remain unfilled from Round One.

758 days ago

Q: I got 588 points and want to do law in Trinity at 589 points. Is it likely I will get a round two offer?

A: Unfortunately no way of knowing. Last year it did drop 1 point from 590 to 589* so it can happen.

758 days ago

Q: Hi, not directly related to Lc but I’ve accidentally gotten blocked out of my susi account and urgently need to update my bank details so I can get receive my susi payment when I start college. Doyou happen to know how long the wait period is before I can try again?

A: I think that it is 24 hours but just send susi an email as I am not definite.

758 days ago

Q: My son got offered computer science & business in trinity TR188 , do you know the points for this course as it’s not on Cao points publication?

A: Here is the grid ..Looks like points were 578. Click on 2022 and go to page 2.

758 days ago

Q: Do you think there will be a second round offer for Medicine in Galway?

A: I really cannot say. There wasn’t last year but anything is possible. Nobody will know until Sept 19th.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter wanted to do medicine but got a poor HPath score but an excellent leaving can she hold onto those leaving cert points until next year and just repeat the H Path in 2023 and use LC points from 2022 and h path 2023 score

A: Yes this is allowed.

758 days ago

Q: I got a combined LC/HPAT of 753 which is 10 or more points above the minimum, but no offer to study medicine. Do you have any idea why, and whether I am likely to succeed in the second round?

A: Check the minimum entry requirements . See do you satisfy all of them. CAO make an offer once the candidate meets all minimum requirements, subject req and points. Please get back on if you need additional guidance.

758 days ago

Q: Hi , I am 2 points off of the course I wanted. If I appeal and I receive the points , will I get my course ?

A: Yes, but it will be October before the place will be offered either as a late start this year or a deferred place next year. The results of appeals will not be our until then. So for the moment make decisions based on what you have now.

758 days ago

Q: Hi, I had to take my leaving cert exams in a resource room and had the use of an administrator due to the fact I have difficulty writing for long times. For my business exam I had to write the short answer questions on a paper and then completed the rest of the of the exam on a laptop. I got my results on Friday and was very shocked and upset by my result for business. I have been in contact with the school and it looks like there USB where my business exam was stored is now empty. Do I have any recourse if my paper was never sent to be corrected?

A: Look to appeal your Business. The state exams will then liaise with your school if needs be. Please see link regarding dates for appeals. The best of luck. I would also contact the State Examinations or have your school contact them. Monre info here

758 days ago

Q: I got good mark for my LC but I did my mistake on subject choice. Is there any chance to change? I only got an offer for level 7 and I scored more than 540. Please help me

A: No you cannot change. Change of mind deadline was July 1st. You could look at available places/vacant places. They come out tomorrow. Here is a link explaining the process. Get back on if you need more support.

758 days ago

Q: I missed out on course DC110 by 1 point. Int Business DCU. Do points go down in 2nd round?

A: They can do but there is no way of knowing if they will or not until all they current people who have been made offers reply to their offers. If some do not accept their places then more places will be offered and points will drop. We just have to wait to see.

758 days ago

Q: Can you combine results from 2 different leaving certificate years

A: No. Leaving cert points are obtained from your best six subjects in one sitting. However, individual subjects can be repeated for minimum entry requirements.

758 days ago

Q: I have 1036 points with my portfolio. The course which is my first choice requires 734 points. I got an offer for my second choice (both courses have the same minimum requirements). What should I do?

A: It’s very hard to comment with the details you have given. If you feel an error has been made, send an email to CAO giving all your details and ask them to clarify.

758 days ago

Q: Have 555. Have received a CAO offer UCD commerce but want Business and Law (566) or psychology (564). Will accepting impact my chance of 3rd/4th round offer?

A: No accepting will not affect offers in future rounds. Bear in mind that you may only get offered higher preference courses in future rounds.

758 days ago

Q: I got 588 points and I want to study law in trinity at 589 points. Do you think it is likely I will get a second round offer because I am only a point away or would most law offers be accepted and filled? Thank you

A: Unfortunately no way of knowing. Last year it did drop 1 point from 590 to 589* so it can happen.

758 days ago

Q: My son got his 2nd choice of a single homers degree in Trinity. His first choice was a joint honours but I cannot find the points for JH courses-only max and min points. How are the Trinity JH points awarded.

A: If you go to this link and click on 2022 points there is a table in there with points for the different JH courses:

758 days ago

Q: I passed a minimal CAO points for Medicine course but I did not get the offer? How come?

A: Have you met all the minimum entry requirements and HPAT conditions?

758 days ago

Q: I got offered a course that was more points than the one I wanted. What can I do to get the course I really want now?

A: It all depends on the position of the courses on your preference list. Once you are offered a course on your preference list, then all lower courses are gone no matter what points you have. There is no way you will get an offer on these courses. Whether you accept the course you have been offered or not you still will be considered for higher preference courses and will be offered a place on them if you become entitled to one of them.

758 days ago

Q: How many points do you need for social studies in 2022

A: What college? Where?

758 days ago

Q: My daughter got 453 points and was offered her fifth choice. Can you explain why she wasn’t offered her third choice of Trinity Joint Honours English and Classic Civilisation as the points appear to be 448 for that subject combination.

A: Look to see if she satisfies the minimum entry requirements. CAO will only make an offer when an applicant satisfies all entry requirements and cut off points.

758 days ago

Q: Curious as to what the points were for different Trinity Joint Honours. There is a matrix available on the CAO website but I am having difficulty reading it. The law code has a max points of 590 while the sociology code has a max of 625, for instance. This would be unprecedented and I feel I am probably reading the numbers incorrectly. Any insight?

A: Go to the following link on Trinity Grid for 2022 in here.

758 days ago

Q: I have been accepted to RCSI to commence physiotherapy...I have already completed my first year in nursing in ucd as an under grad I am 18 years old...if I transfer will be fees be supplemented by government at approx €3000 euro per year or full fees

A: You will be due to pay full fees. Contact the fees office in RCSI for clarity on this.

758 days ago

Q: What happened to Trinity’s Computer Science/Linguistics Joint Honours course? It was my first choice and I exceeded last year’s points by a significant margin yet I wasn’t offered a place and it seems that the course has not been offered at all this year.

A: Offers were made but the points for this course increased by 100 points.

758 days ago

Q: I opened my CAO account at 2pm today, with no offers, unfortunately. I received 476 points in my Leaving Certificate, at first I thought point inflation had led to the lack of offers, however, the Irish Examiner published an article that debunked this theory. It is my understanding that I am eligible for my top 2 choices in the CAO. My first choice, General Engineering in TUD (TU805) is 476 points. The lack of any * ‘s leads me to believe that anyone who received this amount, received an offer. My second choice, Product Design TUD (TU811) is 440 points, which is 36 points lower than the 476 points I received. This has left me confused as I have met all the minimum requirements for this college, as well as the points required for at least one (if not both) of my top 2 choices. I have attempted to contact the CAO, however, the number is not registering and the website claims it takes up to 4 weeks for a reply via email. I would really appreciate some advice as I am quite confused and disappointed by the events of this afternoon.

A: Based on what you say: you got 476, 1st preference 476, 2nd preference 440, you say you have met all the entry requirements, then you should have been offered your first preference. It doesn’t take weeks for CAO to get back to you. Put all your details in an email to CAO from their website and they will come back to you to clarify the situation.

758 days ago

Q: Can I reapply to the CAO for a different course next year? I didn’t get anything this year

A: Yes you can. Do CAO have your exam number etc. You should of received a statement of record if you didn’t receive an offer today.

758 days ago

Q: I am one point off DN200 Science UCD. I am checking my chemistry paper as I got 89.6%. If it turns out that I get to 90%+ and my current H2 turns into a H1, am I automatically given a place as i then exceed R1 points? Do you know if appeals will be back before R2??

A: The appeals process takes place over a number of weeks, during which papers are recorrected. The results of appeals will probably not be known until early to mid October so any upgrades will not feature in the initial rounds. They will be considered for the final round in October. So the best thing to do is assume you will not get any upgrades and make decisions based on what you have now and then in October if you get an upgrade and a new offer this is a bonus and you make decisions then based on your new situation.

758 days ago

Q: My friend received 625 points and her first choice. However, she now wishes to do Theoretical Physics in Trinity (593 points) but did not put that on her CAO application form. Is there a way to ‘switch’?

A: Only if it appears on vacant places. Please view link She could look for an internal transfer if both courses are at teh same college. Contact the Admissions office if this is the case.

758 days ago

Q: My son got offered his 5th choice on the CAO, he is not sure he wants it. If he tries the course and decides he doesn’t like it, and drops out by Oct 31st can he reapply via CAO again next year and receive free fees?

A: Yes but check the dates with the fees office at the college.

758 days ago

Q: If points are at 625 and place becomes available, is it offered to next 613 person? Is it a lottery among all the 613′s that missed out? Also, are round two offers out on particular day or do they filter out as places become available?

A: All the 613 will be issued a numerical number and random selection will take place. When the cut off points are determined it sometimes happens that more than one student has the same number of points as the cut off points. In this case all the students on the these points are given a randomly electronically generated number. If, for example, there are 10 students on the same points and there are four available places, the four students with the highest electronically random numbers are selected for the course. This effectively is an electronically based lottery.

758 days ago

Q: I omitted to enter my Leaving Cert exam number on the Cao application form. I got 463 pts in my Leaving and applied to UL Arts Level 8. Can this be corrected in the CAO system and will I now have to wait for 2nd Round offers.

A: Contact CAO immediately. You should then be included in round 2 offers on Sept 19th. Best of luck.

758 days ago

Q: Hi, my daughter got 402 points in her leaving and really wants to do Home Economics in St Angelas in Sligo. She has missed out on first round offers, points are 408. Last years round 1 points were 440 but went down to 368 in final round. Do you think she has a chance of being offered a place in second round as we have booked student accommodation and now dont know what to do. She is thinking of trying to get into plc food nutrition course (i think its already started) in sligo institute of further education, and try access home ec via QQI next year if she doesnt get offered in second round but this is a big decision as we are living in Munster but it would allow her to keep the accomodation up there if there is a good chance she will get a second round offer.

A: All we can do is hope. You are correct about last year. Nobody will know what will happen until offers are made in round 2, Sept 19th. The best of luck.

758 days ago

Q: Can you repeat 4 subjects only in the leaving cert and add to 3 subjects from this years leaving certificate

A: No. Six subjects from the one sitting. You can repeat four subjects to satisfy minimum entry requirements only.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter got 3 a stars in a-levels in 2022 and an a-star in 2021 , including maths in 2022 sitting. Cao seems not to have included 2021 a-level , as she did not get first choice law at Trinity 589. Should 2021 a-level be included? She got an offer in UCD law.

A: In this instance I would email Trinity admissions. On the TCD website it seems to be suggesting that different years can be used to meet entry requirements but not for scoring purposes. Give them a call to clarify.

758 days ago

Q: Just looking can you shine a bit of light my way. So I missed out in agriculture science in WIT by one point. Is there any chance at all that I could get offered a place in the course during round 2 of offers?

A: Cheers Yes there is a chance. Course didn’t come down last year but it could very well happen this year. Nobody will know until round 2 offers are issued on Sept 19th.

758 days ago

Q: Art result appeal. In order to appeal my art grade, do I need to have applied to view my script or will I be able to appeal simply on Saturday.

A: You don’t need to view your script. You can just go straight and appeal. Please see link for important dates here.

758 days ago

Q: The leaving cert number on my application was all zeros and I did not see emails from the cao on this. What can I do now?

A: Contact CAO immediately. You will be entered in for round two.

758 days ago

Q: Do you know the release date for Junior Cycle results?

A: SEC has not released this information. Guessing late Oct/ Nov.

758 days ago

Q: I have got my first choice Business in UL but since I received my results in my Leaving I did better in Computer Science than business. Computer Science was my second choice in UL. Now I would like to transfer from Business to Computer Science in UL. Would this be possible and will cost me financially to change courses.

A: It wouldn’t cost you anything. You need to discuss this with the Admissions officer. Internal transfers can happen.You would need to meet the cut off points and a place needs to be available to faciliate an internal transfer.

758 days ago

Q: Son got 10 points more than the cut off for medicine last year, but was not offered a first round place. Any idea why not?

A: Last years points are gone and mean nothing for this year.

758 days ago

Q: My son got his second choice which is early childhood in Maynooth, he has decided he doesn’t want to go there I want to go to Marino instead which I think is his ninth choice. Is that possible or should he do a plc for the year and hope to go to Marino next year

A: He won’t get offered any course that lie below todays offer on his CAO. He should enquire about a transfer after first year, do a PLC or reapply to CAO 2023. They are your options. Get back on if you need more support.

758 days ago

Q: What is deadline for apply for review of paper

A: Yesterday evening 8pm. You can still apply to appeal scripts until Monday 12th September 12pm

758 days ago

Q: When do we find out what the points will be for courses in round 2??

A: Available online at 10 am on September 19th.

758 days ago

Q: If I appeal my Irish result will this affect me accepting my first round offer? I got offered a Level 8, but will need a H4 to do a HDip in Education and I am a few points from a H4

A: Accept todays offer. If you get granted a successful appeal then CAO must make you an offer. You must meet all req and cut off points in order to receive an offer.

758 days ago

Q: I got my first choice but I think my 2nd choice would suit me better what can I do? I’ve looked into CAO vacant places how does this work?

A: You will never be offered your second offer now that you received your first. CAO only offer higher preference courses in future rounds. You need to add a vacant place course as your top choice in order for you to receive an offer in future rounds. Add a vacant course above todays offer on your CAO.

758 days ago

Q: What are the chances of my first choice course ponts dropping for the second round of offers?

A: Depends on the uptake in round one offers? If there is space available and the points of the next person in the queue waiting to get an offer. This is what determines cut off points.

758 days ago

Q: My son didnt get enough points for 1st choice in Trinity but got 2nd choice in UCD. We are appealing 2 subjects hoping that he is upgraded and would make the points for the Trinity course. If this did happen although the TR course will have started will he be guaranteed a place even if it means starting late or leaving his 2nd choice course at UCD. Would he also have the option of deferring if he got the TR course?

A: He will be guaranteed a place if there is still places available on this course. Otherwise they will defer a place for him for Sept 2023.

758 days ago

Q: If points drop by 20 from last years level is it likely they will drop more for Round 2 offers?

A: Anything can happen. It will just depend on the take up for that course from applicants in round 1. Any available places will be offered in round two. Points will depend on the points achieved by the last applicant to get on the course.

758 days ago

Q: Can you keep LC points from 2022 and just repeat the H Path exam in 2023 to get into medicine

A: In order for school leavers to be eligible to compete for entry to undergraduate medicine in 2022, they must: 1. achieve a minimum of 480 points and 2. meet the minimum entry requirements for each Medical School for which they have applied and 3. complete the required admissions test (HPAT-Ireland) in 2022. Criteria 1 and 2 above must both be met in the same sitting of the Irish Leaving Certificate Examination, or equivalent. Pre-2022 Leaving Certificate results may be presented but the HPAT must be presented in the year of entry.

758 days ago

Q: Is it possible that a joint honours course will take longer to be offered? my top course was tr262 and i havent seen any points published for that course. I got an offer for my 2nd choice, but I’m wondering whether I should wait in case I get an offer for my top choice or accept the offer I have asap.

A: Accept today’s offer and hope that you might get a higher preference offer in future rounds. If this happens you can choose to stay put or move to your new offer. The choice is yours.

758 days ago

Q: If you no longer want the higher option and have been offered it, can you be offered the lower choice to that?

A: No. Lower choices prefernces on your CAO are now obsolete. You can only get higher preference offers in future rounds.

758 days ago

Q: Can you repeat individual subjects next year and combine them with this years results

A: You can combine leaving certificates for entry requirements but not for points purposes.

758 days ago

Q: Do the points go down in round 2 offers?

A: For some courses but not every course. Points will fall on courses that have more places available. Courses that are full up from candidates in round one will not reduce points in round 2.

758 days ago

Q: I’m disappointed with my CAO offers, I got 466 points and thought I’d be able to get philosophy in Trinity as it was 456 last year, will I have a chance to get it in a later round

A: This course is now 526. I can’t imagine that the points will drop that much in round 2. Check to see if your offer has similiar content to Philosophy in TCD.

758 days ago

Q: I got 518 points and accepted a place on DC210 pyschology and disruptive technology. My first choice was Psychology in Trinity which is 600 points. I was accepted for DARE. Is there any chance of being offered a DARE place on Trinity Colleges psychology course in the Round 2 offers?

A: Yes every possibility but nobody will know until round 2 offers are made. If this does happen then you can choose to stay put or move to your new course. The choice is yours.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter got 520 points and hasn’t got DCU Engineering. I thought places were to increase to reduce points inflation? Was this just completely wrong?

A: Not all courses increased. The points achieved by those demanding this course must have been higher than last years candidates.

758 days ago

Q: More than enough point for my course (Nursing DCU) but no offer. Could it be delayed? My details on CAO are all correct.

A: Look at minimum entry requirements. If this isn’t the problem then contact CAO. See here.

758 days ago

Q: I had hoped to study in Queens Belfast “International Relations and Politics but didn’t get the required grades. Today I got an offer of Arts in UL - would it be worthwhile to take this course or take a year out and reapply on UCAS for a different course next year? ?

A: It depends really on how much you want to study in Belfast. The course in UL is a very good course in a very good university. One option is to accept this place and maybe when finished it you could pursue a postgrad in Belfast if you wished. Accept the UL for the moment

758 days ago

Q: I have 1036 points with a portfolio, but I didn’t get an offer even though the course required 738. Who should I complain to?

A: Contact CAO immediately through the contact us section of their website and give them all your details, including your exam number . Ask them to look at your application account and see what has happened. They will rectify this and you may be offered a place in Round 2 if entitled.

758 days ago

Q: My leaving cert exam number did not upload correctly until after 2pm today, therefore I have received no offers. Will I receive round 2 offers?

A: Yes you will be included in round two. You will recieve the highest preference offer that you satisfy all requirements and cut off points for.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter missed Arts by 1 point, we are in the process of appealing, as in viewing the scripts. Does she need to accept her offer on Level 8 in the hope that the appeal is successful? She really does not want this offer preferring Arts, if she accepts the course on her Level 7 (early childhood education) does this null out the chances of her maybe getting Arts? Just not sure which one should she accept??

A: She should look at the modules, course content and structure of both and then decide. Accepting her level 8 or 7 will not affect her in future rounds. CAO will make offers if she meets entry req and cut off points. Offers in future rounds will only involve courses that lie above todays offer. The best of luck.

758 days ago

Q: I am an A-level leaver from 2021, and have only applied for Level 8 Courses. I haven’t, as of yet, received any offers nor a statement of application email. What should I do?

A: You should contact the CAO. See here.

758 days ago

Q: I got okay marks in my Leaving Cert , I didn’t get enough points for my first choice but I did get enough for my second choice. The offers came out today but I didn’t get any offers. Is there a chance I might not get any offers and if so is it too late to apple for plcs? I would really appreciate the help i’m really anxious, please and thank you.

A: Sounds like you need to contact CAO. Before doing so you can check to see if you satisifed minimum entry requirements and cut off points for any of your CAO course. Check to see if your exam and candidtae number are correct. Get back on if you need more support.

758 days ago

Q: Am I still able to get 1st choice in later rounds? I got my 2nd choice and accepted it but I missed out on my 1st choice by 4 points.

A: Yes you can still be eligible to be included in later rounds for courses that lie above todays offer on your CAO.

758 days ago

Q: I got 736 points and did not get offer for medicine. Do you think I will get second round offer?

A: Hard to tell. A popular course like this is hard come by in round 2. Never say never though, it has happened. It happened last year e.g. UCC dropped 1 point from original round one offers.

758 days ago

Q: Computer Science Linguistics and a Language in TCD seems to have jumper by exactly 100 points from 443 to 543. Typo?

A: TR039 points for this year round one are 543 and you are right last year was 443. Seems an enormous jump. I would email admissions in TCD to query, but it may be that place numbers were reduced or something like this.

758 days ago

Q: I applied for Trinity with 503 points looking for philosophy which was 456 points 2021. I was not offered a place, do you know what the requirements were this year?

A: Contact CAO and ensure that your exam and candidate number are correct. Points for that course were. Look at the following link, CAO points for Philosophy TCD. See here.

758 days ago

Q: Do the points requirement from the colleges drop for second and subsquent round offers, my son is 40 points below what is needed on the first round.

A: No not necessarily. Points drop when places become available and those next in the queue have lower points. Points will not drop for some courses where ther is a 100% acceptance of offers in round 1 and the course is now full.

758 days ago

Q: I just got offered my second choice (UCD science - at 566 points), and didn’t get offered my first choice Trinity TR063 which is now confirmed at 553 points. I got 607 in my results - how is this possible?

A: Have you met the entry requirements for TR063? O4/H6?

758 days ago

Q: I have been offered my second choice but if I appeal there is a chance I could get my first choice, I am happy with my second but my first choice is the course I really want to do, if I accept my offer now can I still appeal and be offered another choice or could the appeals go wrong and I have nothing

A: No, accept todays offer. A successful appeal could lead to a new CAO offer. You can then choose to stay put or move. Date for release of appeals results is TBC.

758 days ago

Q: Biomedical science in nuig has gone to 601 this year. What’s the likely hood it’ll go down when 2nd round offers come out? And by how much?

A: Nobody will know until round 2. It will all depend on the number of applicants that defer their offer. These places will then be offered to those next in the queue in Round 2

758 days ago

Q: I got an offer for my 2nd choice but I have my points for the third which I wound rather do can you decline the offer and hope you get an offer for the 3rd choice

A: You will never get offered your 3rd choice having received your second choice. All course below todays offer now become obsolete. You can only get offers that lie above todays offer in future CAO rounds.

758 days ago

Q: Daughter got offered 2nd choice in TUD, she is 3 points off her first choice DCU how likely would she get DCU in second round offers

A: Nobody will know until round 2. It will all depend on the number of applicants that defer their offer. These places will then be offered to those next in the queue in Round 2.

758 days ago

Q: Hi I got 744 points with HPat, but have missed out on Trinity medicine by 1 point it seems as this year all at 745 seem to have got an offer, could I hold any hope of getting it in Round 2?

A: Yes you could. Their was no change in points for this course in first round and final round 2021. I hope that you get a place.

758 days ago

Q: If I get my papers rechecked and get enough points for my first choice will I be offered it?

A: Yes. Date for issue of results of appeals not out yet. CAO must make you an offer if and when you satisfy all requirements and cut off points.

758 days ago

Id like to do an apprenticeship in accounting instead of doing a degree as Im having difficulty getting accomodation in Dublin. Im living in Cork what are my options?

Look up this link regarding apprenticeships. Also contact Accounting Technician Ireland. Many people do an earn and learn programme with an Accountancy firm. They attend college one day a week. See here and here.

758 days ago

Q: My brother got 421 points, and had applied for Joint Honours History of Art & Architecture with Religion in TCD; the minimum points for this last year were 369. This year, the minimum first round points for this particular combination don’t seem to be available yet. However, he didn’t get offered this choice - he got offered the choice below that. According to the 2022 CAO points, minimum Joint Honours points for Religion were 400, and minimum for history of art & architecture were 341. We are confused as to why he wasn’t offered this choice. All advice appreciated!

A: The points for this combination are not on the grid linked here on the 2022 points. I contacted TCD and they said this is an error and the page will be updated with the correct information soon. Keep an eye on this and you will be able to see what the points are for this combination.

758 days ago

Q: I got 556 , I have a place in Commerce in UCD, I was hoping for Business and Law 566, Am I likely to get an offer in further rounds of CAO?

A: Nobody will know for definite until round 2 offers are released. It is a popular course and you are looking for quite a reduction. You never know.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter has been offered a place at UCC. The course requires 553 points. She would like to go to Maynooth instead where a similar course has a 521 points requires 521 points. Is there any pathway for her to make this change?

A: Not now. You can ring both colleges and enquire about a transfer but course material would want to be almost identical. Contact Admissions office for this info. Otherwise, she will have to make a new CAO application in 2023.

758 days ago

Q: Why such a jump in Arts and Humanities points. Just missed out on History in TCD by 4 points even though I was above last year’s Round 1 cut off. Humanities in UCD also up 45 points. Any idea why this may be?

A: It just means that there is more of a demand this year. It may go down in round 2. Nobody will know until then.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter received 613 points. Her first choice is PPSE in Trinity 613*. Any chance she might receive a 2nd Round offer or can we assume all c.34 places have been offered to those in receipt of higher points?

A: It all depends on what those who have been made offers today do with those offers. If all accept then there will probably be no further offers. If more places are going to be offered then it depends on your daughters position in the random pool if she is to be made a round 2 offer or not. Her position in this random pool is determined by a random number given to her by CAO.

758 days ago

Q: Biomedical science in Nuig has gone to 601 this year. What’s the likelihood it’ll go down when 2nd Round offers come out? And by how much?

A: I can’t say. It will depend on the number of applicants that defer. It will then depend on the CAO points of those next in line. Nobody will know until round 2 comes out.

758 days ago

Q: Hi, I received a strange text from the State Examinations Comission saying that If i no longer want to view my scripts that I should do nothing? I have already applied to view my scripts and I am wondering what this means?

A: I would contact the SEC by phone to query this: 1800 111135

758 days ago

Q: How do I defer for a year? Will my place be protected if points change next year?

A: The procedure for deferral is here and yes if you defer a place it is held for you no matter happens with points next year.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter got 498 points and had CM001 Marino primary teaching as her first pref. The points per CAO for that course are 496 however her 1st Round offer is not that course but Early Childhood eEducation in TUD on 340. What should she do?

A: Sounds as if she didn’t meet the minimum entry requirements for CM 009. Check them out here Get back on if you need more guidance.

758 days ago

Q: My course has gone up 38 points and now I’m 8 points away from it, is there anything I can do to help it Is there a level 6/7 entry route into this level 8? I need more details.

A: CAO will only make you an offer when you meet all requirements and cut off points.

758 days ago

Q: If I accept my third choice and in the 2nd round offers I get my second choice, can I accept my second choice?

A: Yes you will be given the choice. You can stay with orginial offer or move to new offer. Good luck.

758 days ago

Q: I re-applied this year following last year but no offer. I have enough points.. Not sure whether my Leaving Cert points from last year were counted. Maybe I didnt attach to this years CAO offer - what can I do?

A: Contact CAO immediately through the contact us section of their website and give them all your details, including your exam number from last year. Ask them to look at your application account and see what has happened. If you didn’t put in last year’s exam number they don’t have your results. They will rectify this and you may be offered a place in Round Two if entitled.

758 days ago

Q: If the CAO points for a course come up with an “*”, does this mean that the course is full? Similarly, are places for courses without asterisks available for Round 2?

A: Random Selection has been used. When the cut off points are determined it sometimes happens that more than one student has the same number of points as the cut off points. In this case all the students on the these points are given a randomly electronically generated number. If, for example, there are 10 students on the same points and there are four available places, the four students with the highest electronically random numbers are selected for the course. This effectively is an electronically based lottery. When the points are published, the courses that used this random selection have an asterisks (*) beside the points. Places can become available in round 2 as not all students will accept this offer, hence making room for applicants in Round 2.

758 days ago

Q: Biomedical science in nui has dropped to 601 this year. Could 2nd round offers cause it to drop even more and if so by how much?

A: No way of knowing I’m afraid. It depends what the candidates who have been offered places today do with them. If they all accept there is a strong chance no more places will be offered and the points will not drop. If some decide not to take up the places then NUIG could offer those to the next candidates down the merit list and hence the points could drop.

758 days ago

Q: Is there any way to get my 6th choice after being offered my 5th choice?

A: I am afraid not. Offers below todays offers are now obsolete. You will not get them in future CAO 2022 rounds.

758 days ago

Q: Are level 7 choices and level 8 choices seperateYes but you can only choose one course.

A: You may have received two offers. One from your levle 8 list and one from your level 7.

758 days ago

Q: Are the points for the round one offers the official points for 2022 or is it the points after the final round offers?

A: Last rounds of offers are the offical CAO points for 2022.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter is thinking of appealing her Geography result. She got 86% which was adjusted to 89%. If she gains an extra mark or two in the appeal will the overall grade be adjusted with the same % as before?

A: Not necessarily so, but if it is only a few points maybe. As the number of marks increases the post mark adjustment could change, i.e. be lowered.

758 days ago

Q: I had originally put primary teaching as my first three choices thinking I wouldn’t get it. More recently, I have decided I don’t want to do primary school teaching and would much prefer do Childrens Studies in Galway as it gives me a wider range of options. I ended up getting my second choice which is a great course but I still prefer the option of keeping my options open. I know that if I had declined this choice it may only offer me my third choice when I think now that I’d prefer my fourth. Is there a way of getting your fourth choice when you are declining your second?

A: Once you are offered a place on your list of preferences all lower preferences essentially disappear from your cao file. So you can always hope to move up your list of preferences in the different rounds but unfortunately not down.

758 days ago

Q: I got Biomedical Science in NUIG but would rather have got Biomedical in UCD. At the time of CAO i put NUIG first then UCD. Is there any way I can transfer to year 2 onwards in Dublin after year 1?

A: Might be possible. All colleges have their own transfer policies. I would advise you to contact both colleges. Course content would have to be very similiar.

758 days ago

Q: My son got his first choice today but woukd now prefers his second choice. Can he not accept first choice and apply to CAO next year with his points from this year?

A: Yes but he will incur a fee if he does first year twice. You will be charged a student contribution and tuition fees for 2023. Govenment will only pay for him to do first year once.

758 days ago

Q: Hi there, my son got 555 in his LC and applied for Radiogrpahy in UCD. This was 556. Do you think he might get an offer on one of the other rounds? Can he still accept his current offer while still being considered for round 2,3 etc?

A: The advice generally is to accept something as there is no guarantee you will get any subsequent offers. If you accept what you have been offered today you will still remain in contention for a higher preference course in the next rounds and be offered it if you become entitled to one.

758 days ago

Q: I applied for a Level 7 Cybercrime and IT Security course and I also applied for a Level 8. I checked my CAO and I didnt get offered either but then I also checked again and apparently I never applied for the Level 7 course even though I am pretty sure I did and now I dont know what to do.

A: Contact the CAO. Did you have a candidate number? Something not correct.

758 days ago

Q: My daughter has 613pts. Her highest preference is PPES TR015. It’s showing as 613*, with * meaning not all on this points score were offered places. Does this mean places are filled by random selection/lottery, and if so, has this taken place already?

A: Yes, random selection has been used here. She has just been unlucky. When the cut off points are determined it sometimes happens that more than one student has the same number of points as the cut off points. In this case all the students on the thesepoints are given a randomly electronically generated number. If, for example, there are 10 students on the same points and there are four available places, the four students with the highest electronically random numbers are selected for the course. This effectively is an electronically based lottery. When the points are published, the courses that used this random selection have an asterisks (*) beside the points.

758 days ago

Q: Thank you for taking my question - have achieved 397 points and have been offered 5th Choice - my favoured 3rd Choice has come in at 400 points. If I accept 5th choice now can I still opt or will I get an offer for 3rd choice if it reduces to 397 points in Round 2?

A: Whether you accept your 5th preference or not you will still remain in the running for any higher preference courses. Even if you accept your 5th preference this is the case.

758 days ago

Q: Can I accept a first round offer while appealing some subjects in the hope to get a different course in a later round of offers.

A: Yes. CAO must make you an offer if you have a successful appeal and now meet all requirements and cut off points for a higher prefeernce course. Date for results of appeals still TBC.

758 days ago

Q: How do we find out how many points were needed for each course?

A: Try this link

758 days ago

Q: Can oral French be appealed? How?

A: Yes. This can be done on your portal. When appealing then all components of that exm will be rechecked.

758 days ago

Q: Hi my son got his second place in the CAO offers. If he accepts it will he be offered his first place if it becomes available

A: Yes. You can receive offers that lie above todays offer on your CAO. All courses below todays offer have become obsolete.

758 days ago

Q: I got 590 points but no offers at all, when I looked at the cao details my examination number hadn’t been submitted does this mean I have no chance this year

A: No it means that you need to contact CAO. They send a statement of record to each candidate in May. It is teh responsibility of the candidate to check and ensure that all details are correct. Once you get this rectified you will be in Round 2 offers.

758 days ago

Q: Hoping for Ec & Fi UCD but got 613. I know chances are low but 89% in my H1 so trying for recheck. Should I get upgrade would I be offered place? Also, I would have started in TCD with student acomm which would be paid for at that stage. How does it work re fees?

A: Check with accommodation at TCD but I suspect that they will look favourably on students affected by appeals. CAO will make you an offer if the appeals results in you meeting all necessary requirements as well a points. You will then have the choice to stay put or move to your new course offer. Date for results of appeals is TBC.

758 days ago

Q: I received 601 points and 168 HPAT points, at an adjusted total of 728 points. I haven’t received a first round offer of Medicine, but I have received offers for level 8 Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and Level 7/6 Science (General Entry). What are my best options for getting into Medicine? Should I repeat the HPAT and take a gap year, or go into one of these courses?

A: You should look at the modules on each course. Many students go onto study Graduate Medicine after a Bachelor of Science. You should choose the one you like the most, the one that interests you the most. Here is the link for entry req to Graduate Medicine in RCSI.

758 days ago

Q: What do I do if looking for second choice?

A: That depends.. if you received your first choice then all choice below this are now obsolete. You can only get offered higher courses preferences in future rounds.

758 days ago

Q: All my friends have received offers at this stage and I haven’t received any email as yet

A: Don’t panic. Offers will be sent out in batches over the next half hour or so. Even if you don’t receive an offer you will receive a statement of application. Get back on if you need more support.

758 days ago

Q: Can you please shed some light on this for us?! Our daughter got a H3 in Geography. We reviewed the breakdown of the papers last night. According to the paper breakdown she received a total of 394 marks. It is our understanding that the paper should be marked out of 420 marks according to the 2022 adjustments. This would equate to a H1. If we are correct this appears to be a calculation error. How do we address this? Do we simply appeal in the normal way?

A: For 2022 the mark allocation for the written paper was reduced from 400 marks to 320 marks. The mark allocation for the project is 100 as usual. To maintain the ratio of marks between the written paper and the project, the written mark is multiplied by 1.25 to express it out of 400. This is then added to the project mark to give the overall mark. Then a post mark adjustment is added to this overall mark. This final mark is what is used to determine what grade is allocated. The grading table for all subjects is in a document called Candidate Information Guide 3. So when you say she received 394, I am not sure what that figure equats to in the above but I would advise reading the guide for clarification. The link to the document is here.

758 days ago

Q: Can the aural French exam be appealed?

A: Yes. All components can be appealed.

758 days ago

Q: Do the offers today come exactly at 2 pm? I.e. should I be worried if it is 2:20 and I still do not have an offer? Thank you very much!

A: Any applicant who doesn’t receive an offer will receive a statement of application email with instructions to check their CAO. You must contact CAO immediately if you identify an error. Check that you have the minimum requirements. You will not be offered a course if you do not have the minimum requirements even if you have the necessary points. If you have an exemption, e.g. Irish and/or a third language check that the CAO office has been informed. If you have the points and did not receive an offer, it may have been that random selection was used.

758 days ago

Q: Hi my son is hoping to study Law with French at UCD, he got 577 in LC so hopefully he gets his place.

A: I would hope so. DN600 finished at 566 last year so your son has a very good chance of receiving an offer today.

758 days ago

Q: I applied for pharmacy. I received 613 points and 2 marks(0.5%) off last H1 to make it 625. If I appeal, will I have the appeal result in time to get accepted onto the course. It was 613 random selection last year and I would need 625 to be almost certain.

A: No, results of appeals will not be taken into account in the initial rounds. We don’t know yet when the results of the appeals will be published, probably in early to mid-October. The final round of offers will then take place, taking the results of the appeals into account.

758 days ago

Q: Hi my daughter is looking to do medicine this year. She did two science subjects Biology and Chemistry however her chemistry result was significantly lower than expected and so she will not meet the entry requirements for the 5 year Med courses. Is she eligible for the 6 year courses??

A: The entry requirements for the 6 year medicine at University Galway and RCSI can be viewed here. The very best of luck.

758 days ago

Q: How much points max can a course increase?

A: It can increase to top marks, in theory.

758 days ago

Q: If my son appeals and is subsequently downgraded, can he lose the CAO offer he was offered and has accepted because he no longer qualified based on points downgrade?

A: The majority of appeals result in no change or an upgrade. A downgrade is less popular. I don’t think instutitions will ask you to leave if you recieve a downgrade. My advice would be to go for it. But to clarify that it’s the decision of the college as to whether to ask students to leave (due to a downgarde and now missing cut off pts).

758 days ago

Q: If I accept a Level 7/6 course, and if upgraded on appeal of subject can I be offerred a course on a Level 8 course?

A: Yes. You will all be in with a chance of getting a higher order preference on your CAO in future rounds. CAO must make you an offer once you meet all requirements and points.

758 days ago

Q: I have 589 points. First choice is Commerce UCD, 555 last year. Checked my grades and I’ve 2 subjects at 88% & 89.75%. Should I appeal and risk going up to 613 in case I want to reapply for a higher points course next year or risk going down and potentially losing out on my first choice this year.

A: I would recommend an appeal. SEC will mark according to the marking scheme. Majority of appeals result in no change or an upgrade. A downgrade is less popular. I don’t think instutitions will ask you to leave if you recieve a down grade. My advice would be to go for it. But to clarify that it’s the decision of the college as to whether to ask students to leave (due to a downgrade and now missing cut off pts). Good luck.

763 days ago

Q: Do you think Trinity computer science and linguistics which was a new course last year and points were 495 could come down enough for me to get it with 488?

A: Unfortunately, there is really no way of knowing, especially with a new course like this. We have no history to look at to see if there are any trends, so it’s a waiting game I’m afraid until Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: If I get my third CAO offer in the first round and start that course but then get my first or second option at a later round does that mean that I lose the fee I pay for my third option if I choose to move the the higher offer?

A: No, you will be refunded any fee and you then pay the appropriate fee in the new college.

763 days ago

Q: Hello. I am an EU student and fulfill all the English requirements. Will my native language (Polish) be accepted as a “second language” for my course?

A: Yes it will.

763 days ago

Q: I got my results today, 555 points. My first CAO option is LLB Law in Trinity College with last year’s entry points being 589. My second option is Law in UCD with last year’s points being 566. I’m thinking of appealing the H2 I got in German, H2 I got in History and H3 I got in English. If my appeals aren’t successful is there any chance I could still get one of my top 2? (Preferably Trinity). What should I do next?

A: You will get them if you meet all requirements and necessary cut off points. All you can do is accept your offer on Thursday. You can then hope to receive higher offers in future rounds. That is all you can do. You did a great Leaving Cert. Enjoy the success and then come back to it on Thursday at 2 pm.

763 days ago

Q: Do you think it would be possible for me to get a first round offer for chemical sciences in trinity (TR061) with 566 cao points?? Last years first round points were 558.

A: Yes it could be very possible but nobody knows for sure until 2 pm Thursday. Cut off points released then.

763 days ago

Q: My daughter achieved 500 points and we are delighted. UCC midwifery is 1st @ 509* and 2nd is UCC Nursing @ 498. Borderline! What are her chances?

A: I would be confident but nobody knows for sure until 2 pm Thursday. Cut off points released then.

763 days ago

Q: My son is hoping to attend Aviation Management in DCU. The points for this course were 484 in 2021. Do you think the points will increase in 2022? He achieved 487 so just slightly above the 2021 points score.

A: I hope so and I would be confident but nobody knows for sure until 2 pm Thursday. Cut off points released then.

763 days ago

Q: Is the demand for UCS social sciences at 465 increasing? Will 488 be enough for this most likely?

A: I would be confident but nobody knows for sure until 2 pm Thursday. Cut off points released then.

763 days ago

Q: I’ve heard that applications for DCU primary teaching are down. I have a exactly what was required last year. Is there any chance the points will go up? Have you any Intel on DCU points are they likely to go up?

A: I have no knowledge reagrding cut off points for any course in 2022. Nobody will know until 2 pm on Thursday. Fingers crossed and stay hopeful.

763 days ago

Q: Is there a risk with an appeal that a grade will be downgraded or is it likely to remain the same

A: Appealing will result in the appeals examiner checking that the proper marking scheme has been applied correctly. Downgrades can happen but are not as common as upgrades.

763 days ago

Q: What Maynooth University Business related courses or arts have had available places in past 2 years?

A: I am not aware of any being in available places. Please see this link for available places for this year

763 days ago

Q: Can I remove a course off my CAO application this late? I wasn’t able to find accomodation in Dublin.

A: I’m afraid not. Last change for change of mind was July 1st.

763 days ago

Q: What is the likelihood that the points for Occupational Therapy in Trinity will be lower this year as I heard that extra places were made?

A: The supply of places would need to be significant for it to have a big effect on points. An increase in places may reduce the cut off by a small margin. Cut off points will be issued at 2 pm on Thursday. I hope that you get an offer.

763 days ago

Q: I obtained 488 in my points and the social sciences course politics philosphy and economics in UCD is down as 475 points but has gone up hugely the last two years. Should I be safe?

A: I would be confident but nobody can know for sure until 2 pm on Thursday when CAO release the cut off points for 2022.

763 days ago

Q: Is primary school teaching in high demand I don’t have the points that were required last year I am short 10 have I any chance at all getting into DCU?

A: I really cannot tell. Nobody will know this until CAO release 2022 cut off points at 2 pm on Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: My son is hoping to attend DCU Aviation Management. The points in 2021 were 484 and he got just slightly higher. Do you think the points for this course will go up in 2022?

A: Nothing has changed on the course to suggest the points will increase unless the points of those applying this year are considerably higher that last year which is unlikely. I feel they should stay broadly similar to last year but of course there is no way of knowing for definite until Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: If I appeal the results of 2 of my papers & I am upgraded, the CAO should offer me a different courses if applicable. It is most likely that I will have started a college course by this stage, do I have to accept the higher/ new course or can I stay with the one that I was offered in the First Round?

A: You can stay put or move. The choice will be yours. Best of luck.

763 days ago

Q: With results yesterday - 3rd Choice seems likely but 4th Choice is now more appealing and possibly less points - doesn’t want to go to 5th choice or beyond - any suggestions please in a difficult time?

A: If he/she if offered 3rd choice then all preferences below this will effectively disappear from the list and will never be accessible even if you have the points. So if you are offered a place, you can always hope to move up your list of preferences but never down. So in this case 4th and 5th preference option may not arise.

763 days ago

Q: Hi my son didn’t do quite as well as she hoped and is shy of what he needs for Psychology? Any recommendations of indirect routes?

A: Here is a list of accrecited courses in Psychology. Have you explored all these options? Some do Psychology via Arts and follow this up with a Higher Diploma in Psychology which entitles one to become a member with PSI. See here AND also see here

763 days ago

Q: Hi there-I got 463 points in my LC. My first choice is planning & environmental studies in UCD-the first round offer was 445 and last round was 420. I’ve noted that this course seems to becoming more popular in recent years-do you think I have a chance?

A: Looking at the history of the points for this course, I think with the points you have for this course you are fairly safe. We won’t know for definite until Thursday but it looks good with a differential of 18 points.

763 days ago

Q: On Tuesday when they release the info about our results, will we see how much our grades were inflated and the original grades before inflation?

A: Yes, you will as mentioned above see the examiner’s mark, the adjustment mark and the final mark.

763 days ago

Q: When students are given access to their marks next week, presumably this is the “post-adjustment” mark i.e. final mark awarded. However, if a student subsequently opts to view their script, then the mark/percentage shown on this will presumably be the original mark awarded by the examiner correcting the paper. How should the resulting “gap” be interpreted when deciding whether or not to appeal the result? E.g. if a student is awarded 79% (which they will see when they view the “marks” only). If they then view the script, they will presumably have been awarded a lower mark e.g. 75%, 76%, 77% by the examiner. How can they reconcile the two before deciding whether or not to appeal ? Without knowledge of the post adjustment component it may not be clear what exactly the mark on the paper represents. If a student does opt for a recheck I presume the “post-marking” adjustment would be re-applied to whatever mark was awarded on foot of the recheck? Is this done by the examiner at source or would this be handled independently by the SEC. I guess what I am really looking for is some understanding/transparency around this process – I have searched online and have found vague references to “post marking” linear adjustments awarding greater adjustments to lower grades, but it is still unclear (to me) what exactly students will see next week and how the adjustment process will work in terms of any appeal/recheck. Any help or insight would be gratefully appreciated.

A: My understanding is when you review a paper you will see the marks that were awarded by the examiner in line with the marking scheme for that paper. You are checking to see if the marking scheme was adhered to and that no mistakes were made. If you feel the marking scheme was not followed 100% correctly then you should look for a recheck. On Tuesday 6th you will be able to view your marks for your exams for each component. You will see the mark given by the examiner and the adjustment that was made to that mark and the final mark. If in the recheck your mark for the exam is changed the adjustment will be altered also.

763 days ago

Q: My son received 625 points. He wants veterinary medicine. He submitted his work experience form. It was acknowledged but no comments made on whether ok or not. Would we have heard of there was a problem?

A: I would imagine so. If you want to be extra cautious you could give the Veterinary office a call on Monday to be certain.

763 days ago

Q: What does it mean it’s a random selection?

A: All applicants for a course are listed in decreasing order of their points. If there are 30 places on a course the computer counts down to the 30th person on the merit list and that persons points are the cut off points for the course. However, if for example the 30th, 31st and 32nd applicants on the merit list all have the same points but there is only one place left then they are all equally entitled to the last place. Random selection is used to choose which of the three people will get the last place. An asterisk * beside the points for a cours indicate random selection had to be used.

763 days ago

Q: Hi again, you kindly answered this Q at 15.03. But I would just like to clarify that my son would not be appealing his first offer. I’m wondering if a higher choice were to be offered in round 2 or 3 due to a drop in points, would he be able to reject that and stay with the first offer made. Thanks. Original Q& A: It looks like my son will most likely be offered his 5th choice on CAO, depending on how the points go. Not a bad thing, as he would now be happy with that choice. If a higher choice became available in Rd 2, does he then have to accept that offer or can he stick with the first offer?

A: So it will be up to him. If he has a successful appeal then CAO must make him an offer if he is eligible. He can choose to stay put or move to the new offer. The choice will be his. Yes he can reject a later offer and stay with his first offer, if he wishes to do so. He can stay put or move to the offer he receives in round 2.

763 days ago

Q: I got 377 points and was a bit disappointed over-all. I’m hoping to do Humanities in DCU. Last years points were 356. What are my chances? Do you think points for Humanities will go up?

A: I think you are going to be ok. The highest I have seen that course go to in recent years is 376 which in my view is very inflated for this course. We can’t know for definite until Thursday but I think you’ll be ok. Best of luck.

763 days ago

Q: Under what circumstances do colleges increase places available on course? Specifically interested in PE and Maths and PE and Biology in DCU.

A: Their capacity and funding are main factors.

763 days ago

Q: I was 7 points short of my course in Maynooth. I have received HEAR and want to appeal some of my results but I’m concerned that they won’t be recorrected until after the first round offers. Do you think I still have a strong change of getting my course with HEAR?

A: If appeal is successful and you now are entitled to a course, CAO must make you an offer. This may be later into term. Colleges leave a certain number/percentage of places to HEAR applicants. For more details see here.

763 days ago

Q: Is your course decided by a random selection? What does that mean?

A: Random selection applies when too many candidates with the same points are competing for too few places. When the cut off points are determined it sometimes happens that more than one student has the same number of points as the cut off points. In this case all the students on the these points are given a randomly electronically generated number. If, for example, there are 10 students on the same points and there are four available places, the four students with the highest electronically random numbers are selected for the course. This effectively is an electronic lottery. When the points are published, the courses that used this random selection have an asterisks (*) beside the points. Best of luck.

763 days ago

Q: What is the demand for psychology this year? I’m 20 points off my course and I’m looking to appeal a few grades depending on percentages. Has the demand for psychology decreased?

A: A very slight change (down) but nothing too dramatic in the numbers applying for social and behavioural sciences. I don’t expect points to change that dramatically. But nobody will know for definite until Thursday at 2 pm.

763 days ago

Q: Can you please advise if there are any grants available for achieving higher points eg over 600?

A: Colleges do academic scholarship or award students who obtain a certain points level. NUI Maynooth automatically award students €1,000 if they achieve 575 points or more in their Leaving Cert. Colleges vary in monetary amount and point level.

763 days ago

Q: Hi can you get all 3 parts of your LCVP recheck? Or marks for all 3 marks checked?

A: Yes. This is possible. You will be able to see the breakdown at 12 noon on Sept 6th.

763 days ago

Q: Will the Leaving Cert results be sent by the SEC to UCAS or is the student responsible to provide their results?

A: SEC send results to UCAS but it i sstill worth you checking with the University. Good luck.

763 days ago

Q: I’m wondering with points 394 there doesn’t seem to be any courses with a maths degree within my points. Is there another way I can get into post primary teaching with these points? At the moment the ones I have on my CAO within my points are education and training DCU and early childhood and education.

A: Traditionally those looking to teach Maths and another subject would complete an Arts degree where they would study Maths and one other subject and the complete the PME with these subjects. If you look at Arts in Maynooth for example on 336 points last year. You can study Maths and a host of other subjects to be followed by the PME and also possibly a PE course.

763 days ago

Q: What do I do if my exam results were marked incorrectly and this cost me my chance at a college place?

A: If you feel your exams were marked incorrectly, then send them for rechecks to be marked by another person. If your grades are upgraded, they will be backdated to round one and whatever you would have been entitled to with the increased grades must be offered to you in October or at the very least as a deferred course next year.

763 days ago

Q: My daughter got 589 points - OT Galway 601 last year first choice in CAO and second choice is Speech and Language 578 points last year what are her chances of being offered her second choice?

A: With 11 points in excess of last years cut off she has a very good chance of securing an offer this year. I have not heard of any changes to this course to indicate a major change of points. Best of luck to her.

763 days ago

Q: It looks like my son will be borderline for his 1st choice course. He got H2s in Geography and DCG but expected to get a H1 in one or both subjects. Is the wise thing to review the scripts with his teachers as soon as he can and decide then if she should appeal or not?

A: Absolutely. On the 6th he can log in to the portal and get his detailed marks for his papers. Based on this I would apply to view the scripts and if he feels he is near the next grade and may be room for improvement in the marking then apply for the papers to be remarked.

763 days ago

Q: If I didn’t get my SUSI because I am not eligible for it this year. Can I pay to college for 1st year full price and then next year get SUSI grant from then if I am eligible?

A: Yes. This can happen.

763 days ago

Q: When will I be able to appeal for my results. Can I appeal for more then 1 subjects or all? Is the process free?

A: It is free. Please see this link for more information. Important dates on pg 1. Procedure for viewing scripts and appeals pg 6 and 10. Yes, you can appeal as many subjects as you wish.

763 days ago

Q: I just wanted to ask your opinion on the philosophy course in Trinity that was 510 pts on round one last year but dropped considerably to 456 on final round. My daughter got 506 pts and I was wondering if you think she’s in with a chance of getting this course?

A: Based on last years points it looks pretty good for your daughter. Traditionally the points for this course were not in the 500s so I am not surprised to see it dropped to 456 and was 442 in 2020.

763 days ago

Q: My son got 498 points. He’s not going to get his 1st or 2nd choice courses. His second one is Bus. Studies in DCU 511 points. His next one is Marketing Innovation and Tech 499 points last year. Do you think MINT could possibly come down or what is your general feeling about whether points for courses will stay the same?

A: My prediction is the points will be similiar to last year as grades were infalted to match last years applicants. I don’t have information on supply or other factors that will play a part in determining 2022 points. Nobody will know until Thursday at 2 pm. The very best of luck and I hope that your son does get an offer.

763 days ago

Q: Is it true that applicants for Primary Teaching in DCU has dropped by 7%. I have 521 points and it was 518 last year. How likely do you think I am to get it.

A: I would be confident but nobody will know until Thursday at 2 PM. The very best of luck.

763 days ago

Q: It looks like my son will most likely be offered his 5th choice on CAO, depending on how the points go. Not a bad thing, as he would now be happy with that choice. If a higher choice became available in Rd 2, does he then have to accept that offer or can he stick with the first offer?

A: So it will be up to him. If he has a successful appeal then CAO must make him an offer if he is eligible. He can choose to stay put or move to the new offer. The choice will be his.

763 days ago

Q: When will the results of appeals be released. How will a student be let know whether the now have a place in a higher choice course?

A: No date has been confirmed yet.

763 days ago

Q: I was just wondering as points are a little confusing what it took to get engineering in ucd 2021? I have received 467.

A: Engineering in UCD last year was 556*, which meant that not everyone on 556 got an offer of a place on the course. Anyone with less than 556 did not get an offer of a place.

763 days ago

Q: My son got 613 points in his LC. He’s hoping to do engineering in UCD. How can he apply for a scholarship? I would very much appreciate your help.

A: He may be too late for certain scholarships. Look at this link regarding entrance scholars. Get back on if you need more guidance.

763 days ago

Q: I have accommodation at DCU, but am currently short 15 points for my first choice, but likely to get my second choice in another university. I plan to appeal two papers as I am disappointed with result. If the appeal was successful would I still get my accommodation offer at DCU and would I get a refund on accommodation for second choice university?

A: I don’t feel that DCU will hold the accommodation for you. Best that you contact them directly. Spaces do free up throughout the academic year. You also need to make contact with the second university. I think that UL would have to look favourable on those affected by the appeals. But please contact them to make sure.

763 days ago

Q: My son is a UK student and took A-levels last year. He got A stars in maths and biology and an A in chemistry. He also took a Cambridge pre u in English and got a distinction 2 which is equivalent to an A star A-level. We have worked out his points to be 563 adjusted. He got 185 in his hpat which gives him a score of 748. We are worried that they won’t add his points up correctly because of his Cambridge pre u. If this happens, who should we contact on September 8th?

A: If you applied via CAO then it is the CAO that you contact. Please find their contact details here.

763 days ago

Q: In an appeal situation is there any possibility that in light of the application of adjustments that in an increase in marks could be negated or otherwise impacted (including negatively) by a decrease in the level of adjustment applicable to the higher overall mark given that adjustments generally decrease with higher marks?

A: From the limited knowledge I have of the adjustment process my understanding is that if the grade given by an examiner is increased then then the adjustment will be changed also. My sense is that the changed mark in the adjustment process should not end up reducing or negating the increase in marks from the examiner.

763 days ago

Q: If demand for a course goes down, does this mean the points will go down too?

A: It will also depend on the points achieved by those who get onto the course. The points for a course will be the points that the last successful applicant achieved. So yes demand will play a part but there are other variable factors that influence points. Good luck.

763 days ago

Q: I did modern music in Ballyfermot. It’s classed as a BTECH award and not QQI. Will any CAO offers for BTECH awards be made on Thursday 8th?

A: Generally offers for non-leaving certificate applications are made in round A or round zero and this would include FETAC and other course qualifications such as BTEC. If you made an application to the CAO with one of these qualifications and have not received an offer I would contact the CAO by email to enquire as to why no offer has been made.

763 days ago

Q: I’m considering appealing my Maths results. I received an O3 but need an O2 for my 1-4th course choices. Even if I getting bumped up to an O3 following the appeal, what’s my chances of being offered my preferred courses. Also, should I accept my CAO offer of my 5th choice until I know the result of my appeal?

A: I assume you mean bumped up to an O2. The first rule with appeals is assume you are not going to be upgraded and make decisions now based on what you have now. Then in the event you get upgraded you make decisions on your new grades and any offers that may come from this in October. If you get upgraded remember the results of rechecks will not be with you until probably mid-October so you may have already started a course by that stage and if offered a new course you may have to make a decision to move course or not. But for now you will only be offered courses based on grades you have now.

763 days ago

Q: Aeronautical Engineering (LM077) last year in UL is showing the same points requirement in the first round and last round (567 points). In what circumstances is this possible?

A: This essentially means no more offers were made after round one as more than likely everyone who was offered the places in round accepted the places and all places were filled. This means they did not have to move down the merit list for this course to offer places to candidates on lower points who had applied for this course.

763 days ago

Q: My daughter is thinking of derferring her college place for a year if she gets offered. How does this process work? If she does defer a course does she also have the option of applying for other courses next year?

A: She will have to apply to CAO 2023 only choosing and palcing tis deferred course. You breach the conditions of your deferral if other courses are added. You do not accept your CAO offer and contact admission office of the college by email. Please read pg 28 of link below. Get back on if needs be. See the CAO handbook here.

763 days ago

Q: My son got 566 points and his first choice is Aeronautical Engineering in UL. The points requirement last year was 567 points. In general, how are points requirements likely to compare this year compared to last?

A: I predict that cut off points will stay similar to last year as grades were inflated this year to meet last year results. Nobody will know until CAO cut off points are published at 2pm on Thursday. Good luck and I hope that you get the offer.

763 days ago

Q: I needed an O2 in Maths but got an O3 would I still be considered for my first choice as I have be accepted onto the DARE Scheme and have an ongoing disability that has impacted my Maths result.

A: No, you need to meet the minimum entry requirements and subject requirement in order to get an offer. DARE will only offer you places on a reduced points bases.

763 days ago

Q: Have the points for Primary School teaching applicants gone down by 7% this year?

A: I don’t know. Nobody will know the correct answer to this until 2 pm on Thursday. CAO cut off points will be published.

763 days ago

Q: My son got 441 and his preferred first preference course was 410 last year. Do you think he’ll be accepted?

A: I am confident that he will but nobody can be certain until CAO 2022 points are published at 2 pm on Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: Hi. I don’t have enough points for medicine in NUI Galway, UCD or UCC. Is there another course I could do first as science and then go on to medicine later

A: Entry requirements may vary but most depend on your GAMSAT scoring. This is just one requirement. It is a Science based test. Please read the following link on entry requirements and come back if you need additional guidance. Graduate medicine entry requirements

763 days ago

Q: Any idea what CAO points might be required for arts in UCD this year?

A: DN520 started at 381 last year and finalised at 356. I am not aware of any major changes to this programme this year so I don’t anticipate any significant move away from these points for this year. Best of luck.

763 days ago

Q: I’m 36 points away from my course. Is there a chance for me getting an offer in the first or second round?

A: No way for me to give you a definite answer I’m afraid, too many variables. 36 points would normally be a big fall for a course but I have seen it happen, so hang in there and keep the fingers crossed. Might be no harm to have your homework done on the lower preferences just in case.

763 days ago

Q: How do ‘lottery’ based offers work? My daughter’s first choice is PPES in Trinty. Approx 30 places. She got 613 points.

A: It is known as random selection. It occurs when demand is greater than supply. Each person is allocated a number and random selection is carried out. When the cut off points are determined it sometimes happens that more than one student has the same number of points as the cut off points. In this case all the students on the these points are given a randomly electronically generated number. If, for example, there are 10 students on the same points and there are four available places, the four students with the highest electronically random numbers are selected for the course. It is effectively an electronic lottery. When the points are published, the courses that used this random selection have an asterisks (*) beside the points.

763 days ago

Q: If I get my results checked can the points go down?

A: Yes they can. The appeals examiner will be looking to see if the correct marking was given. It may stay the same. Marks can also increase or decrease. Please see link

763 days ago

Q: Can you tell how much points will go up. My son is looking at a course that was 409 points last year. He got 441 points and wondering will the points go up by more that his total.

A: I would be confident with that surplus compared to last year. Nobody will know the exact cut off for 2022 CAO until 2 pm on Thursday. Stay positive and I hope that it works out.

763 days ago

Q: I got 388 points in my leaving cert I’m 36 points away from getting my second choice would I ever get it?

A: There’s no way for me to give you a definite answer I’m afraid as there are too many variables. Normally a 36 point gap would be too great but I have seen it happen, so hang in there and keep the fingers crossed. Might be no harm to have your homework done on the lower preferences just in case.

763 days ago

Q: My desired course last year was 555/553 I got 566 yesterday, should I be hopeful? I know hard to tell

A: It’s looking good, under normal circumstances. Impossible to tell for definitive, it’s a waiting game I’m afraid. At least you have a good margin in the right direction.

763 days ago

Q: Hi, if my son takes a gap year and reapplies to CAO next year does he have to reapply for DARE, which he was granted this year?

A: If he is elligible for DARE this year, this will carry forward for one year. Next year he fills out his CAO form and ticks the disability box and fills out all details on the Supplementary Information Form. He does not have to supply all the documentation in Section B and C again.

763 days ago

Q: I applied for the 4 year business course in Sligo ATU. The points last year were 262 and I received 342 in my Leaving Cert yesterday. So I have 80 points more than last year. Do you think I’ll get an over next week? Do you know if this is a highly subscribed course? It’s SG141

A: I would be confident that you will get an offer. I have not access to the number of preferences for each course. Enjoy your success and best of luck for Thursday at 2 pm.

763 days ago

Q: Got enough points for my 2nd choice and am short 25 points for my 1st choice. I now don’t want my 1st choice but just wondering if points drop and I get offered my 1st choice do I have to take it?

A: The CAO will offer you the highest preference course that you meet all requirements for. All lowere choice then becoem obsolete. You can only get higher preference course choices in future rounds. Hence, if you get your first choice you will not receive level eight offers in other rounds.

763 days ago

Q: I got 432 points in the LC but my first choice course Global Media in NUIG last year was 442 points. I’m afraid I won’t get the points for it. Is there any chance the points could go down since last year was Global Media’s first year as a course? Any advice?

A: I am afraid that we must wait until Thursday. Nobody will know until 2022 cut off points are issued at 2 pm on Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: I’m wondering about appeals in the context of the grade/CAO adjustment (average 5% to mirror last years results). When we review a paper might we see an actual result of say 78 that became 81 after adjustment. I anticipate that it might be difficult to form a view if I don’t understand how the adjustments worked.

A: When you review a paper you will see the marks that were awarded by the examiner in line with the marking scheme for that paper. You are checking to see if the marking scheme was adhered to and that no mistakes were made. If you feel the marking scheme was not followed 100% correctly then you should look for a recheck. On Tuesday 6th you will be able to view your marks for your exams for each component. You will see the mark given by the examiner and the adjustment that was made to that mark. If in the recheck your mark for the exam is changed the adjustment will be altered also.

763 days ago

Q: What do I need to do if I want to appeal some grades and view my scripts

A: You need to view the dates, deadline and procedures. All info can be found on page 1,6 and 10 on link below. Get back on if you need additional support

763 days ago

Q: I have 737 points. Do you think the points for medicine in Galway will go up please? Also if I accepted medicine and got a recheck on my Chemistry which was downgraded is my college place taken away from me please? Heartfelt thanks. I am worried sick and can’t sleep.

A: Medicine last year finished at 737*, which means everyone on 737 didn’t get a place, random selection was used. With the additional places added in this year the hope would be that the points for medicine will not go up, rather they might drop a little or at least stay the same as last year. I think you are in a very good position. If you get your Chemistry rechecked and the grade goes down, then you do run the risk of losing a place. I would view the script carefully before getting it rechecked. You will not have to apply for an appeal until after the first round of offers so it may not be necessary. Good luck.

763 days ago

Q: My child suffered a bad migraine during their higher business exam his result really does not tally with his years work his teacher was expecting a H1 or at least a H2 they got a H5 they don’t think there is any point getting recount as they feel it’s the migraine is there anything we can do?

A: I’m afraid at this stage there is very little can be done about this. You could contact the SEC to discuss the case for your own peace of mind but I feel his score can’t be changed at this stage.

763 days ago

Q: Hi I received 394 I was really hoping for post primary teaching Maths and PE. Is there any advice on what other routes might be available for this.

A: To become a Maths and PE teacher, you could pursue a degree in Maths and another teaching subject and then complete the PME to teach these subjects. You could then do a course in the likes of Portobello College to add PE to your list of subjects. You would be very employable as a teacher with 3 teaching subjects. Have a look at the Portobello PE courses.

763 days ago

Q: Hi, I got 555 points. My first CAO option is LLB Law in Trinity College with last year’s entry points being 589. My second option is Law in UCD with last year’s points being 566. I’m thinking of appealing the H2 I got in German, H2 I got in History and H3 I got in English. If my appeals aren’t successful is there any chance I could still get one of my top 2? (Preferably Trinity). What should I do next?

A: See previous answer. I agree with appeals to give yourself a chance. It might be no harm to consider your lower options carefully at this stage as you might be forced to bring them into play next week if you don’t make the top two.

763 days ago

Q: I got 555 points in my LC. I would like to do law in Trinity College. Do you think I would get a place there or what are the chances? Or what about UCD?

A: By February the applications for Law were down slightly. This does not mean points for Law courses are going to be down automatically but it could indicate a slight drop. In reality we just have to wait and see, there are a few variables to be taken into account to determine points. TCD seems a very long shot, UCD is quite a gap also but look lets wait and see and hope you get accross the line.

763 days ago

Q: If I received 398 points today can you confirm this did not take account of my Reasonable Accommodation and is this is through points? Is this taken account of at offer stage? How do I know how much will be allowed for that?

A: Reasonable Accommodations are to do with your exams and the scoring of exams. Your grades that you received yesterday have taken into account your accommodations, so the points you have now won’t change. The offers you will be made, will be made on the basis of your 398 points. I wonder if it is the DARE scheme you are referring to?

763 days ago

Q: Is it possible to be offered a course of your choice later on if you did’nt get what you wanted in the 1st or 2nd round?

A: If you are offered something in Round One, then in the following rounds you will still be considered for places on courses higher up on your list of preferences not lower down. Eg. if you are offered your 5th prefereence in Round One, then in the next rounds you will only remain in contention for a place on preferences 1 to 4.

763 days ago

Q: If a score is lower after a recheck do you retain the original grade?

A: No you will retain the result from the appeals.

763 days ago

Q: I got 429 points. My first choice is a course in GMIT where last year’s points were 330. Will I definitely get an offer or is it based on lottery?

A: I would be confident. But nothing is definite until cut off points are released on Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: If I get papers rechecked and I get lower points than the original results, will my original result be changed?

A: Yes your original result can be changed. You’ll probably be on a course by the time of appeals results. The college will have the decision as to whether you will stay or not. I cannot see a college asking one to leave whilst already registered and on a course.

763 days ago

Q: I have medicine down as my first three choices and Dietetics down as my fourth choice. I got 625 points and a good Hpat 170 which won’t get me into Medicine. I am no longer interested in doing Medicine and hope to do Dietetics which is my 4th choice...will I be offered this in the first round if I don’t get Medicine? If I did happen to get medicine and don’ta ccept it, do I have to wait til round 2 to get Dietitics?

A: You will get offered your highest preference course in which you satisfy all requirements for. Once you receive an offer all other lower preference listed on your CAO will become obsolete. You will not receive any of these in lower rounds. Only courses that lie above your first offer may be offered in other rounds. So if you get your third choice then all courses that lie below this will disappear.

763 days ago

Q: I got 496 points in my Leaving Cert. My first choice is nursing in Trinity. Points are I going to lose out as not a big difference between requirements and actual score.

A: I would be confident. But nothing is definite until cut off points are released on Thursday. Do try and enjoy the accomplishment.

763 days ago

Q: My results are a lot lower than my mocks, some I cannot get my head around, what are options re appealling and getting a higher mark up?

A: Appeals can result in an upgrade or downgrade. Majority of changes tend to result in an upgrade. Please view this link playing close attention to dates, procedure and deadlines. Get back on if you need more guidance.

763 days ago

Q: I want to do computer science in DCU. Currently the points requirements for the course is 475, I scored 541 points. Should I be worried that I will miss out due to points inflation?

A: I would be very hopeful but nobody will know for certain until Thursday. Enjoy your high achieving result. Best of luck!

763 days ago

Q: I have 451 points with my course last year offering 1st round at 445 and the 2nd round offer was 420. Which figure should I go by?

A: Use both as a ball park figure. I would be confident that you will get an offer. But nothing is definite until cut off points are released on Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: Do you think that there will be an increase in the points requirements for computer science this year?

A: Nobody can tell that until Thursday. It will depend on the supply of places, the demand and the candidates points rceived by interested candidates.

763 days ago

Q: I’m confident I got the required points for the course I put number 1 on the CAO but unsure if it’s the right course for me. If I accept my number 1 can I change course within the university its done in?

A: This has certainly happened before. You will need to register and speaking with the admissions office. Internal transfers can differ among institutions. But it can happen if there is space on the other cours eand you meet all requirements for that course.

763 days ago

Q: If I get a paper checked could my marks go down?

A: Yes but the percentage of upgrades outweighs the number of downgrades, traditionally speaking. Best of luck.

763 days ago

Q: What degree do you need before you do a Hibernian course for primary teaching?

A: A primary level eight degree is a minimum requirement. You must still meet the an Irish requirement. It may be a certain grade in a TEG exam or a H4 in Leaving Cert Irish. Specific grade is needed in English and Irish also. Please follow this link

763 days ago

Q: I got 498 point and have been accepted for DARE. What are my chances of getting offered Commerce in UCD. I’d pay my deposit in digs if I have a chance.

A: On the UCD website it says there are 10 places available for DARE candidates and the average lowest offer in 2019 was 481. So on the basis of these figures I’d would say you have to be in with a decent chance. However, you won’t know for certain until the places are allocated.

763 days ago

Q: I got 401 points in the leaving WIT is 377 for Agricultural Science what do you think my chances are of getting an offer its my first choice?

A: I would be very hopeful but nobody will know for certain until Thursday. Best of luck!

763 days ago

Q: I am disappointed with 2 of my results & am going to view the papers with a view to appeal. I am eligble for Dare and I am wondering what happens if I am upgraded and the DARE places for the course I should now be offered have been allocated.

A: CAO will then reserve a place on this course for Sept 2023. CAO will make an offer if your appeal is successful and their is space on this course. Otherwise the above will happen. No date has been confirmed for release of appeal results. Stay positive and see what happens on Thursday.

763 days ago

Q: Will 498pts get into Engineering at NUI Galway in 2022?

A: Unlikely, as it was 520 last year and this that would be a sizeable drop for GY401. No way to know for sure but I would be checking out my other options as securing Engineering in NUI Galway could be a long shot.

763 days ago

Q: If I get the required points from appeals, will I get a place even if its after the offers are issued?

A: The final offers from CAO will include offers to be made from the result of appeals. Results of appeals are backdated to Round One, i.e. whatever you would have been offered in Round One with your new scores must be offered to you in October or, if they cannot create a place, they must offer you a deferred place the following year.

763 days ago

Q: My son is 7 points short for his preferred course in college going by last years points. He is worried sick just wondering is it worth appealing an exam result as he felt his Spanish and Business results were lower than expected.

A: I would advise you to view the scripts. You can then decide on whether to appeal or not. Please see the dates and deadlines for application for the viewing of scripts as well as the deadline for seeking an appeal. Important dates are shown on pg 1 of link below. Please read info regarding application for viewing of scripts and appeals, pg 6 and pg 10. Get back on if you need more support.

763 days ago

Q: If I repeat, can I only repeat chosen subjects

A: Yes but you cannot combine subjects from 2022 with 2023 for CAO points. CAO points are calculated from your best six subjects in one sitting. However, you can use repeats to satisfy minimum entry req. This will then be used with your CAO points from 2022. Please get back on if you need further guidance.

763 days ago

Q: I’m not happy with my results of my geography and maths results, how do I appeal these results?

A: You can appeal and there is no fee for 2022 appeals. I recommend that you apply to view your script and then make a decision. All this is done through the candidate portal. Dates and procedures on viewing and appealing of scripts can be found on pg 1, 6 and 10 on link below. Best of luck. Also, you will be able to see your exact mark/grade on the self portal at 12 noon, Sept 6th.

763 days ago

Q: I applied for Primary Teaching at St Pats and Marino. Achieved 473 but have DARE. Will I fall short or do they have lots of places?

A: DCU reserve 5% of places for elligible DARE applicants on their programs which is a sizeable amount of places and you are within the 75 point limit so you are certainly in with a chance, however it all depends on the number of eligible candidates applying for a place on the primary course and what points they have. Fingers crossed. Marino doesn’t indicate on their website how may places they have reserved for DARE candidates but I would imagine it won’t be far off DCU.

763 days ago

Q: How do I apply to appeal a subject?

A: All the dates for viewing and appealing your grades are here: . Appeal applications can be made from 9am Saturday 10 September to 12pm on Monday 12 September through the SEC Candidate Portal.

764 days ago

Q: Got 601 points in leaving cert. Any chance of medicine? H Pat in 60 percentile

A: What is your total score - CAO points plus HPAT? Compare this to last year. Points can fluctuate but medicine is always a popular one so don’t expect too much movement.

764 days ago

Q: Any CAO stats for applications for OT this year? My daughter is 18 points off last year’s cut off points for Trinity. Any indication on her chances?

A: I am afraid not. We won’t know until Thursday either. Bit of a wait but enjoy the successful result.

764 days ago

Q: I might have to repeat my Irish exam to get my requirements for primary teaching, how will I repeat if the other year studied a different course from me?

A: You have other options available that would substiutute the H4 Irish Leaving Cert requirement. TEG is an example of this. It may be worth looking into this and speaking with your Irish teacher at school. Please get back on if you need more guidance.

764 days ago

Q: When can you apply for a recheck of papers?

A: All the dates for viewing and appealing your grades are here: Appeal applications can be made from 9am Saturday 10 September to 12pm on Monday 12 September through the SEC Candidate Portal.

764 days ago

Q: Will the results arrive in the post?

A: No. You can print them off from your self portal.

764 days ago

Q: The points i needed to get my first choice in TUS is 251 i have got 284 is there a good chance I will get an offer first time round?

A: I would be very hopeful but nobody will know for certain until Thursday. Best of luck!

764 days ago

Q: Received 477 points today in LC, disappointed in 3 subject results, felt I did better. Really want to do commerce in UCC.

A: Sorry to hear this. Commerce last year in UCC finished at 499* so you are a little away from this. I would suggest viewing your scripts and if you feel there is any chance of an upgrade appeal the results. If you did get 3 upgrades you would be nearly there. At the same time look at the other courses you might be offered and make sure you know what is involved in them in case you need to accept them.

764 days ago

Q: I did not get enough points for my first 2 choices on my CAO. Do I have to take my 3rd offer or can I wait to see on the 2nd round if i’m offered them?

A: Taking your third offer will not affect you in Round 2. CAO must make you an offer in Round 2 if you are now eligible for your second choice. You would then have the choice to stay on your existing course or move to your new offer.

764 days ago

Q: I got 400pts today. I am 1pt short for science. I felt I did better in 3 subjects, should I appeal these or wait and see?

A: You can do both. Appealing won’t affect the offer that you receive next Thursday. The date for appeals results is yet to be confirmed but CAO will issue you an offer if you are eligible. You then will have a choice to stay where you are or move to your new offer. Hope that this is clear enough.

764 days ago

Q: What do i do if i dont get any of my offers?

A: If you have the points and still no offers then CAO are missing necessary detail on you. Please contact CAO if this is the case. If you didn’t get the necessary points then look at PLC. They are a great grounding and pathway into a college course.

764 days ago

Q: What date can you view results in the school?

A: Your school may hold three viewing session on Sat, Sept 10th. You must apply to view your scripts via the self portal. Your school will have an organised superindentent and he/she will be in contact to give you a time. Session 1 is from 9am-11, session 2 is 12-2 pm and then session 3 is from 3pm -5 pm. Hope that this helps.

764 days ago

Q: I have applied from UK to study Medicine in Ireland, but as the results are inflated by few percentages in Ireland, is it going to affect the point system.

A: It seems unfair because the grades were not inflated in UK. If they are inflated grades you would suspect that cut off points will rise. However, many variables affect points, an increase in supply , increase in deferrals etc will all impact the points.

764 days ago

Q: Can I collect my leaving cert results in school, or is it only online?

A: It is best to do it online as the format schools got the results is not in the form of a document they can readily give you. You can print off a set of results from the portal. Subsequently if you need visit the school to query anything you have your results already to hand.

764 days ago

Q: I’m worried about my results as I got 320 points but the course I want, Arts in Galway was 327. What can I do about this?

A: For the moment I would sit tight and wait to see what happens on Thursday. If you don’t get an offer on Thursday you could consider completing a linked PLC course for a year and applying for one of the reserved course places (30) for PLC course holders.

764 days ago

Q: Quick query: I’m wondering when CAO concession points sports scholarships are awarded to students who have met the necessary requirements in NUIG or MIC? Is it before or after a First Round offer?

A: I would advise you to contact the admissions office of the college in question. Good luck.

764 days ago

Q: I usually get H1s in Biology but I was disappointed to receive and H2 in the exam. While it’s still a good result I would like to know if it is possible that an examiner added up the marks incorrectly as that happened to some of my Pre exams. Would I have to appeal the subject if I wanted to recalculate my mark. Also is it possible that I could be downgraded to a lower mark if I choose to do so?

A: You can view all marks on your portal come 12 PM Sept 6th. Yes you can be downgraded but this is not a common outcome. Please look at this link for key dates Revert to page 10. You will have two options. Option one can be to appeal and option two would be to see rectification outside the examination appeals process. Please get back on if you need additional support.

764 days ago

Q: I was wondering if I do a Bachelors Degree (Honours) in Forensic Science and Analysis would I then be able to do a Toxicology course and work as one?

A: There are masters programmes available in Toxicology and I would imagine a chemical degree in Forensic Science would be acceptable for entry to these. There is a masters in NUIG in Toxicology. Give the admissions office a call and quiz them on this.

764 days ago

Q: Just wondering. I’m on 613. Hoping for Ec & Finance UCD 625*. If I were to appeal and get marked up to 625, I would miss out on the * random allocation of places. How is this fair. What happens in this case do you know?

A: You will not miss out. When you apply to the CAO you are given a CAO application number but also in the background you are given a random number. When you are in a random pool you are listed in order of your random number and places are allocated on this basis. If you are upgraded then they will go back to Round One and see where your position in the course merit list for the course is and then if needed see your position in the random pool. If you would have been entitled to a place in Round One with the upgraded grades they you will be offered that in October.

764 days ago

Q: I got 499 points today and have applied to do primary teaching in DCU and Marino do you think I have any hope of getting it?

A: DCU was 518* last year and Marino was 508. From this you can see your chances for Marino seem better than DCU. It is just so hard to know if they will drop to 499, but you just never know. It will definitely be a long shot so I would spend some time looking at other options just in case.

764 days ago

Q: Can you find out the exact percentage you scored for each exam?

A: Yes, on Tuesday 6th from 12pm you can log into the SEC CAndidate Portal and access your marks for each exam including each component.

764 days ago

Q: If you appeal and get a lower result, do you get the highest of the two?

A: No, you get the downgraded result.

764 days ago

Q: I’m not sure if I should repeat because I got 500+ points. Would I be at a disadvantage because I did a reduced paper?

A: The changes that were made to this year’s papers will not be repeated to the same level next year so yes next year’s papers could be that bit more difficult depending on what changes they make to the 2023 papers and you could be at a disadvantage. You should definitely factor this into any plans to repeat.

764 days ago

Q: If I appeal a result and it comes back a grade higher and I then get my cao offer. Will I start the college season late?

A: Yes, you will definitely be starting late in October if you are made an offer for this year or you may be offered a deferred place for next year if they cannot create a place for you this year.

764 days ago

Q: How much is it to appeal a subject?

A: There are no fees for appeals this year.

764 days ago

Q: I got maximum points and wasn’t expecting to do so. Are there any academic scholarships in Irish universities for which I can still apply?

A: There is a very good scholarship tool on Careersportal at . I would recommend spending some time going through this useful tool to see what is available.

764 days ago

Q: My first choice was Nursing in Galway which was 476 points last year. Do you think with Nursing down 27% points will drop by much?

A: Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing this. Just because the first preferences for Nursing were down 27% in February does not automatically translate to a similar drop in points for nursing courses - there are other factors at play also. I personally can’t see Nursing dropping by anything near 27%.

764 days ago

Q: My daughter didn’t get enough points for her first choice. She got 495 points but has enough points for her second choice subject which was 443 last year. Is she guaranteed of getting her second choice if last years points remain more or less the same?

A: The CAO will examine each of the courses your daughter applied for and work out which ones she is entitled to a place on, on the basis of her points. They will then start at the top and offer her her highest preference course on each list. If her second choice is her highest preference course she is entitled to, then yes she will be offered this.

764 days ago

Q: I am 46 points off the advertised points for a course I want to do, is there any chance I might get an offer for it?

A: A margin of 46 points is quite a lot to make up and does seem a big gap to close under normal circumstances. I would never say never, however I would be looking at what else you might be offered.

764 days ago

Q: If you have applied for Cao points concession sports scholarship do you receive a Round One offer and subsequently receive the offer for the higher course?

A: My understanding is your concession is built onto your CAO application and your position on the course merit list reflects your points concession. So if that course is your top preference that you are entitled to a place on, then you will be offered it in Round One.

764 days ago

Q: If we need to repeat the Leaving Certificate, is it mandatory to enrol in a school ?

A: My understanding is no, however you will have to nominate an exam centre to sit your examinations as an external student.

764 days ago

Q: Hello. I am a Slovak student who completed the French Baccalaureate. For my course, the course requirement is a third language (besides English; I am exempt from Irish) - I got a H1 equivalent from Slovak in my results - should Slovak suffice as a third language for me?

A: Yes, Slovakian is acceptable as a third language.

764 days ago

Q: I got 601 points and am looking for Biomedical Science in UCC, is there any chance?

A: Given Biomedical Science last year was 590*, I think you are in with a good shot with 601. You are 11 points clear of last year which is a great margin to have. Best of luck.

764 days ago

Q: Good evening. Unlikely i will get offer of first choice 510 points in Galway, Law & Business- second choice DCU. Can I accept third choice on Cao over second choice?

A: Afraid not. If you are offered your 2nd choice, everything below that effectively disappears from your list and they only place you can go from here is to your first preference if you become entitled to it in the next rounds.

764 days ago

Q: How do the points compared to ‘21 for Medicine?

A: We don’t know yet what the points are for Medicine, we will have to wait until 2pm on Thursday next to find out.

764 days ago

Q: If I appeal firstly do I lose points for appealing and how will I know I’ve been accepted to my course if I get accepted in Round One?

A: An offer will be made to you by CAO via your CAO account. Appeals can result in an upgrade or downgrade. The latter does not happen as frequently.

764 days ago

Q: My results were similar to my mock results (which was marked traditionally) I haven’t gotten any inflated grades

A: You will be able to see a breakdown of your rseults for each subject on Sept 6th at 12 pm. You might get a better insight from this.

764 days ago

Q: What is round zero in the CAO 2023 reapplication?

A: Thank you Round zero is when offers are made to CAO applicants that are not competing with those awaiting Leaving cert subjects. Applicants may be mature students, deferred applicants , QQI applicants etc. Hope that this helps.

764 days ago

Q: I got 382 points in leaving cert. What are my chances of getting arts in UCC?

A: I would be very optimistic but nobody will know for definite until Thursday. Best of luck. Hope that you get what you want.

764 days ago

Q: In an recheck / appeal situation can points be adjusted downwards as well as upward (or only increased?)

A: Adjustments can be made either way. Majority are upgraded.

764 days ago

Q: I’m a H1 student in Biology and I received a H2 in my results. Is it possible to check if marks have been added up correctly before an appeal is made?

A: Yes, marks will be shown at 12 pm on Sept 6th. You can access this via the candidiate self portal.

764 days ago

Q: If I appeal my result in one subject can my grade that I received today in that subject be downgraded

A: Yes but the number downgraded tends to be lower than the upgrades. You’ll be in a college at that stage. If your points were no longer sufficient then it would be the colleges decision whether you stay or not. I think that you would be safe!

764 days ago

Q: Would love your advice to help my daughter challenge a couple of papers/results received this morning. As you can imagine there has been tears, anger and frustration to see results displayed that do not match your performance in the mocks and over all during the previous two years. She normally achieves a H1 or H2 in Geography but scored a H3. Some of her friends who regarded Geography as their weak subject achieved a better score. Unfortunately supposed to be a happy occasion has turned out to be the opposite. She also made a mistake on her third choice by entering incorrect course code in Maynooth. Would an email to CAO office in your opinion accept change to amend this?

A: Ok, so next Tuesday (12pm) your daughter will be able to log into the portal and see a full breakdown of her marks in all her subjects including her Geography. This will be useful as she will be able to see where she may have lost marks. From 5pm that evening, again through the SEC portal, she will be able to apply to view her scripts. This again will be very useful as she will be able to see her paper and see if she is happy with how it was marked. If she feels it has not been marked appropriately then she can apply to have the paper remarked through an appeal application. This can be applied for from 9am on Saturday 10th Sept. This means the paper will be recorrected by a different person. Unfortunately you cannot change your CAO form since the 1st of July, so whatever is in the account now is it. An email to CAO will be a waste of time as they cannot change anyone’s account at this stage.

764 days ago

Q: I received 433 points today, very disappointed. I want to do Business. My CAO form lists DCU, TUD and Maynooth in that order. Have I any hope of TUD or Maynooth now?

A: I can’t answer this. There is always hope but nobody will know CAO 2022 course points until Thursday. TUD do have Level 7 courses that offer pathways into Business Level 8 courses. NUI Maynooth offer pathways from BA Arts into Business programmes.

764 days ago

Q: My son did not do as well as expected. He could get science in NUI Galway if points remain as per last year. Are points likely to rise?

A: I don’t have access to all necessary data. Many variables affect points. Nobody will know until 2 pm next Thursday. We are just going to have to wait. Best of luck.

764 days ago

Q: The course I want in Queens says a H3 in chemistry is needed. I got a H4 but my points are 519. This is higher than the points required. Should I contact them? Is there some room for manoeuvre?

A: I would advise you to contact them but you must meet the subject specific requirements.

764 days ago

Q: Is it possible by any chance to change your CAO courses?

A: No, I am afraid not. The final deadline for the change of mind was July 1st.

764 days ago

Q: Hi I got 462 points do you think I can get into UCC general nursing?

A: You are a little off last year’s points. But remember that points can change from year to year. You should look at your back-up options also. A PLC could offer a pathway into this course? No one will know the cut off points for any course until next Thursday. Congrats on a great result.

764 days ago

Q: If a student is not happy with the grade given how do they start this process and how long and how much does it cost and how many subjects can be appealed?

A: There is no cost for appeals in 2022. Please click on the following link for info regarding appeals procedure. Please get back on if you need more guidance. The best of luck.

764 days ago

Q: My daughter wanted to do Architecture but was not very well advised through her school career guidance department. She was not aware until it was too late that Bolton street college required a portfolio for entry. She had put so much effort into an Art portfolio and ran out of time to do a separate one for Bolton street as presentation was very near the leaving cert.She consequently didn’t put down Architecture on her CAO change of choices. She has since been accepted into NCAD for general entry Art 1st year. She has the points from today and also enough for Bolton St. But I have several questions: If she was to apply for Bolton St next year doing a portfolio would she have to pay full non-subsidised fees for first year again, as she would have already completed a first year course in NCAD? Could she put several choices down on a reapplication CAO form for 2023 as there are several other colleges offering architecture or does it just have to be one course put down on a reapplication? Finally is it ever a good idea to drop out of a course you are enjoying She is highly talented in Art and I suspect she could complete the full degree with ease. That would then leave her 3 to 4 years before she could apply for Architecture as a mature student by which stage I think the full fees for a brand new degree course would kick in or is that correct?

A: If your daughter wishes to reapply through the CAO next year, then this is a whole new application and she can put down 20 new courses if she so wishes. There is no particular limit on the number of courses she can apply for just because it is a new application. If your daughter completes her year in NCAD then yes she has used up her year one subsidy for year one fees and would have to pay the full economic cost for any other first year she completes. If your daughter really wants to do Architecture then it is worth pursuing this if she has the points and has a portfolio completed. You are right, there are a number of good Architecture courses available and if this is really what she wants to do, is it worth taking a year out and applying next year. However, if your daughter is happy to go to NCAD and likes the thought of doing the course then I would consider doing year one and evaluating what she wants to do as the year progresses. If she is very happy on the course she may want to stay on it or she may be ready to switch after first year to Architecture. If she leaves the course by February you may only be liable for half economic fees the following year.

764 days ago

Q: The course I want right now is my 6th option and I met the points and requirement - will I get an offer?

A: You will be offered the highest course you are entitled to on each list (Level 8 and Level 7/6) in Round One. Everything below these courses on each list will then disappear from your preferences. If you become entitled to a higher preference course in Round Two then you will be offered these and it is your choice if you want to move to the higher preferences. Once you are offered a course you can never move down your list to a lower preference.

764 days ago

Q: My daughter is considering a deferral following offers next week. Are these generally permitted?

A: Yes, but you must contact admissions and seek a deferral. In rare cases deferrals can be refused. Please see this link:

764 days ago

Q: I’m EU student, schooled in Ireland but move to Netherlands for 5Y and 6Y and follow an Advanced Placement Program, can I ask for conversion and apply through CAO like IB?

A: This is a very specific question and I think the best way forward with this is to contact the admissions office of the universities your would like to apply to here in Ireland and put this question to them. I am not aware of a conversion table for APs but I think the admissions teams would be best to talk to. It may be that different universities take a different approach so worth checking with them directly.

764 days ago

Q: I got 553 points is there any chance i might get Speech Therapy in Trinity?

A: You’re very close to last years cut off points. Nobody will know cut off points for 2022 until next Thursday. Stay positive. Best of luck.

764 days ago

Q: Can you get 3 offers from colleges. I’m afraid the course I want is my 6th option which I really want.

A: You will be offered the highest course you are entitled to on each list (Level 8 and Level 7/6) in Round One. Everything below these courses on each list will then disappear from your preferences. If you become entitled to a higher preference course in Round Two then you will be offered these and it is up to you if you want to opt for the higher preferences. Once you are offered a course you can never move down your list to a lower preference.

764 days ago

Q: Can you apply through CAO with APs (Advanced Placement Programs). I’m EU student in The American School of The Hague. I know of the conversion table for IB, is there something similar for APs. Where can I get more info? I studied in Ireland until now and I would like to come back to college but I’ll do 5Y and 6Y here and I’m starting an AP program and I would like to learn about my options for applying in Ireland.

A: This is a very specific question and I think the best way forward with this is to contact the admissions office of the universities your would like to apply to here in Ireland and put this question to them. I am not aware of a conversion table for APs but I think the admissions teams would be best to talk to. It may be that different universities take a different approach so worth checking with them directly.

764 days ago

Q: I got 388 points on my Leaving Cert and have applied for a 370 point course at Maynooth, do you think I’ll get in?

A: If you have 388 and the course you are hoping to get was 370 last year then it is fair to say you have a very good chance of an offer of a place unless something very unusual happens.

764 days ago

Q: Can I appeal my full result?

A: If you appeal a subject it is regraded again by a different person and a new grade will be given from that examiner.

764 days ago

Q: I received 544 points today looking to do Accounting in UCC but CAO is 553 is there any hope of a place?

A: Accounting last year in UCC - CK202 had a final cut off at 532* so I think you have a very good chance of being offered a place. I know it started at 553 in round one but it dropped considerably. I think you are in a good place. Best of luck.

764 days ago

Q: When will we get actual percentage numbers (marks) in each subject?

A: Next Tuesday 6th September at 12pm you will have access to your marks including for each component in all your subjects.

764 days ago

Q: If I appeal one of my top six subjects will it affect my cao offers?

A: Not in the short term. Your offers next week will be based on what you have now. If you appeal one of your grades and get an upgrade this will probably not be known until October. If you get an upgrade this will be backdated to Round One and whatever you would have been entitled to with the upgrade in Round One must be offered to your in October (or a deferred place the following year).

764 days ago

Q: Do you think 533 points will be enough for computer science in Trinity College Dublin?

A: Points are influenced by so many variables that fluctuate year on year. Nobody will know cut off points until next Thursday. Stay hopeful and enjoy your success.

764 days ago

Q: Got 544 today looking to do accounting in UCC what are my chances in view of CAO Points?

A: Accounting last year in UCC - CK202 had a final cut off at 532 - so I think you have a very good chance of being offered a place. I know it started at 553 in Round One but it dropped considerably. I think you are in a good place. Best of luck.

764 days ago

Q: I got 521 points in my leaving today. I have primary school teaching as the option nearest to the points in Mary I Limerick. The points for this course were 522 last year. Are they likely to rise or come down?

A: It is a guessing game. Too many factors influence points, supply of places, number of deferrals etc. This course didn’t drop in points for any round last year. But this may or may not be the case for 2022. Stay hopeful.

764 days ago

Q: Do you know if the number of applications for Commerce in UCD is up or down compared to last year and by how much?

A: I wouldn’t have access to that data. Nobody will know until Thursday. Best of luck and I hope that things work out.

764 days ago

Q: My daughter disappointed with 2 of her strongest subjects results. Can we look at the scripts? Does this affect her CAO offer by looking at them. Or can we look at them & see if she gets offered something there by it wouldn’t matter if we appealed.

A: Yes you can view the scripts. You appy to do this through the SEC portal from Tuesday 6th Sept. at at 5pm to Wednesday 7th Sept. until 8pm. Viewing scripts will not affect what is going to be offered through the CAO. Whatever you are offered next week in the CAO will be based on your existing results from today. If you view your scripts and appeal them the results of the appeal will probably not be out until October. If you are upgraded in October, then these results will be backdated to Round One and you will be offered whatever you would have been entitled to at the Round One stage.

764 days ago

Q: Where can I find an official copy of results to forward to the college in the uk

A: You can print off a copy of your results from the portal. State Examinations issue results. Please see their contact details below The SEC Candidate Portal helpline will be available at 1800 111 135 or 1800 111 136 from 9am to 5pm from 2 September to 12 September.

764 days ago

Q: Should my leaving certificate results appear on my CAO portal? When I checked today it only shows my LC number and my examination year 2022

A: No your LC results should not appear in your CAO account at this stage. What you see is correct - you informed them you were sitting the LC in 2022, so they will get your results from the SEC.

764 days ago

Q: Are mistakes with markings very common in the Leaving Cert or is there a small chance of anything being changed at all regarding marks etc

A: An appeal examiner will review your script and remark it. Any mistakes made will be corrected and a candidate may or may not receive an upgrade. A date for the results from the appeals is still to be confirmed. Please look at the following link

764 days ago

Q: How many people get above 600 points, is it a common result?

A: I don’t have stats for this year yet as to how may students got above 600 points. Over the last 2 years grades for the LC have been inflated as modified papers and teachers grades have led to this. This has obviously led to a lot more students getting over the 600 point threshold in 2020, 2021 and this year. It is a huge achievement. Would I say it is a common result? Not particularly under normal circumstances but also in current times.

764 days ago

Q: I wish to take a gap year as I have changed my mind about my current applied for courses. Can I use my Leaving Cert 2022 points to apply for courses through the CAO in 2023?

A: Yes of course. You will need to make a 2023 CAO application. Take note of the 2023 round zero offers. You will be included in round zero. The best of luck.Q

764 days ago

Q: Just wondering is there an award for getting 625 points?

A: Many institutions offer entrance scholar awards to high achieving students. UCD offer awards to students who achieve over 560 points, whereas NUIM offer awards to students who achieve over 550 pts. It varies depending on the institution in question. I would advise you to make contact with the college.

764 days ago

Q: I was thinking of doing a course as Pharmacy Technician in Letterkenny ATU. I satisfy minimum requirements to do the course. My question is the follow on course is Master of Pharmacy in Ulster University and it says once minimum entry requirements have been met. When I go to the Ulster University website it says I need a H2 in chemistry and biology or agri science. I don’t meet these. Do I have to meet these if if I pass the PLC technician course and secondly If I don’t qualify could I repeat just chemistry and biology to get the two H2 requirements?

A: Generally speaking if you complete a course after your Leaving Certificate like the Pharmacy Technician Course and wish to use this to enter a Level 8 degree (or masters if there is a pathway), you would not be required to meet the Leaving Certificate Entry Requirements for the Level 8 course. You would be matriculating on the basis of the Level 6 or Level 7 course. However there are exceptions to this from time to time. My advice is to contact admissions in LYIT and ask them what is the relationship between the technician course and the masters in UU. They will be able to tell you what is required in any agreed progression pathway they have in place.

764 days ago

Q: I got 498 points. I wanted to do law in UCC. What is my best option now? 1. A PLC course with the hope of getting one of those 5 places offered? Or 2. Another undergraduate, I will possibly be offered criminology in UCC.

A: If you really want that specific course then completing a PLC to compete for one of the FETAC places should be seriously considered. However if you are happy to move forward in a similar course area the Criminology course is a very good course. You could always do a postgrad in Law if you wanted to at the end of the Criminology degree. There may also be transfer options between the two courses later in the programme - you could check this out with the admissions office in UCC.

764 days ago

Q: My daughter got 554 points, 1 short of the points for speech and language in TCD based on last years points. She wants to get her H2 papers checked to see if she can get one of them up to a H1. If she does get the higher result on recheck but has already accepted her offer on cao of a different course what does she do?

A: She can chose to stay on her course or transfer across to SLT ( providing that there is space on SLT course). No appeals date has been confimed yet. CAO will then make an offer to candidates who satisfy all entry req and CAO cut off points due to a successful appeal.

764 days ago

Q: Are applications up or down for psychology this year? Trinity is my first choice followed by ucd. I got 578 points.

A: Applications seem to be down a little according to CAO stats back in February. However, these figures will have changed again since July 1st. Nobody will know the points until next Thursday. However, more places may become available on this course. A lot of variants can affect points.

764 days ago

Q: ls 308 points enough for an arts course?

A: That will depend on the institution in question. Nobody will know the points for any course until Thursday at 2pm.

764 days ago

Q: I didn’t get my results how can I see them?

A: Your results should be on your candidate self portal. I would advise you to contact the SEC. Please see details here: Please get back on if you need further guidance.

764 days ago

Q: I would like to have one of my subjects (Art) reassessed. Please explain the process for this. I am aware the CAO offers are not out yet but if I was to get this rechecked, when will it be done for. Would it be a situation where I accept a different offer and if I end up getting the course I want, I’ll get transferred?

A: To submit an appeal for your Art you need to log into the SEC portal between 9am on 10th September and 12pm on the 12th September and request a recheck for the paper. We are not sure when the results of the appeals will be published - probably some time in October. So for the moment CAO will offer you courses based on your current results and you must make decisions on the basis that this situation may not change. If however you get an upgrade to your Art result in October then this will be backdated to Round One and whatever you would have been entitled to in Round One with your updated score must either be offered to you in October or a deferred place the following year.

764 days ago

Q: Can I apply to get a breakdown of my actual scores per paper? Just to see how far off the higher grade I am as this will help determine whether to view/appeal a particular subject.

A: Breakdown of marks will be available to view at 12 pm Sept 6th. This can be accessed via the portal. Best of luck.

764 days ago

Q: Is it possible that a project may not have been added in when calculating a result? As mine makes no sense? Will defo appeal it but thats the only possible explanation I can come up with.

A: A breakdown of your results will be available on your student portal at 12 pm Sept 6th. You will then have a definite answer. Good luck.

764 days ago

Q: How are people chosen for HEAR places?

A: The number of HEAR places varies per course and per HEI. You can find out more by clicking on the link:

764 days ago

Q: I changed my course for Maynooth Computer Science through arts from 1st to second option. If I get the 1st option can I still get the 2nd option?

A: No. Once you receive an offer all offers below this become obsolete. If your first choice is in NUI Maynooth then they may allow you transfer on admission but you should check with them.

764 days ago

Q: Hello I am wondering if my results are sent directly to UCAS as the university says they have not received them

A: The SEC sends a file to UCAS with a set of results each year. However, I always advise students to contact the relevant university in the UK and ensure they have their results. This year our results are out much later than usual so the file is going to be quite late going to UCAS.

764 days ago

Q: If I got accepted into Arts in Maynooth and did the subject Nua-Gaeilge with another subject, is that acceptable to get into the Post Grad course in Marino, or do you still need a TEG or H4?

A: A pass in Nua Gaeilge first year Arts will act as a substitute for the H4 Leaving Cert. I recommend that you make contact with the college itself.

764 days ago

Q: How many points needed for Trinity Physics TR063 degree for 2022?

A: That won’t be known until 521 were the points for TR063 last year. You must satisfy minimum entry requirements also. Good luck.

764 days ago

Q: What date & how do you submit an appeal to have papers rechecked? What is the cost per paper to have this done?

A: There is no fee for appeals this year. To submit an appeal then you need to log into the SEC portal between 9am on 10th September and 12pm on the 12th September and request a recheck for the paper involved.

764 days ago

Q: Is there a minimum Hpat score for medicine through DARE for UCD or NUI Galway. I got 146 and with that and cao points have 711.

A: No. Entry will be based on CAO points. A combination of Hpat and Leaving Cert results will be used. Please read following link.

764 days ago

Q: How long does it take the appeal result to come? CAO round 1 starts next week so how does it work if I get better marks after appeal results?

A: Please see previous answer. No date has been set for appeals yet. You will find more information here.

764 days ago

Q: If you appeal a subject and receive an upgrade, will the results and timescale be enough for CAO offers?

A: No date has been confirmed yet. You will receive an offer if there is still spaces available on your course. Otherwise a place will be reserved for you for Sept 2023. Please view the following link

764 days ago

Q: What is the appeal process is for appealing just one result?

A: If you wish to go straight to appeal then you need to log into the SEC portal between 9am on 10th September and 12pm on the 12th September and request a recheck for the paper involved.

764 days ago

Q: My son achieved 466 points but is devastated that he didn’t achieve the results he needed for Architecture in UL. Are there any alternative routes to this Architecture?

A: Unfortunately there is no FETAC/PLC route to the Architecture course in UL. It may be possible to start another course in a similar area and transfer onto this course in 2nd or third year. I would advise contacting UL to enquire about possible transfers onto this course. I would imagine places would be very limited however.

764 days ago

Q: Can you accept a round 2 offer if you’ve already accepted a round one offer?

A: Yes. If you receive a 2nd round offer having accepted a first round place, you are entitled to accept this and the first round place is replaced.

764 days ago

Q: Do you think primary teaching entry point will be lower than 2021?

A: Unfortunately there is no way of knowing for sure. The level of applicants in the education area is not significantly different to last year so one would assume the points are going to be broadly the same as last year. However, how that translates to the points for individual courses is not possible to predict I’m afraid.

764 days ago

Q: Hi, I am currently in university (completed year 1). I have applied through CAO this year for a different course at another university. My query is , if I am successful with this year CAO and accept, can I pause current course and take a year out, in case I decide to return next year ? Thank you.

A: My sense of this is that you would not be allowed to hold 2 places at the one time in public universities, attending one and holding one. I think the best course of action is to contact the registry office in your current college and run this scenario past them. They should be able to give you clear guidance if this is possible or not.

764 days ago

Q: Can you help with this query. My son has enough points for one of his chosen courses, and he wants to defer same. He has since learned of another course that he would be interested in – is it possible for him To apply again through CAO even though he has a deferral pending?

A: The deferral procedure in the CAO allows a student to defer a place until the following year if the college allows this. Once the place is deferred the procedure to take up the place the following year is secure. The student must reapply through the CAO the following year and only put the deferred course on the CAO application. They will be guaranteed this place. If however another course is put on the CAO application form then the deferred place is lost and the student is again in open competition for places on the courses now applied for.

764 days ago

Q: Is there any information about DARE points for courses? I got 510 points (without DARE) but I still have no idea if I will get any of my top choices which ranged from 510 to 613 points in 2021.

A: No, the CAO do not release the points at which DARE candidates received a place. When you get an offer you will know from the cut off points for a course if you received a DARE place or not but the CAO will not publish the cut off points for DARE places.

764 days ago

Q: How do I appeal my result in English?

A: Before appealing we would advise viewing the script first so you are sure that appealing is the right move. To view the script log into the SEC Candidate Self Portal here and request to view your script. This opens on Tuesday 6th September at 5pm and closes on Wednesday 7th at 8pm. If you decide you want to go ahead and appeal the script, log into the portal between 9am on Saturday 10th September and Monday 12th September at 12pm and request for the paper to be rechecked.

764 days ago

Q: I want to appeal the scores.

A: So as you are probably aware there is an appeal process this year where papers will be remarked by another examiner. We recommend viewing your scripts first to make sure any decision to appeal the paper is the correct decision. Remember that marks can go down as well as up with a remark so it is worth spending some time seeing where your current mark is. Are you near the top marks in a grade band or are you near the lower end of the grade? If it is the latter, it may not be advisable to appeal a grade in case you drop further to the lower grade. There is a tight schedule for viewing papers and for appealing results so do be careful as the deadlines are enforced. The relevant dates can be viewed here.

764 days ago

Q: My daughter is extremely disappointed with her Art results as she (and her teacher) were expecting a H1 in higher and got a H3. Is it worth getting the exam remarked?

A: On the 6th of September she will have access to the component marks for her Art paper. She should have a look at these and this will help her (and maybe her teacher) decide if a recheck is worth pursuing. It would definitively be worthwhile viewing the script first and this will also assist with the decision around the recheck.

764 days ago

Q: Hi My son has got a course that he will accept but intends to defer it. He has since learned of another course that he would prefer. Can he apply for that in next year’s CAO applications?

A: Can you provide a little more detail of the courses in question?

764 days ago

Q: Can you still receive a CAO offer if you meet the minimum entry requirements but failed 1 subject H8 (assuming you do 7 subjects and failed 1)

A: Yes. Providing that you do not need this subject for specific subject requirement. Go to the college website and check the entry and subject requirements for your course.

764 days ago

Q: I think I’ll get enough points for my course in NUI Galway, but accommodation is impossible to get. Do you think I willBe able to defer? And are there any risks or downsides around doing so?

A: Please view this link at and follow the necessary procedure for deferral.

764 days ago

Q: As the results are now out, have you any feel for what the points for Medicine are likely to be?

A: Unfortunately not. The admissions officers for the medical colleges will now sit down and look at the places they have and the CAO merit lists for medical courses and allocate places. There is no way for us to to determine the points of the last person to be offered a place and hence the cut off points for the course. (BH)

764 days ago

Q: I got 411 points. Should be good for my first choice Arts in Galway?

A: I hope so but unfortunately we won’t know until next Thursday when the First Round offers are issued. Well done.

764 days ago

Q: Do the requirement subjects need to be counted in your best 6?

A: No. Your best six subjects should be used to count CAO points. You will need to satisfy minimum entry requirements with all subjects. (BH)

764 days ago

Q: How much does it cost it to appeal? How many subjects can I appeal? When can I do it? When will I know my appealed results?

A: There is no fee for appeals in 2022. You can appeal as many subjects as you like. Please find all details in the attached link.

764 days ago

Q: Do you think the points will fall? I am two points off my desired course in Maynooth.

A: I cannot predict this. It will depend on the supply of places and how many places become available in Round 2.

764 days ago

Q: Hi there my son got 378 In his Leaving Cert. We expected around 400/450 so all CAO applications are around this mark including the PLCs. Can you advise what we do next? He wants to do science in Limerick as we can’t afford/get accommodation elsewhere?

A: Your son would qualify for PLC entry. PLC can be used as a pathway into a Level 8 course. I would advise researching the possibility of doing a PLC in the Sciences somewhere close by. Inquire as to what courses can be accessed upon completion of the PLC. Please get back on if you need more guidance. Courses could also come up under Available Places. He may get a Level 6/7 offer and could progress from there.

764 days ago

Q: How will I know if my CAO offer has come through Dare? Will it be stated on the offer?

A: No, you will just receive an offer as normal. You yourself will know if you receive an offer that requires more points than what you actually got.