Set in the very near future, in an un-named British city, this novel is an eerie premonition at the fate of today’s squeezed middle. Increased landlord property ownership and ongoing rent hikes mean most of the workforce live well beyond their means. When Karl is found guilty of financial fraud he is offered a place on a pilot scheme called The Transition, in lieu of prison time.
For a six-month period, himself and Genevieve must shed their old lives and live with mentors who reprogramme their lives; everything from dental hygiene and dietary changes to financial advice and forced reading material.
While Genevieve slips into the new role with relative ease, Karl has his suspicions and worries about his wife’s fragile mental state. With some careful research, he uncovers underground secrets and the true ethos of The Transition.

Kennard has taken topical issues of today, added in technological advancement of tomorrow and shown how it could result in social disaster. “I’ve fallen through the net! I’m the silent majority!”. An insightful work of fiction with dark wit and unsettling accuracy.