Gardaí investigating alleged racist abuse of Limerick election candidate and canvassing team

Fianna Fáil’s Suzzie O’Deniyi was subjected to a ‘beyond vile’ tirade in the Caherdavin area

Fianna Fáil candidate Suzzie O’Deniyi: racially abusing while canvassing in Limerick.

Gardaí in Limerick are investigating what has been described as a “beyond vile” verbal attack on a Fianna Fáil local election candidate and her canvassing team.

Suzzie O’Deniyi is standing for the party in the Limerick City North electoral area and has said she hopes to be the first woman of colour to be elected to Limerick City and County Council.

While canvassing in the Caherdavin area on Wednesday evening, Ms O’Deniyi and her team were accosted by a man who verbally abused them. The unidentified man shot video of the encounter, during which he shouted aggressively at Ms O’Deniyi and her colleagues, hurling racially-charged insults and expletives.

One of the canvassers is heard on the footage telling him that he should not be shooting video of them but he continues to do so. The segment lasted for a minute. The video of the encounter was later posted to social media and was widely shared on Thursday.


The racial and sexist nature of the verbal attack has been widely condemned by politicians in Limerick and nationally, with some describing it as the worst verbal harassment they have seen of any politician to date.

Ms O’Deniyi, a healthcare professional, grew up in Limerick and was educated locally in Scoil Mháire Dé primary school and Scoil Carmel secondary school. In recent years, she has been an advocate for mental health and social justice.

When contacted on Thursday about the incident, Ms O’Deniyi said it was being investigated by gardaí and she was unable to comment as a result.

Limerick Fianna Fáil TD Niall Collins said it was nothing less than a “racist attack” on a candidate.

“What occurred was beyond vile. It was a despicable thing to happen while out canvassing,” said Mr Collins, a Minister of State at the Department of Education.

“Suzzie O’Deniyi has had the courage of her convictions to put her name on the ballot to hopefully represent all of the people of Limerick’s northside,” he said. “She has my full support and also the full support of the party.”

Fianna Fáil mayoral candidate Dee Ryan posted message on social media condemning the incident. “Unacceptable verbal abuse & intimidation of my colleague Suzzie O’Deniyi and volunteer team who were bringing democratic choice to peoples doors in Limerick City North on a canvass last night. Zero tolerance for this kind of election interference.”

The attack has also been condemned by representatives of other parties in Limerick.

Harry McGee

Harry McGee

Harry McGee is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times