This Konami classic finally makes it on to the Wii U, adding to the expanding roster of old favourites on its virtual console. Kid-Yin and Dr Yang (or Goemon and Ebisumaru, depending on your preference) are on the hunt for the princess, who has been kidnapped by some ne’er-do-well army types. Most of the initial action takes place in the village, where you have to chat to the locals, buy items and fight whatever combatants come your way without dying. It then moves on to the temples, castles and other environments. There are mini games to play and items to collect that will help boost your weapons and abilities. As you defeat enemies, they drop everything from gold coins to cats, giving plenty of opportunity to build up your defences as you make your way to the big battle at the end. It’s deceptively difficult. Get used to seeing the Game Over screen in the early attempts – although Kid Yin and Co have spent some time out of the spotlight, they haven’t gone soft. A lighthearted classic.
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Another old favourite is retooled for the Wii U