Ninja cat breathes new life into Microsoft’s corporate image

This is not the ‘Excel spreadsheets’ Microsoft of your forefathers

Now that Apple is everywhere, it may be time for techno-hipsters to pledge allegiance to Microsoft. This is not the 'Excel spreadsheets' Microsoft of your forefathers, it comes in the form of a ninja cat riding a fire-breathing unicorn.

Now don't be so cynical, a multinational tech corporation is not trying to co-opt 'the interwebz' in an attempt to appear relevant. This image began to appear on stickers late last year, making it onto the snowboarding helmet of Frank Shaw, head of communications at Microsoft, as well as popping up on employee laptops.

The sticker’s scarcity has made it desirable and spawned fan creations that can be found online. It might not be an Apple Watch but it’s changing the conversation.