How to . . . save your Flickr photos before it’s too late

February 5th is the day free accounts will see their storage cut

Phototgraph: iStock

Do you have a Flickr account? If so, you might want to check up on it. As of February 5th, all free Flickr accounts will be limited to 1,000 photos or videos. That means Flickr will be clearing out accounts that exceed that limit, and first to go will be your oldest photographs.

You have two choices: upgrade to Pro, or download your images. The good news is if you opt for the latter, you can get hold of everything before it’s too late, and it will only take a few minutes to do it.

First, log into your Flickr account. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select Settings, which will bring you to your account page.

Scroll down to Your Flickr data, and click on Request my Flickr data. Flickr will take some time to compile it, but it will include everything from personal data and account preferences to your photos and videos.


Once your file is ready, Flickr will email you, so now is the time to go and do something else for a little while. Once you get the email, you can go back to your account and choose to download your data as a zip file, giving you access to all your photos and videos in one handy place.

Flickr even separates it into two types of data - your account information will be in one and the photos and videos in another (or two). The link will only stay active for a short time so save it to your computer as soon as possible.